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Everything posted by Midnight

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    Host Rob Brydon and team captains Lee Mack and David Mitchellare joined by guests Tom Allen, Sarah Greene, Ugo Monye andMorgana Robinson. They reveal extraordinary stories aboutthemselves, but are they telling the truth or making it allup?
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    Rock 'n' roll reaches Kembleford when a group of bikers causeoutrage and excitement in equal measure.
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    As the Red Bull team pushes to build on their lead againstFerrari, all eyes are on Sergio "Checo" Pérezduring a dramatic Monaco Grand Prix.
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    Charlie finds herself stranded in a motel during a blizzard:in order to survive the night, Charlie must decipher thedeadly tension between her questionable companions.
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    Days later, Patti's yet to return home, causing Craig tospiral. Chained to an impossible task, Elaine finds herselfcalling upon an ex for help.
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    Rafe lays his cards on the table and Sarah calls in two favors.JJ's unorthodox plan to get to South America lands John B inhot water.
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    The party turns deadly, causing the police to arrive: Ramseyand Garrett encounter something strange in the woods; the packvisits a former firefighter, Malcolm, to get answers aboutthe wildfire.
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    Picard grapples with an explosive, life-altering revelation,while the Titan and her crew try to outmaneuver a relentlessVadic in a lethal game of nautical cat and mouse. Meanwhile,Raffi and Worf uncover a nefarious plot from a vengeful enemyStarfleet has long since forgotten.
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    When a city council candidate's fundraiser ends in anassassination attempt, Stabler makes it a top priority to findthe culprit. Despite Thurman's orders, the local precinctcaptain is reluctant to let Bell's team take the lead.
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    A silver ink note threatening Maxine Roby's life is found atthe crime lab, sending the entire CSI team to crack who isbehind the notes and how they connect to other murder cases.
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    The stakes are high when Concerned Citizen targets Eileen atgunpoint and takes her hostage in the newsroom. As the clockticks, the team races to help before it's too late.
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    When Veronica appears at the law firm requesting a favor fromTodd, he agrees to help but soon realizes she may be out forrevenge. Also, Margaret is upset when she is taken off ahigh-stakes case.
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    Teddy makes a challenging decision. Meanwhile, Maggie andWinston aren't on speaking terms, and Link leans on Jo foremotional support as he preps for a surgery on a well-knownathlete. Simone and Lucas are surprised by an unlikely visitor.
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    Sam struggles to keep Isaac's spirits up after she hits a walltrying to publish a biography about him. Also, Trevor andHetty conspire to keep their relationship hidden and Thor triesto prove to Flower that he can control his anger.
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    An internet dating site becomes the source of terror for ayoung widow. Muncy struggles with Velasco's absence.
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    Animal Control dispatch radios with a cougar sighting. Amitsquares off with a kangaroo.
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    With Gus clinging to life, Abby, Hoyt, Kate, and Calianstop at nothing to expose Tom's true nature and end theDavidson reign over Independence once and for all.
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    When a celebrated journalist is killed, Cosgrove and Shawexplore an unpublished report involving a prominent politician.Price and Maroun fight an uphill battle when their onlycredible witness is currently awaiting trial for anotherheinous crime.Art Alamo &Gia Gordon/Martha Mitchell
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    The Coopers can't be found as Mandy goes into labor. Also,Sheldon is excited about the launch of his database.
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    After a shocking revelation, Cordell and Cassie set off tofind out more about Grey Flag's nefarious plans. Liam's andStella's plan for the horse rescue appear to finally be comingtogether when a big-time philanthropist offers her support,and the Walker family joins forces to move the project alongquickly. Trey's new assignment lands him in unfamiliarterritory and a new partner could compromise his focus.
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    As Saber seeks revenge, the Los Soles cartel comes for Nahel.Commissioner Herman blackmails a captive Tony into helping herlocate Mehdi.
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