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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Guest host John Leguizamo tackles the news of the day.
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    After an unpopular decision, discord gives way to deadlymutiny in which loyalties are tested.
  3. until
    Secrets are revealed when Katherine meets Greta's parents.Maggie returns to unexpected changes at her workplace. Rome andOmar reluctantly come together to make an important decision.
  4. until
    Mouch builds a classic firetruck model for the Deputy DistrictChief, but quickly needs some assistance from Gallo andRitter. Brett and Violet encounter multiple victims with astrange set of symptoms. The results of Cindy's chemotherapyloom over the Herrmann family.
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    Iris is visited by Nia Nal, as she needs Iris' help. When Irisand Nia fall into a fever dream and explore differentpossibilities for their lives, Barry, Chester, Allegra, andCecile desperately try to help them. Meanwhile, Markentertains Khione, but they have different ideas of what isfun, leaving Khione to feel that Mark is trying to make hersomething she is not.
  6. until
    A documentary crew visits Med to film Marcel and Abrams'groundbreaking surgery. Archer refuses to ask for help for hiskidney issues despite the staff's unrelenting kindness.Halstead starts to develop feelings for a co-worker.
  7. until
    Three celebrities perform their favorite country songs, twoare unmasked, and one singer advances straight to thequarterfinals with California Roll.
  8. until
    Bold opinions, discussion and debate centered on the topstorylines from around the league. Mike Greenberg hosts thispregame show with analysts Stepen A. Smith, Jalen Rose andMichael Wilbon.
  9. until
    Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, KeyshawnJohnson, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
  10. until
    Star Wars: The Bad Batch 2x16 - Plan 99
  11. until
    In the penultimate episode of the series, Ghostface reflectson the sacrifices of his past while dealing with thebittersweet outcome of his artistic success. Meanwhile, RZAventures to take a different approach for the Clan's nextalbum.
  12. until
    The Mandalorian 3x5 - Chapter 21
  13. until
    Star Wars: The Bad Batch 2x15 - The Summit
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    The Challenge: World Championship 1x5 - TBA
  15. until
    Richmond adjust to an exciting change, but Jamie hasreservations. Ted learns there's something new going on back inKansas as well.
  16. until
    A trailer park massacre leaves a young boy without his family:and Will, strongly opposed to leaving him, becomes histemporary guardian. Meanwhile, Faith receives a visit from hermother, and Angie spirals from incidents of her past.
  17. until
    Celebrity guests John Stamos, Taraji P.Henson, QuintaRobinson and Craig Robinson join for musical performances andgames, including Turn the Beat Around, Random InstrumentChallenge, Perfect Mash-up and Slay It, Don't Spray It.
  18. until
    In the series finale, Kate searches for the magic, Annelearns to let go, Sloane honours her priorities, Jenny coursecorrects, and Val makes amends.
  19. until
    The Battle Rounds continue as the coaches prepare their artiststo go head-to-head in hopes of advancing to the Knockouts oradvancing straight to playoffs with the coveted Playoff Pass.Each coach has one steal and one Playoff Pass.
  20. until
    As Simone is doing office inventory, she uncovers a trail ofbodies that leads her to investigate a case involving areclusive business tycoon. Meanwhile, Laura and Brendon trackdown an evidence thief and Carter works to prove Fortune'sinnocence.
  21. until
    After their leader is taken down by Carrie, the Mutant Gangretaliates against Gotham by taking hostages at the annualFounder's Gala, forcing Turner, Duela and Harper to come outof hiding to save the people of Gotham. Elsewhere, Culleninfiltrates the GCPD after the team uncovers a possibleconnection between the Court of Owls and the death of anotherWayne family member. Lastly, Harvey makes a big decision abouthis future.
  22. until
    The gang ends up at Katherine's house for what seems like aninnocent night of drinking and employee bonding, but thingsescalate when everyone learns that Katherine and Richard are inthe middle of a divorce.
  23. until
    Son of a Critch 2x13 - Halley's Comet
  24. until
    After splitting from her husband of 20 years, Angelareinvented herself and is excited by her new TikTok loveinterest Justin; he's been dodgy about meeting, but she'sready for something real.
  25. until
    WWE NXT 17x13 - Episode 13
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