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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Two icons compete for America's coffee drinkers and foreverchange a worldwide, multi-billion-dollar industry.
  2. until
    Wolf and Honeybee's parenting skills are put to the test whenan adult show choir crashes outside their home. Beef takes Moonon a surprise trip.
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    Guy welcomes the 16 remaining chefs into the arena tocongratulate them on making it out of the first round. Aftermatching up eight chefs for the next round of battles, hereveals the randomizer twist -- double the proteins! The chefswill have to make surf-and-turf dishes in each round with thecombination decided by the randomizer. As always, four chefsmove one step closer to winning the championship belt, andfour chefs head home.
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    Groundbreaking docuseries pulls back the curtain on Americanpolitics. Hosts John Heilemann, Mark McKinnon and JennPalmieri go behind the scenes of the wildest political show onearth for an unbiased, inside look at the stories beyond theheadlines.
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    When a man claiming to have lost his memory wakes up behind adumpster with a gun in his hand, McCall and the team follow atrail of clues to help uncover his whereabouts the nightbefore.
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    Jaclin, a paralegal, and Michael, a fishing boat captain,take on 21 days in the mighty Kalahari desert of South Africa,one of the largest stretches of sand in the world. But when anunexpected cold front sweeps in and the pair are threatened byaggressive lions and rhinos, will they be able to endure?
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    In the Quickfire, the chefs are challenged to make anamuse-bouche with unexpected ingredients that must fit on aRitz cracker; the competition heats up as the chefs head toAlexandra Palace, where they must create rice dishes for 100guests.
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    Maya Jama hosts as the competition reaches the end as theremaining couples find out which of them will be named winnerand receive the prize.
  9. until
    Ring of Honor Wrestling 255x2 - Episode 2
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    General Hospital 255x47 - Ep. #15666
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    General Hospital 255x46 - Ep. #15665
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    Looking to motivate them, Robin tells the Titans to solve somecrimes or they're fired.
  13. until
    Sunny and Jess's personal lives go from bad to worse while theystruggle to keep focused. Meanwhile, the suspect list growsand a mother and son are put under the microscope.
  14. until
    Alina considers a proposed partnership that could help uniteRavka. With vengeance nearly his, Kaz moves the final piecesof his plan into place.
  15. until
    Coming Soon...
  16. until
    Chin Gigante is released from prison and seeks to excise JoeColombo from the Commission.
  17. until
    Pressure from Daphne forces Charlie to take extreme measures ata high stakes poker game on a yacht. After meeting Emma'sfamily, Charlie's confidence in their relationshipstrengthens, but his criminal activity continues to threatentheir future.
  18. until
    To take advantage of a work policy granting leave in the eventof a pet's death, Peter adopts the oldest bird he can find...and realizes it used to belong to Hitler. Meanwhile, aftergiving Stewie a signed copy of his book, Brian finds it in afree library, causing Brian to give up writing.
  19. until
    Hank rants against Railton College, calling it 'Mediocrity'sCapitol', and the administration is pressured to fire him;Hank and Lily contemplate a future outside of Railton.
  20. until
    Katsumoto's hearing date has arrived, and he will learn if hiscareer in law enforcement is over for good or not. Magnum andHiggins are hired to investigate a man their client believescommitted murder. Rick's suspicions grow on their relationship.
  21. until
    Sam Hanna must go undercover as a fighter to catch the leaderof a gang dealing drugs on the streets.
  22. until
    Alice says goodbye to the past, knowing she needs to make alife in the present. Kat tries to stop her father's death. Delrevisits memories in a new light.
  23. until
    Wolf and Honeybee's parenting skills are put to the test whenan adult show choir crashes outside their home. Beef takes Moonon a surprise trip.
  24. until
    Coming Soon...
  25. until
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