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untilRookie architect Nick is aiming to solve Australia':shousing crisis by showing that good design is affordable foreveryone.
How I Met Your Father S02E05 - Ride or Die
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilSophie and Val have conflicting feelings about brunch withVal's parents. The gang attends Jesse's Long Island show. -
Aggretsuko S05E05 - A Mysterious Messenger
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilA suspicious looking man comes up to Manaka after an OTM Girls'show and asks her about "Aggressive Retsuko". Haidameets up with Tadano. -
untilThe team must stop a militia from detonating a highlycombustible truck in their possession. Meanwhile, OfficersNolan, Thorson, Juarez and Detective Harper search for threemen who may have been exposed to Ebola and detain them forquarantine.
The Rookie: Feds S01E16 - For Love and Money
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilIt's Valentine's Day, and love is in the air. The FBI teams upwith LAPD to take down a shady Casanova linked to a notoriousdrug lord. While the rest of the team celebrates with their newloves, Simone connects with someone new. -
untilEve and Gavin ally with James to infiltrate the Lazarusbuilding in hopes of saving Ty and stopping Kiera fromdestroying their only way home. When a deadly horde awakensbeneath the clearing, Veronica must save Ella before a lethalsting kills her.
The Curse of Oak Island S10E14 - Getting the Shaft
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilThe team is ecstatic when new scientific evidence narrows downthe location of the gold signature in the Money Pit. And Rickrealises a lifelong dream when he finally gets underground onOak Island. -
9-1-1: Lone Star S04E05 - Human Resources
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilOwen helps defend Marjan when a rescue complaint forces her tomake a challenging ethical decision. Meanwhile, Gracebefriends a young boy who becomes a frequent 9-1-1 caller, butwhen she discovers he may be in some real danger she must stepin. -
untilThe Fly Team investigates the death of an American lawyerworking out of Budapest, Hungary, after he is killed by a carbomb. Kellett begins to grow close to Hungarian lieutenantBenedek Erd-s as the critical case progresses.
untilThe biggest blunder in Survivor history turns Simon into publicenemy number one. With no alliances left does he have anychance of survival?
untilPhysical: 100 1x9 - Episode 9
untilHonest Trailers 255x7 - Episode 7
untilSophie and Val have conflicting feelings about brunch withVal's parents. The gang attends Jesse's Long Island show.
untilOn Allie's birthday, Tory, Matthew, and Jasper try to findthe best way to confront their grief and honor her memory.Elena discovers someone she trusts is lying to her.
Heavy Rescue: 401 7x5 - A Lump in the Throat
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilChad Grenier deals with a spun-out tractor. Bill Wright bringshis new rotator to a dangerous corner of the 401. The Herb'sTowing crew faces a major challenge when a semi barrels acrossboth sides of the highway. -
Below Deck 10x13 - Another One Bites the Dust
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilCapt. Sandy lets go of an integral member of the crew: oneguest takes her requests to the limits, pushing chef Rachel towit's end; windy weather ruins excursion plans; Capt. Leeshares big news with Capt. Sandy. -
All American: Homecoming 2x12 - Behind the Mask
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilWith the Masquerade Dance around the corner, the students arefeverishly working on their dance, sending and receivinginvitations. Keisha works hard on choreographing the MasqueradeDance but takes out her frustrations on Cam. Simone hosts a PKZalum and is faced with thinking about her future, as Thea alsoconfronts what could be in store for her. Damon regretsfollowing JR's advice. Nate is presented with a very unexpectedsurprise. Meanwhile, Marcus and Amara take a first step in anew direction. -
untilChelsea and Cole's new clients want to turn their cookie-cuttersuburban home into their dream modern farmhouse. They look totransform their ho-hum exterior, redo their dated kitchen andfamily room plus add storage including a pantry and mudroom.
American Experience 35x3 - Ruthless: Monopoly's Secret History
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilFor generations, Monopoly has been America's favorite boardgame, a love letter to unbridled capitalism and — for betteror worse — the impulses that make our free-market societytick. But behind the myth of the game's creation is an untoldtale of theft, obsession, and corporate double-dealing.Contrary to the folksy legend spread by Parker Brothers,Monopoly's secret history is a surprising saga that features aradical feminist, a community of Quakers in Atlantic City,America's greatest game company, and an unemployedDepression-era engineer. And the real story behind the creationof the game might never have come to light if it weren't forthe determination of an economics professor and impassionedanti-monopolist.Part detective story, part sharp socialcommentary, and part pop-culture celebration, Ruthless:Monopoly's Secret History presents the fascinating true storybehind America's favorite game. -
untilSidney, upset that Jason and Nikki don't believe her claimsabout Keith, comes clean about the details surrounding the dayof his disappearance, causing Jason to cast serious doubt onthe boy claiming to be his son. Meanwhile, Mike's policementor brings a missing officer's case to the MPU team.
America's Got Talent: All-Stars 1x8 - Final Performances
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilThe best-of-the-best showcase their talent with incredibleperformances in hopes of being crowned the first-ever winner.The superfans vote to choose the champion, who will berevealed the following week. -
untilZach and the remaining women head to London for another week ofadventure; Zach is in a never-before-seen scenario which coulddrastically alter the journey ahead.
untilAmber's fantasy is to have her actual life be as perfect as herInstagram life. But when Amber's family transforms into theperfect Insta-versions of themselves, she soon realizessomething about all this perfection is very wrong. Meanwhile,Roarke presents another guest, Isaiah, with an envelope thatreveals the date of his death.
Antiques Roadshow 27x8 - Cheekwood Estate & Garden, Hour 2
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilAntiques Roadshow 27x8 - Cheekwood Estate & Garden, Hour 2 -
untilWhen an unexpected event rocks both the Beverly Hills andCrenshaw communities, they come together to support each otherin an unexpected way.