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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Sam, Kelly, Naz, and Nathan stage a purple rain take-down ata roller-skating rink. On her way there, Kelly is shaken by aneye-opening altercation with the police.
  2. until
    Firehouse 51 helps Herrmann put on a school fundraiser.Carver's troubled brother comes to town. A grateful citizen isdetermined to thank Brett and Severide for saving his life.
  3. until
    Nell attempts to restart her life in a new place with a new joband a new roommate. She begins writing obituaries at the localpaper and starts getting life advice from an unlikely source.
  4. until
    Darlene has issues with Dan's plumbing work in her new house.Elsewhere, Jackie tries to find a caregiver for Bev.
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    Barry creates a map book to guide him and Iris throughout theirfuture in order to keep her safe, but the results are not whathe expected, and instead, they relive the same day over andover again. Joe has a heart-to-heart with Cecile. A new big badis introduced to Team Flash and friends and foes, old andnew, begin to descend upon Central City.
  6. until
    After a campaign ad targets the Shen family, Mei-Li takesmatters into her own hands. Elsewhere, Delta Security'sinfluence over the city becomes apparent after Ryan makes ashocking discovery at the hospital.
  7. until
    A brutal storm rocks Chicago. Halstead encourages Dr. GraceSong to go against her own findings for the benefit of theirpatient. Asher rushes to the hospital to help Archer's pregnantpatient. Maggie's concern for Ben consumes her.
  8. until
    The Weekly with Charlie Pickering 9x1 - Episode 1
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    Star Wars: The Bad Batch 2x8 - Truth and Consequences
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    Star Wars: The Bad Batch 2x7 - The Clone Conspiracy
  11. until
    Jess and her allies try to outwit Billie using Jess's knowledgeof puzzles and history to escape and protect the treasure.
  12. until
    A ruthless enemy holds the Clearing captive, threatening tokill a beloved Survivor if their demands for an unexpected itemaren't met. Gavin and Sam lead the rescue attempt, aided by anold friend whose return holds more questions than answers.
  13. until
    Kate joins Ram out of office to brainstorm. Sloane catches hernew friend in a lie. Jenny joins a surprising self-defenceclass. Anne resolves to foil Alice's plan… if she can gethome in time.
  14. until
    When Melissa throws a 1980s-inspired roller-skating party,Teresa takes the opportunity to mend fences with Margaret, nother brother; while Dolores draws boundaries with Frank and hernew man, Jennifer struggles to move forward from pastoffenses.
  15. until
    The Curse of Oak Island 10x12 - Beware The Blob
  16. until
    When Jason and Alonzo's cover is blown, they must go toextreme measures to escape; Agent Kane is tested against awell-trained adversary.
  17. until
    Mark falls under the spell of a visiting hypnotist and lets hisgrades slip. Meanwhile, Pop struggles to lose weight when hegets too fat for his pants.
  18. until
    In desperate need of a new apartment, Abby turns to Gurgs andher unconventional real estate skills. Dan helps Olivia preparefor the biggest case of her career and a shot at redemption.
  19. until
    Henry Louis Gates, Jr. uses DNA detective work to solve familymysteries for actor Joe Manganiello and football star TonyGonzalez—uncovering close relatives whose names they've neverheard and compelling each man to rethink his own identity.
  20. until
    While Carlos talks through a problem in his personal life, itgives Latika a new idea about how to find the Akrida queen;Millie's new security system for the clubhouse proves helpfulwhen Mary and John find an unexpected guest inside.
  21. until
    Honest Trailers 255x5 - Episode 5
  22. until
    Murdoch Mysteries 16x16 - An Avoidable Hinder
  23. until
    Ice Airport Alaska 3x5 - TBA
  24. until
    The yard gets planted: a custom home office is built fromoff-the-shelf materials; old floors are reused on the secondfloor; installing an EV charger; the front door gets ahigh-sheen finish.
  25. until
    Karen's new exercise regime causes a stir at the Mill, whileScarlett's plan to do a runner is jeopardised by a call fromthe landlady. Fearing that her widowed mother is going off therails, a woman turns to Jimmi for help – but what is reallygoing on?
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