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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    One of history's most notorious pirates, Blackbeard, is saidto have had a treasure worth millions of dollars. Aftercenturies of searching, the legendary hoard remains missing.As new evidence is unearthed, the mystery endures: what becameof Blackbeard's lost treasure?
  2. until
    Given three weeks to work the case, Perry and Della try tobuild a defense for their clients, while Paul chases leads inthe Hooverville.
  3. until
    NCIS works to solve the murder of a Marine private who appearsto have been killed for helping an Afghan refugee. Also, Jimmynavigates the pressure of parenting his teenage daughter, whois eager to go out on an unchaperoned group date
  4. until
    When the director of Toronto's new symphony is murdered,Murdoch suspects jealous musicians are responsible.
  5. until
    When a mountain lion gets loose in the area, the Butlers andJohnsons must shelter in place together, leading to someunexpected revelations.
  6. until
    From Patagonia to Canada, paleontologists uncover the RealJurassic Americas.
  7. until
    Ranch to Table 3x10 - Dinner on the Rosa
  8. until
    Maya Jama will be joined live in the studio by superfansIndiyah Polack, Sam Thompson and all the islanders to relivethe most dramatic moments from this year's show.
  9. until
    Mars is infested with robots, orbiting the planet and roamingthe Martian surface on a mission to uncover its secrets; now,Perseverance joins this dedicated group of machines to uncoverif there is, or was ever, life on the Red Planet.
  10. until
    Lost wrecks reveal how the Mob gained power and wealth in 1920sAmerica.
  11. until
    The Berlin Wall comes down: Christianity gets a makeover:Shirley Chisholm speaks at the DNC.
  12. until
    Middle East peace (and lunch) in Oslo: Shirley Chisholm headsto the Watergate; Jesus and the band play their final concert.
  13. until
    Amelia Earhart's fate revealed: Jesus and the Fab 13 try torecord the last sermon; The Civil War ends; Statues getremoved.
  14. until
    Galileo is on TikTok: General Grant gets rescued: ShirleyChisholm meets George Wallace.
  15. until
    Jesus and Mary fall in love: Shmuck and Fanny Mudman changethe course of Russian history; How the Pyramids were built.
  16. until
    Alexander Graham Bells makes (and receives) a call: ShmuckMudman gains access to the politburo; Sigmund Freud teachespsychoanalysis.
  17. until
    Big Brother Canada 11x6 - Episode 6
  18. until
    Jason Byrne, Fatiha El-Ghorri, Helen Bauer and Alex Jonesjoin Alan to discuss everything from favours for Bono and UncleDavid's funeral to the beastly one-armed bandit.
  19. until
    Simone and the Bringston tennis team work together to make thebiggest decision of their season. Meanwhile, the Lions faceoff against their biggest rival for the conference championshipas Damon realizes he has competition for Simone's heart. Camgoes to JR with a serious situation, leaving JR with theweight of the world on his shoulders. And Nate needs to choosebetween an important interview or standing by her friends.
  20. until
    St. David sets off for the final charter of the season: Fraseris terrified of the new bodybuilder charter guests but learns avaluable lesson about not judging a book by its cover.
  21. until
    Abishola must reconcile a decade-old wound when she's forced toattend the funeral of an unlikable aunt. Also, Bob strugglesat the factory with the first batch of socks before receivingsupport from an unlikely source.
  22. until
    Despite the case being closed, Bobby is determined to provehis AA sponsor was murdered and bring his killer to justice.Meanwhile Buck struggles with his post-traumatic stress.
  23. until
    The Bachelor 27x9 - The Women Tell All
  24. until
    With help from superstar judges Luke Bryan, Katy Perry andLionel Richie, viewers embark on a nationwide search acrossNew Orleans, Las Vegas and Nashville to find the next singingsensation. Emmy(R) Award-winning host and producer RyanSeacrest hosts.
  25. until
    Alina's connection to Kirigan grows increasingly unstable afterhis latest strike. The Crows head to Shu Han on a mission toretrieve a legendary sword.
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