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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    When the Clearing and Fort unite to celebrate the union of Tyand Paara, the invitation of a controversial guest threatensto upend the festivities. Lucas offers Veronica an unexpectedstrategy to unravel her captor's odd connection to 10,000 BC.
  2. until
    Sharon discovers Kareem's dark secret and fears for her life:Victoria and Donald are worried, as they think the FederalBureau is after them; Dale is caught in the middle of anillegal transaction.
  3. until
    Jazz heads back to Cambridge and meets her newest crush:before the sophomore gets too settled, Harvard shares news ofa disturbing death threat that complicates a transgenderawareness event Jazz is eager to put on.
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    The Curse of Oak Island 10x14 - Getting the Shaft
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    It's Valentine's Day, and love is in the air. The FBI teams upwith LAPD to take down a shady Casanova linked to a notoriousdrug lord. While the rest of the team celebrates with their newloves, Simone connects with someone new.
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    The Fly Team investigates the death of an American lawyerworking out of Budapest, Hungary, after he is killed by a carbomb. Kellett begins to grow close to Hungarian lieutenantBenedek Erdős as the critical case progresses.
  7. until
    When a train delay causes issues, Abby sees an opportunity toserve underground justice. Gurgs tries to stall the proceedingsso Abby can meet her two favorite celebrities (Johnny Weir andTara Lipinski), but Dan has dinner reservations he won't giveup.
  8. until
    After a string of armed robberies target various businesses,the team investigates a suspect who leads them to somethingmuch bigger. Also, OA worries about his future when hisinvestments begin to go south.
  9. until
    Henry Louis Gates, Jr. reveals the unexpected family trees ofactivist Angela Y. Davis and statesman Jeh Charles Johnson,using DNA and long-lost records to redefine notions of theblack experience—and challenge preconceptions of America'spast.
  10. until
    Owen helps defend Marjan when a rescue complaint forces her tomake a challenging ethical decision. Meanwhile, Gracebefriends a young boy who becomes a frequent 9-1-1 caller, butwhen she discovers he may be in some real danger she must step.
  11. until
    WWE NXT 17x8 - Episode 8
  12. until
    Tug of Words 2x65 - Mr. Perkins is a Cat
  13. until
    The Curse of Oak Island 10x13 - All's Well
  14. until
    Tug of Words 2x64 - Sky Goddesses
  15. until
    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo discover painting is hard in PAINT JOBBED, meet somestruggling couples in CONFRONTATIONSHIPS and discover that noteverybody likes fun in UNHAPPY TO BE HERE.
  16. until
    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo meet some people with the need for greed in I DON'TSHARE, get all hopped up on BEER POWER, and get paid to slayin WORK'N AND TWERK'N.
  17. until
    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo meet some smooth as silk seniors in GRAY VELVET,capture some bare bandits in RAW ENFORCEMENT, and witness somesue worthy accidents in SETTLEMENT TIME.
  18. until
    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo meet some good time roaches in RIDICULOUS ROACHES,rebound from pain in BOUNCE BACKERS, and forget to call stepsupporters in LONELY LADDERS.
  19. until
    The Directing Staff challenge the remaining 11 recruits tostand up and be counted on the fourth phase of the course, asthey face a hostage rescue mission hoping to spring twoabducted recruits. The second leadership challenge is apunishing head to head team ammunition supply race, requiringgrit and determination to get the job over the line.
  20. until
    Tug of Words 2x63 - Let's Talk Comics
  21. until
    Tooning Out the News 3x14 - February 8, 2023 - SpecialCoverage: State Of The Union
  22. until
    The team must navigate the mistrust of authorities in atight-knit Somali community in Minnesota as they race to find akidnapped 14-year-old girl.
  23. until
    Sharon learns of Kareem's dark secret and worries for herlife, while Victoria's concerns may come true.
  24. until
    As a man, Kevin is shy and mild-mannered: onstage, she'sRobyn Banks, a fierce drag queen who's all confidence andcharisma. But when Kevin falls for a closeted guy secretlyliving a double life, their whirlwind affair leads todevastating consequences.
  25. until
    After a string of armed robberies target various businesses,the team investigates a suspect who leads them to somethingmuch bigger. Also, OA worries about his future when hisinvestments begin to go south.
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