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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Watch What Happens Live 20x53 - Hayley De Sola Pinto, TylerWalker
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    Actor KEANU REEVES sits down with the hosts to talk about thelatest addition to the "John Wick" franchise, and actorREGÉ-JEAN PAGE discusses his role in the upcoming film"Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves." Plus,lifestyle expert MONICA MANGIN is back with all of the bestspring bargains.
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    The remaining couples set off on homestays to experience whatlife would be like with their partners back in the outsideworld.
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    Tamron talks to the people behind the hottest stories on themarket! Kicking off with TESSA BAILEY, New York Timesbestselling author, on her new novel, "Secretly Yours."Then, author LAURA CATHCART ROBBINS, host of the popularpodcast "The Only One in the Room," shares her true story ofsecret addiction and motherhood in Hollywood from her newbook, "Stash: My Life in Hiding." Plus, 14-time New YorkTimes bestselling author MARIE LU will discuss her latestmasterpiece, "Stars and Smoke." And, award-winning author andfilmmaker NICK BROOKS on his new thriller, "Promise Boys."Then, how a daughter used TikTok to turn her father's11-year-old novel into a bestseller!
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    Watch What Happens Live 20x52 - Tamar Braxton, Evelyn Lozada,Nivea
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    The final Commitment Ceremony will see which couples choose tostay in the experiment and prepare for Final Vows.
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    When Amelia volunteers as a sacrificial lamb for the greatergood of the class, Zoe must decide if their friendship is overforever.
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    In the aftermath of Sandy's vengeful return, Zoe must stopAmelia from leading the class into a hedonistic end-of-lifeparty.
  9. until
    Shuttered in with food poisoning during a torrential storm,the class begins healing their teenage wounds.
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    Genevieve brings Saskia to trial for her mean girl crimes,while Zoe finds herself in a tight spot when Amelia agrees todefend Saskia.
  11. until
    As Miami's waters rise, Rabbi Zucker gets an intriguing offerfrom the father (David Schwimmer) of a young woman preparingfor her bat mitzvah.
  12. until
    The women begin to power the school under Saskia's increasinglyruthless leadership, while Zoe hunts for a new best friend totake Amelia's place.
  13. until
    Under mean girl Saskia's newly instated reign, Zoe struggleswith Sandy's disappearance while Genevieve begins a relentlesssearch.
  14. until
    Rebecca, a marine biologist, strives to connect with ahumpback whale (voiced by Meryl Streep) before it's too late.
  15. until
    Realising they are stuck at Ridge Heights for the foreseeablefuture, the classmates scramble for a plan to survive.
  16. until
    As nations fight over Earth's fate, Rebecca (Sienna Miller),Marshall (Daveed Diggs), and Junior (Matthew Rhys) all seetheir plans go up in smoke.
  17. until
    After getting dumped on national television, Zoe goes intohiding by living off-grid until strange weather events lead herto seek out higher ground at her old school where Zoe stumblesupon her own ten year high school reunion in full swing.
  18. until
    Panic spreads when an arsonist targets three businesses,bizarrely invoking the Three Little Pigs fable. Meanwhile,Martha has some serious thinking to do.
  19. until
    Lindsay and Miguel are forced to reckon with their pasts, andthe unfinished business they thought they had left behind.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
  22. until
    More truths emerge about the bombing suspect's identity.Chelsea and Peter race to find Maddie after she sends a videowith a coded message.
  23. until
    Crippled, cornered, and out of options, Picard stages agambit to trap Vadic and reveal her true motive - a gamble thatputs the Titan in the crosshairs and forces Picard and Beverlyto question every moral code they've ever held.
  24. until
    Bryce confronts Angela about ghosting him and insists hedoesn't know why; Nathan and Tony are shocked when they find adating profile for Fatima.
  25. until
    Tensions rise, as Zac and Fatima deal with trust issues: Zacmust ward off an insistent Deja.
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