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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Tamron has a candid conversation about the definition of familyand the roles we play—from women who choose to not havechildren to those who say "one and done." Plus, "Dancing withthe Stars"' VAN AMSTEL and his two children share theiradoption journey in hopes of inspiring others.
  2. until
    Watch What Happens Live 20x22 - Alexia Nepola, Marysol Patton
  3. until
    Married at First Sight 16x5 - It's All About The Journey
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    Drew Carey promotes upcoming special episodes of "The Price IsRight" celebrating his 15th anniversary as host.Actress StormReid drops by to chat about her new movie "Missing."
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    Sherri shares her hilarious take on the headlines!Then, iconicdesigner Isaac Mizrahi discusses his return to Cafe Carlylewith his all-new show, "The Marvelous Mr. Mizrahi."Plus,9-year-old poet Kayden Hern kicks off our Making Black Historyseries.
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    Actor Alan Cumming: actress Antonia Gentry (TV series "Ginny& Georgia"); Samantha Brown debunks common travel myths.
  7. until
    The weddings continue as two more couples put it all on theline to meet and marry at first sight.
  8. until
    Gabrielle Union is telling Drew about the new season of "TruthBe Told" and why she no longer uses voicemail. Drew and RossMathews are at the news desk covering today's hottest headlineslike who Mel B thinks should play her in a biopic and the studythat says partners should talk about work with eachother. Drew is talking to 23-year-old jazz singer Samara Joyabout her new Grammy-nominated album "Linger Awhile." ChefMelba Wilson owner of the comfort food restaurant "Melba's" ischatting with Drew and joining her in the kitchen to make ahearty fish stew. Drew and Ross Mathews are serving the newssunny-side up, covering headlines like the reason someTikTok's go viral and the theater in Mumbai that's played thesame movie almost every day for twenty-seven years.
  9. until
    Tamron will meet inspiring people who managed to land theirdream jobs despite the obstacles. Plus, advice on how you canfind your dream job too!
  10. until
    Judy Justice 2x43 - TBA
  11. until
    Watch What Happens Live 20x21 - Tracy Tutor, Josh Flagg
  12. until
    Tia Mowry tells JHud about her new haircare line, 4U byTia.Ledisi performs her upcoming song "I Need to Know."
  13. until
    Actor and comedian D.L. Hughley talks about taking over theresponsibilities as guest host of ‘The Daily Show." Then,Millie Peartree shares some of her favorite recipes withSherri. Plus, Sherri shares her hilarious take on theheadlines!
  14. until
    Kal Penn (ABC special "Schoolhouse Rock! 50th AnniversarySingalong"); Ben Aldridge ("Knock at the Cabin"); planningfor vacation travel.
  15. until
    Australia's most controversial social experiment continues withtwo more weddings; one couple find trouble in paradise.
  16. until
    Judy Justice 2x42 - TBA
  17. until
    "Dear Edward" star Taylor Schilling is chatting about her newseries based on the bestselling novel and showing off herdrawing skills with a round of "Drew it or Blew it." Drew andher co-pilot Ross Mathews are covering headlines like the studyon thinking of a happy memory before bedtime and the restauranton Staten Island run by a kitchen full of grandmas! The cheffor the Academy Awards, Wolfgang Puck is telling Drew aboutthe menu for this year and making one of his signature Oscar'sdishes – the prime mini burger! Drew and Ross Mathews areserving the news sunny-side up and covering stories likeFrankie Muniz's new documentary about becoming a race cardriver and why billionaire Mark Cuban used to grocery shop atmidnight.
  18. until
    EXCLUSIVE: Tamron interviews JINGER DUGGAR VUOLO and herhusband, JEREMY VUOLO. Jinger, of the infamous Duggar familyfrom TLC's hit show "19 Kids and Counting," will shareexclusives from her diary during her time on the show anddiscuss her new book, "Becoming Free Indeed: My Story ofDisentangling Faith from Fear." The couple will also give anupdate on their family now. Plus, an all-new Shop Tam Fam!
  19. until
    Watch What Happens Live 20x20 - Kate Chastain, Katie Glaser
  20. until
    Actress Gabrielle Union talks about her film "The Inspection,"which is in theaters now.Comedian Sam Jay promotes the Netflixfilm "You People."
  21. until
    Dave Bautista (movie "Knock at the Cabin"): "The Points Guy,"Brian Kelly, gives advice for traveling with family.
  22. until
    "Poker Face" star Natasha Lyonne is telling Drew about her newshow, her partnership with Maya Rudolph and whether she woulddo an "American Pie" reboot. Inside Edition investigativecorrespondent Lisa Guerrero is hitting the headlines with Drewand Ross Mathews covering Drew-crime cases like a potentialsighting of Carole Baskin's husband and the woman whoseapartment was rented by scammers on Airbnb. Chef Remi Cruz isjoining Drew in the kitchen to whip up some delicious fried macn' cheese bites. The world's oldest female comedian DionneForest is doing a hilarious stand-up set. Drew and RossMathews are covering today's headlines including whether sayingforever puts too much pressure on relationships and the TikToktrend of using a sieve for your hair.
  23. until
    Judy Justice 2x41 - TBA
  24. until
    Tamron kicks off this episode with DARCEY and STACEY SILVA of"90 Day Fiancé." Now in the new season of TLC's "Darcey &Stacey," they discuss their multiple plastic surgeries,calling it a twin transformation! Then, 50-year-old TikToksensation HOLLY PAN on embracing her age through fashion.Plus, CHEF BABETTE DAVIS shares her journey of being in thebest shape of her life at 72 and a must-watch physicalchallenge for the Tam Fam!
  25. until
    Watch What Happens Live 20x19 - Lauren London, CandiaceDillard Bassett
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