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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The stakes are high when Concerned Citizen targets Eileen atgunpoint and takes her hostage in the newsroom. As the clockticks, the team races to help before it's too late.
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    When Kat becomes jealous after hearing a song Max wrote, shetries to plan a romantic evening for the two of them to spiceup their relationship. Meanwhile, Randi learns how to be acool yet responsible stepmom.
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    Animal Control dispatch radios with a cougar sighting. Amitsquares off with a kangaroo.
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    Teddy makes a challenging decision. Meanwhile, Maggie andWinston aren't on speaking terms, and Link leans on Jo foremotional support as he preps for a surgery on a well-knownathlete. Simone and Lucas are surprised by an unlikely visitor.
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    An Internet dating site becomes the source of terror for ayoung widow. Muncy struggles with Velasco's absence.
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    Sam struggles to keep Isaac's spirits up after she hits a walltrying to publish a biography about him. Also, Trevor andHetty conspire to keep their relationship hidden and Thor triesto prove to Flower that he can control his anger.
  7. until
    iMPACT Wrestling 20x9 - Episode 9
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    When a celebrated journalist is killed, Cosgrove and Shawexplore an unpublished report involving a prominent politician.Price and Maroun fight an uphill battle when their onlycredible witness is currently awaiting trial for anotherheinous crime.
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    The chefs are challenged to make a dish from the most popularcuisine across the United States. They will have 45-minutes tocreate a next level Chinese-inspired dish. Which team will takethe top kitchen and who will be eliminated?
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    Tom Allen is joined by a panel of experts and celebrity fanswho analyse the week's task and meet the latest candidate to befired.
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    For week nine, the candidates must design a new men's skincareproduct, then pitch it to industry buyers. For one team,wrangling over a recipe leads to a disastrous skin-staininggoo, meanwhile a lack of creativity on the other team resultsin an unoriginal concept. In the boardroom, Lord Sugar decidesto wash his hands of not just one candidate, but two, in ashock double firing!
  12. until
    Kirsty does her best to protect Ollie, but is it enough?Daniel and Zara learn more about Nina's plans, and Jimmi triesto help a promising young cricket star face up to her problems.
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    Sacrifices must be made when a radiation leak sparks a crisis.
  14. until
    Tickle asks Tim to help convert a bus into a mobile moonshinerig; Digger and Beaz scramble to save a big sale for a risingcountry star who happens to be Willie Nelson's granddaughter;Richard and Craig abandon their still site.
  15. until
    Nina wants to join the Mill as a partner, Kirsty and Rich haveto tell Ollie the truth, and Al is recruited by a true crimepodcaster to help solve a mystery.
  16. until
    After years of struggling, Tammy finally has her weight losssurgery, but things are not as straightforward as expected;Amy meets with Dr. Procter and gets an ambitious weight lossgoal.
  17. until
    It's spring 1972 and Endeavour's return to Castle Gatecoincides with another homecoming, that of the celebratedOxford Concert Orchestra, led by illustrious composer SirAlexander Lermontov. A gruesome discovery in a College gardenleads Endeavour and Thursday to the orchestra's door, and whena second tragedy hits, they uncover a web ofsecrets.Meanwhile, grisly London business turns up in Oxfordand a criminal from the Smoke is brutally murdered in aderelict warehouse. As the mystery unfolds, Endeavour andThursday realise there are some unsettling ties to a case thepair had hoped was long since behind them.
  18. until
    Stevie learns the truth about Marcus, and a patient causesfriction between Max and Faith.
  19. until
    Huge and Quantum are undefeated while Blip looks to rebound bytaking on its own sister bot, defending champion Tantrum.
  20. until
    Love Island 9x34 - Episode 34
  21. until
    Hot Ones 20x5 - Episode 5
  22. until
    Love Island 9x33 - Episode 33
  23. until
    Are You the One? 9x7 - TBA
  24. until
    Dziewczyna i kosmonauta 1x1 - TBA
  25. until
    División Palermo 1x1 - Episode 1
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