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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    In the first-ever combo competition, threecraftsmen-distillers compete to build working stills from rawsheet copper while mashing in a run of liquor from scratchingredients. With catastrophic failure at stake, winning comesdown to the final jar.
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    Robbie is determined to buy the granddaddy of woody trailers,and Mike turns to one of the best mechanics in the country tobreathe life into a bundle of ultra-rare Harleys and Indians
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    Married at First Sight 16x9 - Party-ing Ways
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    Dinner Party. A new scandal hits the experiment with twohusbands in the firing line.
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    Meet the parents week continues with a frosty catch-up betweenthe in-laws of one couple.
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    It's meet the parents week for the original couples, with onebride dropping a bombshell confession; the new couples moveinto their apartments.
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    Commitment Ceremony. One high-profile couple leave theexperiment, while one bride has a lot of explaining to do.
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    For week ten, the candidates are tasked with creating andbranding a new dog food before pitching to major retailers.Inthe kitchen, one team wrangles with their recipe, making adog's dinner of their signature dish, whilst on the other teama premium product fails to deliver. On the branding teams,candidates bicker to be top dog. With plenty to chew over,Lord Sugar sends one candidate for walkies.
  9. until
    In our second allegorical movie of the season, we examineRaekwon's inspiration behind his first solo album, Only Built4 Cuban Linx... through the lends of 90s gangster cinema.
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    The band records their seminal album &quot:Aurora&quot:, theheart of which is the always complicated but typically fruitfulcollaboration between Billy and Daisy. As their workingrelationship intensifies, their personal relationshipthreatens to completely implode, causing Daisy to make animpulsive decision. Meanwhile, Camila harbors a secret of herown.
  11. until
    Cha Moo-sik returns to the Philippines and heads to thecasino, only to find that a lot has changed.
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    Coming Soon...
  13. until
    Helen gets her first official Omega Sector assignment - goingundercover with Harry and the team at an academic conference inMadrid to stop a bioweapon terrorist attack. During themission, Harry does his best to keep his history with Ximena,a sexy cryptographer they must work with to complete themission, away from his wife.
  14. until
    Voight takes the stand in a high-stakes murder trial againstnotorious drug kingpin Arturo Morales. when it becomes clearthat Morales and his henchmen have compromised a juror, Voightand the team work furiously to ensure justice prevails.
  15. until
    The crew must devise a plan after identifying a planet rich inmuch-needed fuel.
  16. until
    Franklin is forced back out onto the street while Veronique andCassandra pursue his stolen money. Leon and Big D clash. Teddystarts hunting his KGB counterpart.
  17. until
    Maggie and Gary explore the possibility of a home birth, whileRegina and Rome adjust to life with their new roommate.Katherine and Greta reach a crossroads in their relationship.
  18. until
    Lexi puts Sam in charge of the newspaper's food and winefestival, making Nell jealous of their friendship. At theevent, Edward helps Cricket with her booth and Dennis lets offsome marital steam.
  19. until
    It's Teacher Appreciation Day. When the district gives Abbotttwo courtside tickets to a 76ers game, the teachers mustdecide who deserves them. Later, Janine invites the teachersto her house for game night and her sister, Ayesha, comes tovisit.
  20. until
    Guy Fieri's games always have a catch, especially when heinvites four seafood masters to serve up the catch of the day.In round one, the chefs play "Go Fish" todetermine the catch they'll cook for their fish dinner. Then inround two, the remaining chefs make a shellfish feast usingthe sample table items that Hunter and the judges are hawkingaround the store! The winning chef will earn a"net" profit of up to ,000!
  21. until
    Cruz feels the burden of his increased responsibilities. Kidd,Gallo and Carver get caught in the middle of a gang war on acall. Herrmann wrangles Trudy for help lifting Cindy's mood.
  22. until
    The OCE team works together to exonerate Naz and stop purplerain. Kelly and Nathan go undercover. Sam talks to an oldfriend. Naz scrambles to remember a detail that can help arresta killer.
  23. until
    Camille and Andrew help family look for a new place to live.Their memories differ about when they bought their currenthome.
  24. until
    Tribes must snake their way toward the win for immunity andreward. Also, paranoia starts to set in as a looming suspicionbecomes the elephant in the room, and lines are drawn in thesand at tribal council.
  25. until
    As the Red Death wreaks havoc on Central City, Barry and Iriscome up with a plan and turn to Cecile for help. Barry is facedwith what he thinks was his greatest mistake. Khione wants tohelp Team Flash, but Barry can't risk losing her. Joe givesBarry a very much needed pep talk.
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