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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Tamron highlights lasting friendships and loving relationshipsthat can come into your life in the most surprising ways andwhen you least expect it! Kicking off with "American Idol"stars RUBEN STUDDARD and CLAY AIKEN look back on their 20-yearfriendship as they take it on the road for their joint tour,"Twenty | The Tour." Plus, don't miss a special performance bythe duo.
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    Alison Brie: Monica Barbaro: Dave Franco: Meagan Good:Justin Hartley; Ryan Phillippe; Jay Ellis.
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    Tooning Out the News 3x13 - February 1, 2023 - Rep. MaxwellFrost
  4. until
    Everyone's still reeling from the council's decision and itsimplications: the money Jeremy's spent on cows for therestaurant, the locals who won't find work there now and thefarmers' co-operative that's now defunct. Charlie sets out tofind a legal team to help Jeremy appeal the decision, asJeremy and Kaleb get to work on tagging the new calves andattempting to navigate a government helpline where you'resupposed to register them. There are other useful distractionsfrom the council in the shape of Diddly Squat's Hedge LayingCompetition and a mouse that brings the whole farm to astandstill. The legal team that Charlie has assembled pay avisit. They outline their strategy for the appeal, but alsothe costs that come with it...
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    Coming Soon...
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    Cha Moo-sik settles Jung-pal's debts with the Triad, andbrings Jung-pal back to the Philippines.
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    Dirty takes on the persona of &quot:Dirt McGirt&quot: in thetheme of a 1970s blaxploitation film, as he finds inspirationfor his first solo album, "Return to the 36Chambers".
  8. until
    As an album deadline nears, RZA must reconcile with his cousinDirty by any means necessary; Dirty takes refuge at Shurrie'sapartment; the friendship between Ghostface and Raekwonstrengthens as they discuss a potential collaboration.
  9. until
    Youngdo-pa gang members enter the Philippines to take care ofCha Moosik.
  10. until
    Seo Taeseok tries to shoot Moosik, but is overpowered, andhas to leave the Philippines.
  11. until
    The tables turn for Joe when an influential figure comes totown with a tempting offer as Nadia follows a hunch.
  12. until
    Following six months after the fallout within the group, RZAand the Wu-Tang Clan have moved out of Staten Island to amansion in the woods of New Jersey.
  13. until
    An unexpected fan steps behind the mic at Maggie's radio show,and Walter attempts to convince Rome he is more than capable ofbeing behind the wheel. Meanwhile, Eddie makes moves toreenter the dating pool and gets some help from an unexpectedally.
  14. until
    All hope seems lost when the crew learns an asteroid is hoursaway from impact.
  15. until
    Kelly goes to Guelph on her own in search of the chemist behindpurple rain, as Sam's health issues have her trailing behind.Sam finds Kelly trapped in an explosive situation.
  16. until
    Camille can't handle it when Ramesh wants to sell her childhoodhome. Andrew tries to improve things at Hudson's office.
  17. until
    With her world crashing down around her, Nicky is forced toreevaluate her recent actions in order to move forward. Altheagoes under cover to gain more information about DeltaSecurities. Henry and Zhilan follow a lead regarding Xiao'swhereabouts.
  18. until
    Emotions run high when a crisis jeopardizes the kids' safetyand pushes Terry to ride through a dangerous storm with Glorloxhot on his heels.
  19. until
    Barry feels guilty for what happened to Caitlin and Mark comesup with a plan which makes everyone skeptical. Meanwhile, RedDeath looms in Central City and commands that failure is not anoption. Joe asks Cecile to make a choice which leads Cecile tothink about the greater good. Allegra and Chester take a stepin a new direction. Lastly, old friends pay an unexpectedvisit to S.T.A.R. Labs.
  20. until
    Darlene continues her search for a new job. Elsewhere, Beckyis desperate to spend more time with Beverly Rose.
  21. until
    Casino 2x3 - Episode 3
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    In our first allegorical movie of the season, we see Dirtytake on the persona of "Dirt McGirt" in the theme of a 1970sblaxploitation film, as he finds inspiration for his firstsolo album, Return to the 36 Chambers.
  23. until
    Casino 2x2 - Episode 2
  24. until
    As an album deadline nears, RZA must reconcile with his cousinDirty by any means necessary. Dirty, however, takes refuge atShurrie's apartment. The friendship between Ghostface andRaekwon strengthen.
  25. until
    Following six months in the wake of the season two finale, wefind RZA and the Wu-Tang Clan have moved out of Staten Islandto a mansion in the woods of New Jersey.
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