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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Charlie faces her greatest challenge yet when she is caught inthe crossfire of a deadly power play that puts her in thesights of two ruthless crime syndicates and the FBI.
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    The pack uncovers a truth about the wildfires: Blake's familyis forced to leave the motel and Luna confides in her crush;Ramsey's investigation closes in on a suspect.
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    As her relationship with Bernie deepens, Simone struggles tocome to terms with her identity while finding her voice in thenascent disco scene of New York City. A telegram from Daisysuggests she's in trouble and Simone drops everything to rescueher. What she finds isn't exactly what she expected.
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    Coming Soon...
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    To celebrate the 20th season, &quot:Top Chef&quot: returnsfor an international showdown in London; sixteen competitors,including previous winners and finalists, face off in thefiercest showdown the culinary series has seen.
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    Medical examiner Sonya's life is in jeopardy when she isexposed to a mysterious poison as the CSI team races to findthe antidote and the silver ink murderer who appears to betargeting the Crime Lab. Max's ex-husband, Daniel, returns tomake sure that she and their son are safe.
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    As the team grapples with the incident's aftermath, theysupport one another as the daily grind continues and bleakbudgets loom for the paper. Meanwhile, new discoveriessurrounding Gloria's death highlight leads that couldreclassify the case.
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    Simone is met with a life-changing decision upon the return ofsomeone from her past. Blue shadows Maggie on a riskyprocedure, while Jo and Link tend to a pregnant woman. At theintern house, Lucas and Mika throw a party filled withsurprises.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Elias Woodstone returns to Woodstone seeking Hetty'sforgiveness so he can stay out of hell for good. Also, Jaystruggles to repeat an inspired culinary creation that he cameup with after walking through Flower.
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    Theo realizes there is an uptick of fires in his oldneighborhood and finds himself returning. At the clinic,Sullivan greets a patient with a large chest burn. Carinatreats a pregnant patient who presents her with an offer.
  12. until
    World Championship VII has reached week 10, and the pressureis on! We're about two-thirds of the way through thequalifiers, and with the Round of 32 just a few weeks away,time is running out for teams to make lasting impressions andprove they're tournament-material. Tonight will be nodifferent, as we've got an eclectic mix of hard-hittingfavorites.
  13. until
    YOU 4x10 - The Death of Jonathan Moore
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    YOU 4x9 - She's Not There
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    YOU 4x8 - Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?
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    YOU 4x7 - Good Man, Cruel World
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    Wolf Pack 1x7 - Lion's Breath
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    YOU 4x6 - Best of Friends
  19. until
    Picard, Riker and crew must confront the sins of their past asthe Titan drifts helplessly in a mysterious space anomaly.
  20. until
    Charlie faces her greatest challenge yet when she is caught inthe crossfire of a deadly power play that puts her in thesights of two ruthless crime syndicates and the FBI.
  21. until
    Franklin is forced back out onto the street while Veronique andCassandra pursue his stolen money; Leon and Big D clash;Teddy starts hunting his KGB counterpart.
  22. until
    Helen gets her first official Omega Sector assignment – goingundercover with Harry and the team at an academic conference inMadrid to stop a bioweapon terrorist attack. During themission, Harry does his best to keep his history with Ximena,a sexy cryptographer they must work with to complete themission, away from his wife.
  23. until
    Lexi puts Sam in charge of the newspaper's food and winefestival, making Nell jealous of their friendship. At theevent, Edward helps Cricket with her booth and Dennis lets offsome marital steam.
  24. until
    Pretty Hard Cases 3x10 - Creatures of Habit
  25. until
    Run the Burbs 2x10 - Phlashback
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