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Everything posted by Midnight

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    Interviews with Reese Witherspoon, Ashton Kutcher, DrewBarrymore & Savannah Guthrie … Plus, Lisa Rinna joinsus live in studio!
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    Coverage of The Grammy Awards … Interviews with Tamron Halland Shania Twain … Plus, Teresa Giudice joins us live!
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    Having grown tired of their new action lifestyle, the Titanstry to break their deal with Toy Master, even enlisting helpfrom the Justice League.
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    The Titans learn that toys from comedy shows don't sell, sothey vow to become action heroes.
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    At an annual cross-church party, Aaron waits to be baptised.But his head is turned by one congregation carrying rainbowflags. Fiona and Rachel argue over university.
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    Michael and Elizabeth pursue a lead in Robin's murder case. TheBaxters make arrangements to silence Eugene. Pushed by Gina andCarmine, Jimmy enters into a dangerous alliance. A tragicoverdose causes a major rift with the trusted lieutenants ofBig Mo.
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    Bumpy and Colombo face off for control of the heroin trade whenMonsieur 98 returns to bring in the next shipment. Omar makes aromantic appeal to Elise. Pettigrew discovers cocaine throughhis love affair with a Cuban woman.
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    A night of passion leads to love between con-man Charlie andundercover CIA officer Emma, who are unknowingly on acollision course professionally.
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    The guys try to help Mayor Wild West reconnect with hisestranged father, Old West.
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    When a string of marijuana dispensaries are robbed, Killiandiscovers a connection that could derail his personal life.Also, Suarez has a fateful meeting with Allison Cha, aninfluential political policy advisor, and Bentley returns towork after his shooting.
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    Kat chaperones a school dance and reconnects with Brad.: Alicewants Nick to find her in the future. Del says goodbye to morememories as a landmark closes.
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    The NCIS team must quickly find Kensi and Fatima after they arekidnapped and drugged while searching for a missing Navylieutenant who they learn has ties to a dangerous Islamicmilitia.
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    Rowan makes a shocking discovery but has to deal with italone; a tragic event brings Rowan closer to the Mayfairs andLasher; Sip falls deeper down the rabbit hole of the keynecklace.
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    Magnum and Higgins go undercover as lifeguards in order tosolve a murder. Jin Jeong wins a storage unit auction andenlists the help of Rick and TC upon finding a stolen militarymedal.
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    Magnum and Higgins weigh the risks of pursuing a relationship.Rick juggles being a new father and running La Mariana.Katsumoto tries to figure out his next move.
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    The kids must convince Beef to get a new mattress after histurns into a deadly trap. Honeybee and Wolf set out on ajourney.
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    Mel engages in a tense family reunion when she and herdisapproving sister race against the clock to save theirbrother Edison after he's abducted. Also, as the team unravelsthe motivation behind Edison's kidnapping, Mel grapples withthe fallout of her argument with McCall about training Delilah.
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    Meech and Terry return to Detroit from Atlanta with a productand a new technique to flood the streets with BMF product.Meech links up with Sterling and the PA Boys to continue hisquest to kill Lamar.
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    When Ned Flanders falls on hard times, Fat Tony makes him anoffer he can't refuse.
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