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Everything posted by Midnight
untilGuest host Marlon Wayans tackles the news of the day.
Bar Rescue S08E25 - Outta Touch, Outta Time
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilComing Soon... -
Be My Guest With Ina Garten 3x3 - Laura Linney
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilIna Garten welcomes stage and screen actor Laura Linney to herhome with a fruity blueberry ricotta breakfast cake; in honorof Laura's Southern heritage, Ina teaches her how to makeshrimp boil with a twist. -
Girl Meets Farm 12x12 - Brunching at Bernie's
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilMolly Yeh is determined to create the ultimate brunch menu forthe new restaurant. Working with flavors Whitey would haveloved, Molly fixes a full breakfast plate of Eggs Bernadette,Bernie's House Breakfast Sausage and a Gigantic FrostedCardamom Roll. Brunch isn't complete without cocktails, soMolly pours her refreshing Rhubarb Basil Shrub. -
Mayor of Kingstown 2x10 - Little Green Ant
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilMayor of Kingstown 2x10 - Little Green Ant -
One Piece 10x165 - Death to Your Partner! Killer's DeadlyGamble!
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilOne Piece 10x165 - Death to Your Partner! Killer's DeadlyGamble! -
Say Yes To The Dress 22x3 - Let's Give the Man What He Wants
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilAmanda's back at Kleinfeld to find a second dress after herfiancé tells her he hates her first pick; the pressure is onfor Randy to find the perfect compromise; Courtney fightsindecision; Kindra and Jamel forget a key element of theirwedding. -
untilKelly and Steve investigate the brutal homicide of a belovedseminary student brutally hung and stabbed to death in thechapel restroom. Their investigation reveals even more darksecrets and sinister deeds.
Masters of Illusion 9x6 - Love, Fashion, and Money
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilHosted by Dean Cain, "Masters of Illusion" features amazingmagic performed by cutting-edge illusionists, escape artistsand performers displaying skills ranging from perplexinginteractive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines - all infront of a studio audience. Magicians featured in this episodeinclude Lucy Darling, Xavier Mortimer, Alexandra Duvivier,David Gabbay, Jonathan Levitt, Adam Wylie and My Uyên. -
Ancient Aliens 19x10 - The Giants of Malta
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilAncient Aliens 19x10 - The Giants of Malta -
The Spencer Sisters 1x6 - The Winemaker's Woe
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilDarby and Victoria are hired by a former schoolmate of Darby'sto investigate acts of vandalism at his winery. -
untilPitches include a twist on the traditional ice cream cone, agadget to help control a cellphone safely while on the move,an app for travel enthusiasts and innovative winter equipment;update on Bee Sweet Lemonade.
The Problem with Jon Stewart 2x9 - The Inflation Blame Game
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilInflation is hard on everybody. So why is the Fed making iteven harder by helping push people out of work? -
Jersey Shore: Family Vacation 6x8 - Dancing with the Chooch
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilVinny dances: Mike makes some questionable fashion choices:the upcoming family vacation to New Orleans is about to betaken over by beef between Angelina and Mike. -
untilBig Brother Canada 11x5 - Episode 5
Tyler Perry's Sistas 5x22 - Too Little, Too Late
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilDanni's actions have left her in a vulnerable position, whileKaren quickly realizes that Aaron is hiding something, and shepays the ultimate price. -
Ridiculousness 30x32 - Chanel and Sterling DCLVIII
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilOn an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo get baby betrayed in TOO YOUNG TO TRUST, face theirfear of SCARECASES, and ask bad behaving people WHY'D YOU DOTHAT? -
Ridiculousness 30x31 - Chanel and Sterling DCLVII
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilOn an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo cook up the combat in WEA-PANS, feed some critters withcravings in DRIVE THRU ANIMALS, and meet the stupidest ofdudes: STUDES. -
untilBig Brother Canada 11x4 - Episode 4
untilBig Brother Canada 11x3 - Episode 3
Fantasy Island 2x9 - Gwenivere of Glendale
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilGwen's fantasy is to go back in time and be the Princess shelongs to be--pampered, rich, and cared-for. At first, thefantasy is everything she dreamed of--the gowns, thepageantry, everyone bowing to her. But Gwen soon finds out theKing is preparing to marry her off to a cruel, ambitiousPrince. With the marriage looming, Gwen has no choice but toflee. She befriends a Soldier and together they hatch adangerous escape plan. Ruby isn't feeling like herself andRoarke suspects it has something to do with Isla. -
Ridiculousness 30x30 - Chanel and Sterling DCLVI
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilOn an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo make a bang with BARREL BOMBS, learn the struggles ofbeing too tall in HARMFUL HEIGHTS, and let loose in 'TIL DEATHDO US FART. -
Ridiculousness 30x29 - Chanel and Sterling DCLV
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilOn an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo get weirded out by FREAKY LITTLE FINGERS, rest on theclock with JOB NAPPERS, and ask anybody anything in NOT SOHARD-HITTING QUESTIONS. -
untilIt's the night before the live final and excitement in thevilla is reaching fever pitch.
The New York Times Presents 2x4 - The Sin Eater: The Crimes ofAnthony Pellicano Part 2
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilIn the second part of Anthony Pellicano's events that led tohis arrest, he discusses his investigations; previouslyunseen evidence raises questions about why so few Hollywoodstars faced consequences when Pellicano was exposed.