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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Luca returns to face Jamie. Scarlett's plans to get the betterof her landlady nearly fall at the first hurdle. When a youngman accuses a well-known businessman of sexual assault, Robfinds himself battling powerful forces, intent on scupperinghis investigation.
  2. until
    Karen's determination to stay calm and positive hits a snag inthe form of Al, while Scarlett struggles with Brian's decisionto leave. When two stubborn elderly friends keep secrets fromone another, Sid finds himself stepping in to help sort thingsout before one of them ends up in serious trouble.
  3. until
    Rob manages to get Karen out and about, but all is not as itseems. Brian comes to a decision, but can he tell Scarlett?Emma gets an unexpected request while hosting her radio show.
  4. until
    Ice Airport Alaska 3x4 - Lifelines
  5. until
    Ranch to Table 3x3 - TBA
  6. until
    Interviews with Jessie James Decker, Octavia Spencer andGabrielle Union… Plus, Harry Hamlin joins us live in stud.
  7. until
    This Old House 44x12 - Newburyport: Design Talk
  8. until
    Scarlett gets annoyed at everyone checking up on her, Ruhmaconfronts Kirsty, and Bear gets embroiled in a family feud.
  9. until
    Interviews with Richard Gere, Susan Sarandon and the cast of"Jersey Shore: Family Vacation"… Plus, WWE superstar, TheMiz joins us live in studio.
  10. until
    Tooning Out the News 3x12 - January 25, 2023
  11. until
    Karen returns to work and meets Kirsty, Scarlett's day takes aturn for the worse, and Rob steps in when an arrest starts tolook wrong.
  12. until
    Interviews with Martha Stewart and Sherri Shepherd… Plus,the latest news on the Oscar nominations.
  13. until
    Casino 1x16 - Episode 16
  14. until
    Casino 1x15 - Episode 15
  15. until
    A truth booth reveal shakes up the house, leaving one couplein an awkward love triangle.
  16. until
    Marlon and LaShonda Moore are accused of exploiting vulnerablepeople during the pandemic and convincing thousands of theirfans to invest in their illegal scheme; regulators claim theMoore's "blessed" themselves to the tune of millions ofdollars.
  17. until
    When a man learns his daughter was assaulted, his friendsencourage him to take justice into his own hands.
  18. until
    A key crew member abandons Kris as he tries to hold onto theMistress and stay out the longest. Shawn fights to retain hiscrown as the Gold King of Nome. Zeke and crew have a bro-downon the Havilah. Emily and Vernon's crews vie for a strong,lucrative finish to the season.
  19. until
    As Owen gets pulled deeper into the FBI's investigation of themotorcycle gang, Sgt. O'Brien makes a confession to him;Meanwhile, Grace and the 126 respond to a call from a man whoclaims his girlfriend slipped over the side of a cliff andCarlos searches for a missing friend, putting his own life indanger.
  20. until
    Auditions continue as winners, finalists, favorites and viralsensations audition for the chance to win the title of "AGT"All-Star. Superfans vote on one last act to move to thefinals.
  21. until
    Hunter fights to save the evidence from a huge storm which hascut off all communications with the mainland. With only thetools he has on him, can Hunter piece together the facts toreveal the identity of the body and why they were murdered.
  22. until
    With Hunter and Jenny both in danger, they must work togetherto outsmart the killer if they hope to survive. After theevents in Manham, Hunter is called onto a new case on a remoteScottish island where burnt human remains have been discovered.
  23. until
    Husband and wife architects Gaurav and Vish design amultigenerational home for their aging parents and youngchildren, entirely clad in over 9000 terracotta tiles.
  24. until
    After another school incident, Javier gets wise to Tonio andGloria's scheme. At home, Gloria makes an upsetting discovery- and wakes up to an intruder.
  25. until
    After selling her portrait, Sophie recruits Jesse to help herimpress the buyers. Val and Ellen go on a double date. Charlieforces a reluctant Sid and Hannah into a double date inreaction to Val.
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