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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    After uncovering Xiao's master plan, Nicky and the team findthemselves in a race against the clock to stop her before it'stoo late.
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    The audience and panelists celebrate their favorite iconic DCSuperheroes in costume while 3 new masked celebrities vie fortheir chance at being the champion of The Masked Singer.
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    Mark fights for a spot in the Lanford High chamber orchestra.Elsewhere, Jackie puts a lottery machine in the Lunch Box.
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    Will and Nellie struggle to diagnose a patient with a raredisorder. CFD and Med staff work to free a paranoid fathertrapped in the MRI suite. Tanaka-Reed gets an ego check.
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    Coming Soon...
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    For the first time, Kelly and Steve investigate two missingpersons cases at once - a loving mother and her high schoolfriend who vanished just months apart. Are their disappearancessomehow connected?
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    George shows he is a less-than-perfect babysitter when he losesChance at a discount department store. Quinten discoversMayan's been holding out on him.
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    Desserts made with a unique ingredient. A way to stay activeyet protected under the sun. A clean and sustainable makeupbrand. A product that targets oral and gum care. An update onFoam Party Hats for Mark Cuban and Lori Greiner.
  9. until
    Adam Hills, Josh Widdicombe and Alex Brooker are joined bycomedians Frankie Boyle and Josh Pugh, and TV presenter AJOdudu for a comic review of the significant moments of the pastseven days.
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    More of the best moments from Series T, hosted by SandiToksvig with Alan Davies.
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    While punished, Tom must sneak out to rescue the Riders fromBuzzsaw.
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    Coming Soon...
  13. until
    Kelly and Steve investigate the biggest unsolved cold case inEast Texas - the 1992 death of a popular teen whose charredremains were found in her car. Can they crack the case that'sstumped detectives for decades?
  14. until
    Jonathan Ross is back, and his guests in the first of a newseries include Ant-Man star Evangeline Lilly, theirrepressible Danny Dyer, and multi-BRIT Award-winning bandThe 1975.
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    Stevie learns the truth about Marcus, and a patient causesfriction between Max and Faith.
  16. until
    Graham is joined by Dame Helen Mirren, Sir Patrick Stewart,Ariana DeBose and Pedro Pascal. With music from Freya Ridings,performing her single Weekends.
  17. until
    Coming Soon...
  18. until
    A selection of the best moments from the 'T' series, withSandi Toksvig and Alan Davies.
  19. until
    Doc Ock creates a bad bot version of TRACE-E to trick TeamSpidey.
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    Team Spidey must save Aunt May when Green Goblin's device makespeople think they're pirates.
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    Huge and Quantum are undefeated while Blip looks to rebound bytaking on its own sister bot, defending champion Tantrum.
  22. until
    Cha Moosik returns to the Philippines and heads to the casino,only to find that a lot has changed.
  23. until
    In our second allegorical movie of the season, we examineRaekwon's inspiration behind his first solo album, Only Built4 Cuban Linx... through the lens of 90s gangster cinema.
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    Star Wars: The Bad Batch 2x12 - The Outpost
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    Celebrity guests Jason Derulo, Nicole Sherzinger, KelseaBallerini and Julia Michaels compete in a series of music,dance and trivia-based games and musical performances,including Air Guitar, Launch the Mic and new game Don't Fearthe Speaker.
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