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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Torn between his dark side and good intentions, Joe works toright his wrongs. After attempting to help Phoebe, Kate facesher father - and hard truths.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    Strategy and alliances emerge as the queens face off in aseries of lip syncs, all leading to a final sudden deathelimination round.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Glorlox brings his bounty to the Conglomerate with unexpectedconsequences. Aboard the ship, the kids hatch a scheme thatleads to an epic battle.
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    Class 1x8 - Episode 8
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    Class 1x7 - Episode 7
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    Class 1x6 - Episode 6
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    Class 1x5 - Episode 5
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    Class 1x4 - Episode 4
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    Class 1x3 - Episode 3
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    Shay and Edward look for clues about the mystery girl. Adrianadecides to run for her grandmother's seat. Dee Dee goes to LAto search for answers.
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    Class 1x2 - Episode 2
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    Lacey struggles to do anything right for Edward. Later, shemeets more people affected by the crash at the first GriefGroup therapy session.
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    Edward is nervous for his family's move to LA. Lacey's marriageis strained. Dee Dee and Zoe celebrate. Edward's flight departsfor Los Angeles.
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    Class 1x1 - Episode 1
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    Detectives rely on a 12-year-old girl as the only witness to adomestic dispute that escalated to a double homicide, butquestions arise as to whether the young girl will be able towithstand the pressure of testifying about the crime.
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    Together on Graham's packed sofa tonight: Dame Judi Dench,talking about her heartwarming film Allelujah, GreatestShowman Hugh Jackman, starring in a powerful drama aboutfatherhood, The Son, Michael B Jordan (Black Panther),promoting boxing sequel Creed III, Schitt's Creek star EugeneLevy, in new TV series The Reluctant Traveller and the starsof Marvel's Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, Paul Rudd andMichael Douglas, pop in for a chat. With music from P!nk, whoperforms her single Trustfall.
  20. until
    The team must prove Neville's innocence after ProfessorCartwright is murdered. DI Karen Flitcroft from the Departmentof Policing Standards takes over the investigation. Theinvestigation leads Naomi and Selwyn to Justin West at thepreppers commune.
  21. until
    Sandi Toksvig takes tea with Rosie Jones, Ahir Shah, HenningWehn and Alan Davies.
  22. until
    Rob Brydon and team captains Lee Mack and David Mitchell arejoined by guests Lucy Beaumont, Anton Du Beke, Desiree Burchand Ralf Little. They reveal extraordinary stories aboutthemselves, but are they telling the truth or making it allup?
  23. until
    Pinky and Brain are the stars of a secret agent moviefranchise. Yakko has to sing a song about why the Earth isworth saving. The Warners visit an amusement park and findthemselves in a sticky situation.
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    Brain desperately tries to take over the world with a newChristmas toy. The Warners helps Santa save Christmas. Braindesperately tries to take over the world with a new Christmastoy.
  25. until
    The Warners find themselves inside a video game. Cindy andStarbox have to get ready for bed. The Warners find themselvesinside a video game.
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