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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Coming Soon...
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    Party Down works a surprise party for movie star Jack Bottythrown by his studio exec girlfriend Evie, which turns weirdwhen the team sees something they shouldn't have.
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    When Hicks insists SWAT participate in Patrol Day in an effortto engage more meaningfully with the community, Hondo andDeacon have their hands full mentoring the newest members ofthe team. Also, a suspended Tan investigates a mystery closeto home.
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    Coming Soon...
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    A massive tree falls during a reforestation assignment,threatening Eve's life and forcing Bode to step up and lead therescue efforts.
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    Noah responds to Simone's marriage proposal, which leads thefellas to go on an adventure. Nicky deals with tension betweenher and her secret boyfriend, and there's wine.
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    The queens get up close and personal with celebrities for TV'ssketchiest newsmagazine, 50/50; the runway, category isNight Of 1000 Beyoncés; special guests Charo, Frankie Grandeand Love Connie.
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    Sean and Julian make a decision about Leanne.
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    Transformers: EarthSpark 1x16 - Episode 16
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    Transformers: EarthSpark 1x15 - TBA
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    Transformers: EarthSpark 1x14 - TBA
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    Transformers: EarthSpark 1x13 - TBA
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    Transformers: EarthSpark 1x12 - TBA
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    Transformers: EarthSpark 1x11 - TBA
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    Jimmy attempts damage control after his party. Paul's daughterpays another visit. Liz and Sean discover they have somethingin common.
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    Eva bares her soul to Poppy. Markus spirals out to control,Poppy and Aames uncover more evidence about the suspect incustody.
  17. until
    Eugene escapes danger only to run headfirst into new jeopardy.Frustrated with Michael, Olivia sets her sights on an unlikelynew mark. Big Mo's triumphant opening night takes an unexpecteddark turn.
  18. until
    Sean and Julian make a decision about Leanne.
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    VICE News Tonight 8x9 - March 2, 2023
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    Troy and Pickle battle a hyper aggressive breed of python. Billand Tes try to stay one step ahead of the Army Corp ofEngineers. Dusty works on a plan to get the snakes to come tohim, while Zak and Bruce face off against two foes.
  21. until
    Troy and Pickle hunt the deepest waters of the swamp. Ronniewrestles a cannibal gator that's destroying his chances to moveup in the rankings. Leron and Porkchop go after monstersthreatening their community. Daniel chases giant but infertilebull gators. Willie races against time to avoid gettingtrapped.
  22. until
    When Veronica appears at the law firm requesting a favor fromTodd, he agrees to help but soon realizes she may be out forrevenge. Also, Margaret is upset when she is taken off ahigh-stakes case.
  23. until
    Cordell, Cassie, Captain James and Trey realize Grey Flag'splans and partnerships extend deeper than they once thought;while the Walkers plan for the Mayor's Medal Ceremony, Cordellstruggles with missing out on time with his kids.
  24. until
    With Gus clinging to life, Abby, Hoyt, Kate, and Calianstop at nothing to expose Tom's true nature and end theDavidson reign over Independence once and for all.
  25. until
    After a shocking revelation, Cordell and Cassie set off tofind out more about Grey Flag's nefarious plans. Liam's andStella's plan for the horse rescue appear to finally be comingtogether when a big-time philanthropist offers her support,and the Walker family joins forces to move the project alongquickly. Trey's new assignment lands him in unfamiliarterritory and a new partner could compromise his focus.
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