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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Daphne enlists the Nicolettis to steal a book of blackmail froma DC fixer. Later, Charlie puts his relationship with Emma onthe line to ensure her safety.
  2. until
    When the NCIS team receives a cryptic, urgent message, Fatimaand Rountree must work together to solve the case. Also,Kilbride plans to visit his son, and Callen asks Sam to be hisbest man.
  3. until
    The Blacklist 10x5 - The Dockery Affair
  4. until
    Honey and Chief become status-obsessed when Jill buys them afancy new dog mansion. Chico is reunited with his former ownerwho has a dark secret. Tabitha loses her fur, but possiblyfinds new love.
  5. until
    Magnum and Higgins investigate the robbery of an elderly mansuffering from Alzheimer's. The ohana tries to help TC overcomea past trauma.
  6. until
    The 7-4 investigates the suspicious death of the patriarch of aneighborhood barbecue joint who has a close connection toSuarez. Also, Haywood receives an unexpected request from herfather.
  7. until
    Eventually challenging America's burger joint heavyweights,two future fast-food kingpins find themselves on a collisioncourse in an all-out chicken sandwich war that is still ragingto this day.
  8. until
    Georgiana faces a nearly impossible task in trying to find alawyer, but help arrives from a surprising place.
  9. until
    Bumpy and Chin enlist Morgenthau's help to prevent Colombo andBattle from bringing in a shipment of heroin, guns, andcocaine. Stella must choose between Colombo and her father.
  10. until
    This week The Circus examines the multiple investigationsfacing Donald Trump that could lead to the first indictment ofa U.S. president. Jennifer Palmieri speaks with former JusticeDepartment prosecutor Andrew Weissmann about the hush-moneyprobe. Mark McKinnon charts Michael Cohen's journey from Trumpfixer to star witness with Vanity Fair reporter Emily Jane Fox.John Heilemann talks with New York Times reporters MichaelBender and Katie Benner about the myriad investigations andtheir political fallout.
  11. until
    After an operative kills all but one of the employees at amarine biology research group, McCall and the team join forceswith Colton Fisk when they discover a connection between themurders and a secret CIA program he was involved in.
  12. until
    Ben and Erin have just five weeks to reno a couple's homebefore Christmas.
  13. until
    A gamekeeper has been murdered in rural Wales, and it falls toWicky to clean up the mess – whilst trying not to get in theway of the undertakers. But Wicky and the undertakers aren'tthe only people at the scene of the crime, and things take aturn for the sinister. Wicky knows that whatever happens on thejob, it's important not to lose your head.
  14. until
    Wicky is called to a quiet town where someone has chucked abucket of blood over a new statue in protest - goose blood,judging by the feathers and the beak. Wicky sets to workcleaning it, but the row about the statue is far from over.Tempers in the town are running high, and Wicky finds himselfembroiled in a debate that looks like it might turn nasty.
  15. until
    There has been a tragic death in a stately home, and Wicky ison his way to clean up. But he's not the only person at themansion with a job to do: there's a shaman on the scene aswell, and he has his own mystical agenda. Wicky's not surethat there's room enough for both of them, and when you factorin an owl and possibly a ghost, things are looking positivelycrowded.
  16. until
    Wicky is called to a shooting in a technology shop, where hefinds himself sharing the night shift with Kai, ashelf-stacking conspiracy theorist who is preparing for the endof the world – which he insists is just around the corner. Ishe paranoid or just being sensible? Wicky isn't sure, buteither way, he has to decide where his own priorities lie.
  17. until
    Wicky is called to a theatre where a male strip show has gotout of hand, resulting in a 40-woman brawl. He is there toclean up the mess, but a blood-splattered auditorium is theleast of his problems once a self-important clown, a whimsicaltheatre manager, a feckless assistant and a broken fire alarmall combine to create a nightmare day at work.
  18. until
    The ****** come marching into New Orleans for a familyvacation; the dirty stayouts are bringing a lot of wine, andMike and Angelina are bringing a lot of baggage and beef.
  19. until
    Patrick's weight has never been a bother, but now he's so bigthat it's getting in the way of his relationship with hisdaughter; if he wants to see her graduate high school, he'llhave to reverse course.
  20. until
    Abishola must reconcile a decade-old wound when she's forced toattend the funeral of an unlikable aunt. Also, Bob strugglesat the factory with the first batch of socks before receivingsupport from an unlikely source.
  21. until
    The collision of two supermassive black holes is the mostviolent event that can occur in the universe. Experts explorewhere a black hole's energy originates and what really happenswhen the two most powerful objects in the cosmos clash.
  22. until
    To heal their patients, the vets need to get dirty.
  23. until
    Charlie questions his loyalties as the ED reaches breakingpoint, David and Marty make a difficult decision, and Jacobrealises his actions might have devastating consequences.
  24. until
    Before the competition gets underway in the Thousand IslandsON, teams react to surprising coaching changes. Playerscompete in three challenges in, on, and over the water, anda second team goes home.
  25. until
    Jon confronts an owner who moved his family to pursue hislifelong dream of opening a bar, only for his wife to do allthe work.
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