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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The Cold Justice team tackles the twisted murder case of RhondaRichardson, who went searching for her lost dog and was laterfound seemingly scalped by a sadistic killer. The biggest twistis a new piece of evidence that breaks the case wide open.
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    Hosted by Dean Cain, "Masters of Illusion" features amazingmagic performed by cutting-edge illusionists, escape artistsand performers displaying skills ranging from perplexinginteractive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines - all infront of a studio audience. Magicians featured in this episodeinclude Dan Sperry, Deadly Game, Ben Barnes, Smoothini, RobLake, Joshua Jay, and Wayne Hoffman.
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    Victoria wants to show off her back, her booty and herbiceps, but Grandma wants her to cover up; Dominique has alittle panic in the stockroom; Rachel hopes her decision tobuy a dress before getting engaged was worth it.
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    Christo grills Fred on sticking with his Top-of-the-World claimand dives into the Misfits' glacial challenges. Christo thendoes a gold cleanup in the Buzz Box, tries his best to pushpay with a dying dozer and digs into the triumphant return ofjokester Johnny.
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    Tony mounts a major rescue to save a sinking excavator.Tensions rise when Fred brings in an old friend. The Claytonbrothers risk training two young greenhorn miners to work thenight shift.
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    The second of two compilations of highlights from the series,featuring a host of stars including Tom Hanks, CateBlanchett, Austin Butler, Michelle Yeoh, Hugh Jackman,Naomi Ackie, Brendan Fraser, Dame Judi Dench, Jamie Dornan,Kate Winslet, Lizzo, Margot Robbie and many more.
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    Big Brother Canada 11x1 - Episode 1
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    Christo claim-hops to hang with the lieutenants of Gold Rush.Mitch reveals the art of reclamation at Parker's, Mike Beetsgives a tour of the past and Monica offers a glimpse into herfuture. Then Christo gets an update on the operation at theLewis camp.
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    In her first TV interview, convicted murderer Lori VallowDaybell speaks to Dateline correspondent Keith Morrison. Inthe exclusive sit down, Lori maintains her innocence aftershe and her husband Chad Daybell were found guilty of murderingher children, JJ and Tylee. Chad was also found guilty ofmurder and conspiracy in the death of his previous wife Tammyand Lori was found guilty of conspiring to kill Tammy.
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    Altman, Flagg and Tracy go full-on "Mad Max" as they throw aHollywood movie-inspired party to launch a desert developmentin Vegas.
  11. until
    Vinny invites Angelina to his apartment: Nicole invites thegirls to California for a business trip/wild weekend in winecountry; the Keto Guido is invited to dance with the stars.
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    People Puzzler 3x109 - Episode 109
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    Her spirit broken, Daisy struggles to perform during theirappearance on SNL, finding comfort in the last person sheexpects. After a triumphant return to their hometownPittsburgh, the band is given a heroes' welcome. But antipathyamong the members clouds their performance and threatens theirfuture. Meanwhile, Graham and Karen's romance is threatenedwhen Karen must make a difficult decision.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Jenna Ortega hosts Saturday Night Live on March 11, 2023,with musical guest The 1975.
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    Cricket and Remy run a campaign to get Phoenix the dog electedas mayor.
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    The kids plan a heist to steal honey from Bill's beehive.
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    Boku no Hero Academia 6x23 - Deku vs. Class A
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    America's Test Kitchen 23x10 - Eggs Around the World
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    AEW: Rampage 3x10 - #84 - Golden 1 Center in Sacramento, CA
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    Danny partners with Texas Ranger Waylon Gates again to deliveran infamous drug cartel boss to arraignment, but the missionbecomes complicated when the criminal threatens to harm theReagans. Also, Erin is thrust into the spotlight when shetakes on a highly contentious assault case involving a belovedbasketball star; Eddie forms an unlikely alliance to solve acold murder case; and Frank and Jamie clash when Frank deniesa request for Jamie to go undercover.
  22. until
    Hosted by comedian Aisha Tyler, cast members Ryan Stiles,Wayne Brady and Colin Mochrie, along with guest comedian GaryAnthony Williams, put their comedic skills to the test througha series of spontaneous improv games that are prompted only byrandom ideas supplied by the studio audience. The fourperformers must use the little information they have and theirwild imaginations to depict different characters and an arrayof scenes, as well as perform songs. After each round ofimprovisation, Aisha will dole out points to our fourperformers and declare a winner at the end of every episode.
  23. until
    When a massive and unpredictable wildfire breaks out inneighboring Drake Country, the station 42 and third rock crewsare called to help aid in the rescue efforts.
  24. until
    Hosted by comedian Aisha Tyler, cast members Ryan Stiles,Wayne Brady and Colin Mochrie, along with guest appearances byPenn & Teller, put their comedic skills to the testthrough a series of spontaneous improv games that are promptedonly by random ideas supplied by the studio audience. The fourperformers must use the little information they have and theirwild imaginations to depict different characters and an arrayof scenes, as well as perform songs. After each round ofimprovisation, Aisha will dole out points to our fourperformers and declare a winner at the end of every episode.
  25. until
    Noah tries to find a new normal with Simone: Anthony realizeshe doesn't have a poker face; Sherm starts a risky newbusiness, and there's wine.
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