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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Elena's cover is threatened when someone from her pastunexpectedly shows up at The Greybourne.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Captain Milius returns to Hawai'i as the NCIS team works tocatch a dangerous high-value U.S. Government target with thehelp of an informant unlike any they've ever encountered.Also, Tennant and Daniel deal with Alex's acceptance into theNaval Academy.
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    Simone and the Bringston tennis team work together to make thebiggest decision of their season. Meanwhile, the Lions faceoff against their biggest rival for the conference championshipas Damon realizes he has competition for Simone's heart. Camgoes to JR with a serious situation, leaving JR with theweight of the world on his shoulders. And Nate needs to choosebetween an important interview or standing by her friends.
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    As Rafael and Mateo face discrimination from their fellowinmates and the court, Perry continues his push for justice,while Della engages the help of wealthy socialite CamillaNygaard. Later, Paul chases leads in the Hooverville, andPerry goes head-to-head with tycoon Lydell McCutcheon.
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    Abishola must reconcile a decade-old wound when she's forced toattend the funeral of an unlikable aunt. Also, Bob strugglesat the factory with the first batch of socks before receivingsupport from an unlikely source.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    When the director of Toronto's new symphony is murdered,Murdoch suspects jealous musicians are responsible.
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    The crew discover they're not alone in space and learn moreabout where they came from.
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    Elmo, Big Bird, Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch, TheCount, and Abby Cadabby bring the fun in a special SesameStreet episode. Jennifer Nettles is a guest panelist.
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    Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, KeyshawnJohnson, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
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    Aussie Gold Hunters 8x11 - Episode 11
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    AEW Dark: Elevation 3x12 - AEW Dark: Elevation 107
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    A risqué game of "Truth or Dare" brings some couples closerand threatens others; the couples must decide whether theywill call it quits or continue their relationship outside thevilla.
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    Pressure from Daphne forces Charlie to take extreme measures ata high stakes poker game on a yacht. After meeting Emma'sfamily, Charlie's confidence in their relationshipstrengthens, but his criminal activity continues to threatentheir future.
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    Red attempts to secure a late financier's fortune locked by aseries of challenging clues. When a deadly assassin pursues themoney, the Task Force bands together to protect theendowment's rightful heirs.
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    Jon must teach a former engineer and his staff how to properlyrun a nightclub before they close down for good.
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    Tina drags Bob along on a desperate quest to earn herbird-watching badge for ThunderGirls. Meanwhile, Louise andGene try to keep their new restaurant game a secret from Linda.
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    Mr. Fischoeder challenges Bob to successfully prank him onApril Fool's Day, or lose his lease.
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    Fiancé in tow, Charlotte arrives back in Sanditon for thesociety event of the year. Seeing Colbourne leaves her feelinguncertain.
  22. until
    Chin Gigante is released from prison and seeks to excise JoeColombo from the Commission.
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    Katsumoto's hearing date has arrived and he will learn if hiscareer in law enforcement is over for good or not. Magnum andHiggins are hired to investigate a man their client believescommitted murder. Rick's suspicions grow on their relationship.
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    Alice says goodbye to the past, knowing she needs to make alife in the present. Kat tries to stop her father's death. Delrevisits memories in a new light.
  25. until
    When a string of luxury boutique robberies is tied to a crewout of East New York, the 7-4 discovers a connection toHaywood that could prove crucial to solving the case.
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