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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Love Island 9x42 - Episode 42
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    Oh, my gooeyness! There's nothing more satisfying or moredelicious than a really good cheese pull. Jeff Mauro presentssome of The Kitchen's most fully loaded cheese dishes, kickingoff with Katie Lee Biegel's Super Cheesy Hometown Lasagna,loaded with three cheeses. Then, he amps up cheese forbreakfast with this Corned Beef Hash Benedict with CheesyMornay Sauce. Geoffrey Zakarian puts an Iron Chef spin onGrilled Cheese, and Jeff shows off this Spicy Mac and Cheese,adding extra spicy cheese crunchies into the mix. Finally,Katie melts up a Pimento Cheese fondue, and Sunny Andersonshares some of her all-time favorite melting cheeses.
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    Ree Drummond puts tomatoes in the spotlight with her collectionof best recipes. First, she makes Stuffed Pizza Crust with afabulous sauce and salad before preparing the perfect pantrymeal of Cheesy Tomato Soup. Then, Ree puts a new spin on aclassic with Taco Tomatoes and piles up some deliciousBruschetta.
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    When a Colorado mother vanishes without a trace, the detectiveinvestigating her disappearance discovers a connection to aprevious assault; for the first time on television, thesurvivor of that attack recounts her terrifying ordeal.
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    Ring of Honor Wrestling 255x1 - Episode 1
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    Junior struggles with balancing all of his priorities and islooking for a shortcut, but is he the cheating type? Zoeycomes to Cal U to spend time with Aaron, but can theyprioritize their relationship when real life gets in the way?.
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    The victim's turbulent past comes to light. While Sunny takes atrip to Paris and Jess drops in on an unsuspecting Lord, thepair continue to butt heads.
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    Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge onlygets you so far. It's the grand final, and Victoria and theteams are joined in the studio by two sparkling guests.
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    Coming Soon...
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    In what will become their final performance, Daisy Jones& The Six perform to a sold-out crowd at Soldier Field inChicago, Illinois. This is the story of that fateful day - andhow their lives were forever changed as a result.
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    Bumpy uncovers a CIA plot to assassinate Malcolm X and CheGuevara at the United Nations. Malcolm writes hisautobiography. Olympia utilizes Father Louis to get out oftrouble.
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    Prompted by Olivia, Michael goes to see Jimmy Baxter, whomakes him an unexpected offer. Shifting loyalties in Big Mo'screw force her hand. Lee urges Michael for help.
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    To restore his public image, Carter adopts a young girl froman orphanage, drawing jealousy from Lois.
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    When an old friend returns, Alice realizes her relationshiphas no future, while Kat is shocked by family secrets. Deltries to take a chance with Byron.
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    Magnum recruits Katsumoto to help find a missing tourist.Higgins and Kumu attempt to solve the murder of a beloved dog.Rick enlists the aid of TC after he accidentally loses Magnum'spet mouse, Roberto II.
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    Beef drives Alyson to meet a man she met online. Wolf confrontshis greatest fear: not being liked by a local bartender.
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    After a string of antisemitic hate crimes terrorizes a localcommunity, Harry reconnects with his Jewish faith as he leadsthe team in finding the culprit before they attack again.Also, McCall must calculate what extremes she will go to inorder to win custody of Delilah.
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    The Circus heads to Capitol Hill to cover the newRepublican-controlled House of Representatives. JohnHeilemann, Mark McKinnon, and Jennifer Palmieri follow twofreshman members of Congress, Republican Mike Lawler of NewYork and Democrat Maxwell Frost of Florida, as they navigate aweek dominated by Tucker Carlson's coverage of January 6th,hearings on the Biden Administration, and a fight thatthreatens to tip America over a fiscal cliff.
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    An assassination attempt on Sen. Panabaker leads the Task Forceto a group of renowned pickpockets. Red sends a dangerous giftto an old friend in custody.
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    When Milhouse's Dad, Kirk, takes exception to a schoolhistory lesson that paints one of his ancestors in a badlight, Kirk goes on a crusade to censor and control the schoolcurriculum - a crusade that Homer co-opts for fun and profit.
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    Endeavour's investigation into a number of untimely deathnotices in the Oxford Mail, each with a cryptic message,takes him to a series of funerals, then behind the curtain ata funeral directors', before forcing him to confront his ownmortality.Thursday is facing more than one confrontation of hisown, as his past closes in on him. There's trouble in thepresent to deal with first, and he resorts to desperatemeasures to protect those he loves most.At CID, as Strangelooks set to transfer to Kidlington, and Bright eyesretirement; where will this leave Endeavour and Thursday?
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    The previous game's complications make the stakes higher thanever for Miles to deliver an exceptional hunt to his clients;he searches for the perfect prey to whet the appetites ofclients bidding for the chance to be the predators.
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