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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The Flash is forced to make an impossible choice. With thepower out in the city, Team Flash calls upon the Rogue Squadto help as Iris is visited by an old friend. Joe and Cecilework on finding a balance.
  2. until
    The hospital is in disarray when the janitors go on strike.Crockett treats a young girl injured on her family's farm.Charles and Nellie's schizophrenic patient returns to Med.Archer encounters a patient with foreign material in herstomach.
  3. until
    Barry makes an impulsive decision and finds himself caught in alie. Meanwhile, Beverly's infatuation with a potential"special someone" causes a roller coaster ofemotions.
  4. until
    Henry finds himself on a collision course with Xiao, whoselatest plan results in devastating consequences for Nicky andher family.
  5. until
    Lidia uncovers a conspiracy and faces a choice: Should she stayand make her way in a place that doesn't want her, or seek herfortune elsewhere?
  6. until
    After a seance at a wild party, a wealthy businessmanmysteriously expires, and the most likely suspect has beenlocked in an asylum for years.
  7. until
    A woman very similar to Lidia - educated, underestimated,scorned - is on trial. Lidia wants to represent her, but isshe too invested to see the truth?
  8. until
    Lidia and Enrico discover some family secrets when, in anopioid haze, a man from Lidia's past confesses to patricide inher childhood home.
  9. until
    Much to Enrico's chagrin, Lidia agrees to defend an anarchistaccused of murder. But the scandal goes deeper than sheexpected and lands her in trouble.
  10. until
    The Mandalorian 3x1 - TBA
  11. until
    Following the completion of the tour, we see the paths of afew lesser known Wu-Tang members as they search for theirindividual voices amongst the crowd.
  12. until
    Cha Moosik is extradited to Korea as a murder suspect, andgoes to trial.
  13. until
    Star Wars: The Bad Batch 2x11 - Metamorphosis
  14. until
    With Gavin on the verge of dying, Eve and her family make adesperate attempt to set things right … even as an unexpectedtwist threatens to tear them apart forever. Veronica reveals asecret that sends her relationship with Lucas into jeopardy.
  15. until
    Personal injury attorney Tom Girardi posits himself as achampion for the little guy, but jilted clients cry foul whenthey discover him cheating them out of millions in settlementmoney as his wife flaunts her wealth on realitytelevision.
  16. until
    When a case that hits close to home comes across Will's desk,he discovers there is more to the incident than meets the eye.Meanwhile, Angie and Ormewood investigate a murdered magicianwhile uncovering some extra tricks that had been up hissleeve.
  17. until
    When a rising star triathlete is found violently murdered, theteam chases after one of her teammates and his girlfriend.Also, Remy reunites with a true crime show producer from hispast.
  18. until
    After a group of Navajo friends are arrested for protesting thelocal Uranium mine, they come up with a plan to try and shutit down for good.
  19. until
    The Fly Team and Smitty head to Morocco when a commercialaircraft flying from New York to Athens is grounded and anAmerican citizen on board goes missing. Also, Kellett'srelationship with Erdős continues to blossom.
  20. until
    Confidence grows when irrefutable, scientific evidence reportsthe Fellowship is closer than ever to the gold.
  21. until
    Garza and team are on the hunt for a ruthless gang leader on amission for revenge. Atlas comes to town to reconnect withLaura, but the two cannot seem to see eye-to-eye, and Simoneand Carter grapple with letting go of old grudges.
  22. until
    Alonzo questions Dale about the drugs that are being stashed atthe pharmacy; Kyle makes a new discovery about David, puttingeveryone on high alert.
  23. until
    Wong & Winchester 1x6 - The Gun
  24. until
    Gavin leads his family toward a new way home, but each stepinches everyone closer toward his devastating vision of Eve'sdeath. Levi, ostracized from the others, is given a chance atredemption when an old foe proposes a deal.
  25. until
    Katherine has to go on a "listening tour" after a group ofyounger employees demand the company stop contributing topro-life politicians. The men of the office are charged withwriting Payne's policies regarding abortion. .
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