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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Hosted by comedian Aisha Tyler, cast members Ryan Stiles,Wayne Brady and Colin Mochrie, along with guest comedian NyimaFunk, put their comedic skills to the test through a series ofspontaneous improv games that are prompted only by random ideassupplied by the studio audience. The four performers must usethe little information they have and their wild imaginations todepict different characters and an array of scenes, as well asperform songs. After each round of improvisation, Aisha willdole out points to our four performers and declare a winner atthe end of every episode.
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    A massive tree falls during a reforestation assignment,threatening Eve's life and forcing Bode to step up and lead therescue efforts.
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    Noah responds to Simone's marriage proposal, which leads thefellas to go on an adventure; Nicky deals with tension betweenher and her secret boyfriend, and there's wine.
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    Black Mafia Family 2x8 - Push It to the Limit
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    When Hicks insists SWAT participate in Patrol Day in an effortto engage more meaningfully with the community, Hondo andDeacon have their hands full mentoring the newest members ofthe team. Also, a suspended Tan investigates a mystery closeto home.
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    The queens get up close and personal with celebrities for TV'ssketchiest newsmagazine, 50/50; the runway, category isNight Of 1000 Beyoncés; special guests Charo, Frankie Grandeand Love Connie.
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    WWE SmackDown Live 24x9 - #1226 - Capital One Arena inWashington, DC
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    Doug learns Bar None is being sold from under his feet,leading to conflict with his dad about his chosen career. Andrefaces consequences with the Gammas over his businessassociation with Brock. Zaara plans a summer trip.
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    The Ride or Dies settle unfinished business: a familiar facemakes a surprise appearance.
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    Todd won't share his new classic convertible with Harvey. Chasetakes a swing at a golf business.
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    The murders of teenagers Abby and Libby in their close-knithometown of Delphi, Indiana spark worldwide headlines. Thehigh-profile case takes a stunning twist after detectivesreveal Libby captured a video of the killer shortly before herdeath - a crucial piece of evidence that helps police trackdown the murderer. During the two-hour Dateline, correspondentAndrea Canning speaks with insiders in the case, including thedefense attorneys for the killer.
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    Coming Soon...
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    A new market provides the perfect chance to redefine whatpeople think about your product, your company, and you.
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    Mr. Sang's Jungle Odyssey hits the market with notable numbers.Elaine continues to challenge her moral compass, Craigconfronts what's been haunting him all season, and Regus eyeshis next enterprise.
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    When local bistro owner Antonio's professional reputation istargeted, he seeks out Darby and Victoria's investigativeservices.
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    With their ride to Orinoco waiting on the tarmac, Kiara and JJrun into several complications. Rafe has a change of heart.
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    Eva bares her soul to Poppy. Markus spirals out of control.Poppy and Aames uncover more evidence about the suspect incustody.
  18. until
    When Pierre Gasly announces he's leaving Alpha Tauri, YukiTsunoda faces losing a teammate and a friend. Can he step up toshow that he's ready to lead?
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    Jimmy attempts damage control after his party. Paul's daughterpays another visit. Liz and Sean discover they have somethingin common.
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    A grand colonial-themed wedding is at hand. But when the groomdiscovers the bride's attempts at skin lightening, it lookslike the marriage is off the table.
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    Believing he knows what will stop the attacks, Gabriel meetswith Alison. A fateful event transpires in London.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Overwhelmed by changes at home, Brad reminisces about thepast. Billie takes a stand during a visit from her mother.Sasha's career and love life clash.
  24. until
    Daisy Jones is a disaffected teenager who finds meaning in theSunset Strip rock scene. In suburban Pennsylvania, BillyDunne, his brother Graham, and their best friends Eddie andWarren form a band, desperate to escape their surroundings.When Billy and Daisy meet, her talent and his ambition willcombine to change all of their lives, for better and worse.This is the story of what happened.
  25. until
    Shay's father comes back into her life, leading to tensionwith Edward. Adriana and Kojo take Becks to the mountains.Lacey and John hit an impasse.
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