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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    This week's episode will feature topical commentary on themost-talked about issues in sports, a one-on-one interviewwith comedian Roy Wood, Jr.,a deep dive into theAtlanta-based professional basketball league Overtime Elite,and the state of the NBA.
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    AEW: Rampage 3x7 - #81 - Slam Dunk: Sames Auto Arena inLaredo, TX
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    The return of Rachel Witten, Eddie's former partner turnedsocial worker, tests her loyalties and conflicts Frank, whenRachel brings an accusation of excessive force against anofficer. Also, Danny and Baez clash with a troubled fosterchild at the center of their latest investigation and Erin mustmake a tough decision about her campaign run for districtattorney.
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    This week features a one-on-one interview with two-time AcademyAward®-winning actor and star of new series "The Consultant"on Amazon Prime, Christoph Waltz. This week's panel discussionincludes Ari Melber,host of MSNBC's "The Beat With AriMelber" and staff writer for The Dispatch, host of "TheDispatch Podcast,"and contributor and political analyst forABC News, Sarah Isgur.
  5. until
    Monique and Derek get ambushed: Michael's mother makes ashocking claim about Justine; Ashley reveals surprising newsto Travis; Aris questions Cameron's intentions; Nathanconsiders taking the plunge with Skylar.
  6. until
    Black Mafia Family 2x6 - Homecoming
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    Strategy and alliances emerge as the queens face off in aseries of lip syncs, all leading to a final sudden deathelimination round.
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    Mayan and George disagree about how to handle a lucrativebusiness opportunity. Rosie's ethics are put to the test in thekitchen.
  9. until
    Parker gets down to paydirt at the Wolf Cut in Alaska butdisaster strikes when the crew hits an old mine shaft. Davegoes deeper in search of his last gold. A mistake on Tony'screw sends a 0,000 wash plant crashing to the ground.
  10. until
    The Apprentice: You're Fired 16x7 - Children's Lunchbox and App
  11. until
    Tammy struggles to cope after surviving a near-deathexperience; Amy realizes being an overweight mom may prove tobe too much; Chris is desperate to get rid of excess skin;Amanda offloads some dead weight of her own.
  12. until
    The team must stop a militia from detonating a highlycombustible truck in their possession; Nolan, Thorson,Juarez and Harper search for three men who may have beenexposed to Ebola.
  13. until
    Physical: 100 1x8 - Episode 8
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    Physical: 100 1x7 - Episode 7
  15. until
    Julie demands Todd make progress on the new house while she'saway for her birthday weekend.
  16. until
    Batwheels 2x19 - The Knight Shift
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    This week features a one-on-one interview with Malcolm Nance,counterterrorism expert and New York Times bestselling authorof "They Want to Kill Americans: The Militias, Terrorists,and Deranged Ideology of the Trump Insurgency." This week'spanel discussion includes pollster and host of SiriusXM's "TheTrendline with Kristen Soltis Anderson," Kristen SoltisAnderson; and Democratic strategist, scholar at theUniversity of Virginia's Center for Politics, and CNNpolitical contributor, Paul Begala.
  18. until
    Alison Brie chats about her new movie "Somebody I Used toKnow."Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratttells Jennifer about herchildren's book "Good Night, Sister.'
  19. until
    Actor William Jackson Harper stops by to discuss the film,"Ant Man," and his new play, "Primary Trust." Celebrity chefAnne Burrell gets us ready for Sunday's big game with signaturedishes from Philadelphia and Kansas City. Then, actress andformer "The Brady Bunch" star Eve Plumb talks to Sherri abouther iconic career.
  20. until
    Legendary actress and model Pamela Anderson is taking over thewhole show and telling Drew all about her career and what she'sup to now! Drew and Ross Mathews are hitting the headlines inan all-new Drew's News. Chef Dayanny De La Cruz is sharing somedelicious tailgate-ready snacks. We've got a special puppy bowlwith Katherine Schwarzenegger and official Puppy Bowl Ref DanSchachner.
  21. until
    Kellyoke Encore: "Tennessee Whiskey": Alyssa Milano:Macklemore; real life "Goonies" shipwreck; sweet notes fromdad; Kranium performs.
  22. until
    John Legend celebrates the 100th episode of "The JenniferHudson Show." John performs "Nervous" off his album "Legend"and talks about his Loved01 skincare line.
  23. until
    Former co-host of "The Real" Jeannie Mai Jenkins visits Sherrito discuss motherhood and hosting the Amazon competitionseries, "America's Test Kitchen: Next Generation."Then, actorHosea Chanchez talks about starring in and directing "The Game" reboot on Paramount+.Plus, Sherri brings the funny with herhilarious take on the headlines!
  24. until
    "Somebody I Used to Know" star Alison Brie is telling Drew allabout her new movie and playing a round of cornhole. It's anall-new Drew's News and Drew and Ross Mathews are covering theday's biggest headlines. "At Midnight" star Diego Boneta ischatting about his upcoming rom-com! Drew and her co-pilot RossMathews are serving the news sunny-side up. In a newDrew-Gooder segment, Drew is chatting with a CPR instructorwho was able to save a neighbor in need.
  25. until
    Kellyoke: "1999": Salma Hayek Pinault: "Dance Dance DoubleDown," with host Guy Branum; Dylan Gilmer (Young Dylan);Stephen A. Smith; dog rescued by pilot; engagement ring ad.
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