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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Josh and the Laws get permission from 95-year-old moonshinelegend Cecil Love to retrieve a hidden still and recreate hisoldtime Franklin County moonshine recipe. Richard and Craigjury rig a fix for their missing still arm, with disastrousresults.
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    Last Week Tonight With John Oliver 10x5 - March 19, 2023
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    Police officers from New York go to Texas to arrest two menwanted in connection with the murder of a young father of two.
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    While making progress on Gloria's case, both Eileen and Rozare offered new career opportunities, leaving them to considerwhat may lie beyond Alaska. Meanwhile, Bob steps out of hiscomfort zone, and Austin's custody agreement turns sour.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    Forced into an impossible situation during her fight withKirigan, Alina makes a fateful decision that alters herrelationship with magic - and Mal.
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    An embarrassing video of Zac is posted online after aconfrontation with Fatima and a friend; Fatima grapples withtelling her mother about Zac and their relationship.
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    Will struggles on his new basketball team but is nominated fora leadership award at Bel-Air Academy, causing friction withCarlton.
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    As Homecoming unfolds at Split River, Maddie finds herselfdivided between accepting her fate in purgatory and a newlyhatched plan to crack a new suspect.
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    Now on the run, Picard and the skeleton crew of the USS Titanmust break into Starfleet's most top-secret facility to exposea plot that could destroy the Federation. Picard must turn tothe only soul in the galaxy who can help: an old friend.
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    While working the night action desk, FBI agent Peter receivesa distress call and is soon put in charge of protectingcybersecurity expert Rose.
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    Angela offers Fatima sound advice concerning her love life,but Fatima may not be ready to receive it; Zac's introductionto Paul doesn't go as expected.
  14. until
    In lieu of a Quickfire, Tom and Gail surprise the chefs withan old-fashioned pub crawl around central London; in teams oftwo, the chefs are tasked with re-creating and elevating aclassic pub dish; two chefs will pack their knives.
  15. until
    While making progress on Gloria's case, both Eileen and Rozare offered new career opportunities, leaving them to considerwhat may lie beyond Alaska. Meanwhile, Bob steps out of hiscomfort zone, and Austin's custody agreement turns sour.
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    Callie returns to the Coterie to support Mariana in a time ofcrisis. Gael searches for Isabella and his baby. When a memberof the Coterie anonymously submits a complaint, Alice tracksdown the secret critic. Luca digs into his past.
  17. until
    Addison makes a special appearance at Grey Sloan to welcomeBailey's new OB/GYN trainees. Maggie's lung transplant isderailed, and Nick bonds with Lucas - before the day takes ashocking turn.
  18. until
    An unexpected cold front threatens to freeze up gator season:Troy looks for warm waters to save the day; Don mixes up aspecial juice to lure big gators; Willie beats the cold with aradical new strategy.
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    Emily and Victoria assist Dr. Summers with an alpaca birth.Frank and Patel visit Frank's dad Jimmy.
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    The team is forced to make a risky call that could cost themdearly after Tomás' barbershop catches fire. Diane drops bythe station and is called back into action alongside Vic andCarina. Beckett makes a decision about his future.
  21. until
    Stakes are high as Cordell, Cassie, Captain James and Treyall realize Grey Flag's plans and partnerships extend deeperthan they once thought. While the Walkers plan for the Mayor'sMedal Ceremony, Cordell struggles with missing out on timewith his kids as he focuses on trying to keep the whole citysafe.
  22. until
    As the hunters close in on Victor and Josie, their chances ofleaving the game alive dwindle with each passing moment; Milesfeels the pressure as well when the board chairwoman forces himto make an impossible choice.
  23. until
    As the hunt careens to a close, Victor just might win thegame; however, with Josie's unexpected arrival, he mightlose everything he loves; Miles fears his off-book plays haveput him squarely in the crosshairs of the Tiro Fund Board.
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    Coming Soon...
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