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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Judas betrays Jesus. Shirley Chisholm makes a big announcement.General Grant finds himself in trouble and Marco Polo meetsKublai Khan.
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    General Grant heads out in search of a drink. After the RussianTsar is executed, Shmuck Mudman and his family head to Moscow.Shakespeare's Writers Room. Invention of Fire. The REAL KamaSutra.
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    Whales are attacking tourists in Canada and lobsters aresuddenly deadly in France. The Swedish scientist Dr. Johansondiscovers aggressive iceworms on the seabed that aremultiplying at breakneck speed. And with Charlie Wagner, atragedy is brewing.
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    Charlie Wagner, a young marine biologist, is assigned to aremote outpost in the Shetland Islands. During a survey,Charlie discovers large amounts of methane ice on the watersurface, which is usually only found at great depths on thesea floor. And other strange incidents are happening indifferent regions of the world. While a fisherman in Peru diesunnoticed by a school of fish, in Canada, off VancouverIsland, the humpback and gray whales are a long time coming.When an orca is found dead on the beach after allegedlyattacking a fishing boat, young whale researcher Leon Anawakis concerned. Eventually, the whales return in large numbers.Leon immediately drives his boat out to sea. His good friendLizzie also starts a trip with her excursion boat full oftourists. But no one suspects what behavior the animals willshow.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, KeyshawnJohnson, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
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    Cha Moosik's revenge begins, as he is ready to spill blood.
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    The Mandalorian 3x3 - TBA
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    Star Wars: The Bad Batch 2x13 - Pabu
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    Honest Trailers 255x12 - Episode 12
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    The newly promoted AFC Richmond face mockery as pundits predictthey'll finish dead last this season.
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    In order to secure a deal for their new label, Divine mustdeliver on the promises he made to music executive TommyMottola. But upon returning to Wu mansion, he learns thatsigning members and getting Dirty to feature on a song iseasier said than done.
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    Celebrity guests Patti LaBelle, Billy Porter, Darren Crissand Sarah Hyland compete in a series of music, dance andtrivia-based games and musical performances, including newgame More Than a Feeling.
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    Ada hopes Maureen will join her in Florida: Jeremiah andCarmela get away from the stress of baby-making; Rosanna mustchoose between her Amish boyfriend or the English life; Jethrohas left Sabrina while she is pregnant with their third child.
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    The Fugitive Task Force springs into action to find a famousforeign tennis player after she's kidnapped from a tennis courtin Brooklyn.
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    The Fly Team lends a helping hand to the Hungarian NationalPolice when one of their police officers is accused ofmurdering a couple in Budapest. Also, Kellett questions herrelationship with Lieutenant Erdős.
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    A grieving mother learns that facts and evidence are no matchfor viral misinformation when she discovers a growing onlineconspiracy.
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    In the midst of a dramatic situation, Richard is presentedwith information that turns his world upside down; Jason andDavid have their backs against the wall, with a slim chance ofescaping.
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    Kate puts the business first as things get personal at a highstakes conference. Anne's trust issues take over when Alicewants to go abroad. Sloane finally unbottles her emotions.
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    Coaches Chance the Rapper, Kelly Clarkson, Niall Horan andBlake Shelton all vie to discover and coach the next singingphenomenon on the fourth night of Blind Auditions.
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    The Payne servers get hacked, causing Katherine and Elliot toconflict on whether or not to pay the ransom. This becomesincreasingly more personal for Katherine when the hackersreveal they have personal photos of her.
  24. until
    Son of a Critch 2x11 - Pope Visit
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    The shooting of a federal corrections officer leads the team toan ex-Marine who has gone rogue ever since he returned fromAfghanistan. Tiffany's sister looks to her for guidance whentheir younger brother begins to lash out.
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