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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Guest host John Leguizamo tackles the news of the day.
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    A father desperate to find his son helps Stabler uncover asinister human trafficking operation. Bell's investigation isundermined by a high-powered politician.
  3. until
    Mariana returns to Speckulate. Davia evaluates her next careermove when a friend from her theater days resurfaces. Lucastruggles to keep up in his first-ever professional danceclass. Malika attempts to find work/life balance.
  4. until
    With rumors of a new Alaskan newspaper swirling, the teaminvestigates their competition and what it means for the futureof local news. Meanwhile, Eileen and Roz listen to Gloria'sfinal call and find their lead before an innocent man is putaway.
  5. until
    When the body of a young girl who was killed over 40 years agois discovered at the bottom of Lake Mead, Max Roby promisesher mother, Raquel Williams, that the CSI team will finallyfind justice for her daughter. Also, Greg Sanders brings hisquirky humor as he returns to the crime lab.
  6. until
    Coming Soon...
  7. until
    In the heat of the moment, Zoey kisses Kat at karaoke night.Zoey hopes this moment can be kept between the two of them,but Kat struggles to keep the kiss a secret from Max. Duringanother hectic day of condo renovations, Randi discovers asecret hideaway, that she hides from Carter and transformsinto a place for her to unwind.
  8. until
    When a juror dies during Susan's first big trial as leadattorney, Margaret and Todd work to exonerate Amy, a jurorfrom the same trial suspected of the murder. Also, Margaret'ssister Patty is in town and sparks fly between Todd and Amy.
  9. until
    The search for a suspect who drugs women's drinks in crowdedbars leads the SVU to Muncy's brother. Churlish makes a riskymove to impress Benson.
  10. until
    Alberta is thrilled when a living relative, Alicia, visitsWoodstone to learn more about her, but things take a turn whenshe hits it off with Todd, Sam's podcast co-host. Also, Nigeluses his knowledge of Trevor and Hetty's secret tryst to try toblackmail Hetty.
  11. until
    Frank and Victoria stakeout a squawking peacock. Emily andPatel attend to Shred.
  12. until
    In the immediate aftermath of shocking events at the clinic,the hospital goes on lockdown and the Grey Sloan doctors splitup to save multiple lives. Meanwhile, Maggie lands in hotwater with Winston, and Jules' roommate makes a surpriseappearance.
  13. until
    Troy runs into big trouble in his favorite honey hole: Danielchases a legendary gator known as The Pirate; Leron andPorkchop battle a voodoo curse and confront a zombie gator;Black Rambo answers a call for help from his grandpa.
  14. until
    A call from a social media star's livestream sends the team onan unusual rescue. Travis' mayoral campaign takes off, much tohis chagrin. Back at the station, Ben treats a patient with asurprising diagnosis.
  15. until
    In the thrilling second half of a two-part episode, the TexasRangers and the Walker Family must contend with Grey Flag'splans and one truth... that everything was a lie.
  16. until
    Missy steals her dad's truck and hits the road with her friendPaige.
  17. until
    When a public defender is murdered, Cosgrove and Shaw aresurprised to find Price at the crime scene. His involvement inthe trial compromises the case.
  18. until
    Gene and Cindy exercise their smarts to unify warringfactions, but the arrival of a face from Cindy's past createstremors between them - can she hang on to the man she loves?
  19. until
    In the opening episode, Little Alex Horne unveils the newsnack that's set to take the convenience food world by storm,Jenny dances around a giant golden pineapple in a weddingdress, and Frankie discovers why cats love balls of string somuch.
  20. until
    Four all-star chefs who feel the need for speed compete in GuyFieri's most fast-paced game: Grocery Rush! In round one, thechefs serve up a bangin' brunch in only 20 minutes! Then inround two, Guy challenges the chefs to make their favoritenoodle dish in 20 minutes using 10 ingredients or fewer. Thewinner will take a quick shopping trip around Flavortown Marketfor up to ,000!
  21. until
    While the drilling operation gets closer and closer to itsdestination, the team is shocked when they discover evidenceof an ancient safe.
  22. until
    Coming off the news of her divorce, Katherine wants toinstitute big changes in the office, which prompts Cyrus tointroduce her to his dream car. However, things go south whenKatherine attempts to transform his design into a vision of herown.
  23. until
    When the court is overrun with cases from a wedding expo goneawry, the team looks to help Abby plan her wedding. A weddingplanner shows Dan the finer things in life. Olivia and Gurgswrestle over who will serve as maid of honor.
  24. until
    The chefs are tasked with creating a beloved English classic:the biscuit; the chefs head to Tottenham Hotspur Stadium for afootball-themed team challenge; the teams that succeed aresafe while the rest are relegated and must compete again.
  25. until
    Dre lays roots in Atlanta.
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