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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Laura's personal and professional relationships come understrain: who can she trust now? The Consulate team deal withunreliable witnesses in a case of police violence.
  2. until
    Peter visits someone close to Hawkins. Rose makes a keyconnection. Maddie's night out takes a dangerous turn,spurring the Secret Service into action.
  3. until
    Miguel pursues a promising lead and Lindsay meets a childhoodhero, as they both confront the new realities of theirevolving relationship.
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    Guest host John Leguizamo tackles the news of the day.
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    In Bruton, Costello is finally able to hold a part-time joband live her best life. But as cracks in their family unitbegin to form, their seemingly perfect new life begins todeteriorate - with devastating results.
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    When Ben leaps aboard a 1970s passenger jet as a flightattendant, he must outwit its hijackers before it mysteriouslycrashes into the Atlantic, and worse, he has to do it allwithout Ziggy's help.
  7. until
    A lunar misstep sends Roger on an unexpected detour to NewMexico.
  8. until
    In the season finale, alliances are tested, and new ones areformed. The Greybourne will never be the same after a tidalwave of truth finally comes out.
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    Coming Soon...
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    As Simone preps for the Exhibition Match, she is presentedwith unexpected obstacles that help her decide between Damonand Lando. JR stands up for Cam in an unusual way. Damon getsadvice from an unlikely source as he struggles with animportant interview. Nate learns the truth about her secretadmirer. Keisha sees her situation with Dr. Pace in a new lightand Marcus surprises Amara with something she did not seecoming.
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    Despite Evelyn's obvious love for him, Philip can't shake hisjealousy.
  12. until
    When a bride mysteriously collapses and dies before herwedding, Murdoch suspects she was poisoned by her perfume.
  13. until
    Spencer comes face to face with his grief and those he lovesare collateral damage as he spirals into a person almostunrecognizable. Jordan tries to step up as a leader but noone's following, JJ makes a shocking appearance, and Laylaurges Patience to beware of her #1 fan.
  14. until
    Ken doubts his ability to care for Lester. Lester develops anew bond with Jimmy. Lou resents his loss of independence and,against Anne's wishes, ventures into town with disastrousconsequences.
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    Coming Soon...
  16. until
    Maggie sees Cal in a new light after they help an injuredresident and spend time together at karaoke.
  17. until
    While Pip continues his education with Miss Havisham, he growsincreasingly attached to her daughter Estella. In the city ofLondon, the corrupt and powerful lawyer Mr. Jaggers gets aletter that will change Pip's life forever.
  18. until
    Through a twist of fate, Pip, an orphan who yearns for agreater lot in life, meets the mysterious and eccentric MissHavisham, who shows him a dark world of possibilities.
  19. until
    When Amelia volunteers as a sacrificial lamb for the greatergood of the class, Zoe must decide if their friendship is overforever.
  20. until
    Humphrey investigates the death of an unidentified man found inthe centre of a crop circle. Meanwhile, Archie helps Marthaprepare for a visit from a food critic.
  21. until
    In the aftermath of Sandy's vengeful return, Zoe must stopAmelia from leading the class into a hedonistic end-of-lifeparty.
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    Coming Soon...
  23. until
    Before Elvis performs at a USO event in Vietnam, he and CeCemeet an unexpected contact as they investigate the possible useof the mind-control weapon.
  24. until
    Shuttered in with food poisoning during a torrential storm,the class begins healing their teenage wounds.
  25. until
    Genevieve brings Saskia to trial for her mean girl crimes,while Zoe finds herself in a tight spot when Amelia agrees todefend Saskia.
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