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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Kate joins Ram out of office to brainstorm. Sloane catches hernew friend in a lie. Jenny joins a surprising self-defenseclass. Anne resolves to foil Alice's plan.
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    A ruthless enemy holds the Clearing captive, threatening tokill a beloved Survivor if their demands for an unexpected itemaren't met. Gavin and Sam lead the rescue attempt, aided by anold friend whose return holds more questions than answers.
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    As Owen gets pulled deeper into the FBI's investigation of themotorcycle gang, Sgt. O'Brien makes a confession to him;Meanwhile, Grace and the 126 respond to a call from a man whoclaims his girlfriend slipped over the side of a cliff andCarlos searches for a missing friend, putting his own life indanger.
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    When Jason and Alonzo's cover is blown, they must go toextreme measures to escape
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    A key crew member abandons Kris as he tries to hold onto theMistress and stay out the longest. Shawn fights to retain hiscrown as the Gold King of Nome. Zeke and crew have a bro-downon the Havilah. Emily and Vernon's crews vie for a strong,lucrative finish to the season.
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    While Carlos talks through a problem in his personal life, itgives Latika a new idea about how to find the Akrida Queen.Millie's new security system for the Clubhouse proves helpfulwhen Mary and John find an unexpected guest inside. Meanwhile,Latika's idea brings her and Carlos face to face with anunexpected ally.
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    The team investigates the murder of a professional informantafter he's found dead outside an abandoned factory in Red Hook.Also, Maggie reconnects with an old colleague and mentor.
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    With Javier out of town, the sisters throw a house party,where true feelings surface and an unexpected guest appears.
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    Elena snoops around Tory's apartment while helping Darcy andBennett, which leads to an unexpected discovery in the secretroom. Elena is rattled by a surprise call from her past.
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    Fiona begins to harbour fantasies about Andrew, and herboredom with her marriage only gets worse when David revealsshows her a box containing his deepest, darkest secrets. Atschool, Aaron is encouraged to stop drawing non-believersbeing tortured in Hell, but David finds the new direction ofhis artwork challenging. Rachel turns to her parents forreassurance over her feelings for Joshua - but wishes shehadn't bothered.
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    For Día de Los Muertos, Gloria and Ines clash over plans tohonor their mother as the group investigates the connectionbetween Marisol and Mariluna.
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    After receiving a terrifying threat, the gang seeks help froma TikTok witch, who shares an ominous premonition: Somethingmust be broken to be fixed.
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    Coming Soon...
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    As the full moon reaches its peak, Everett, Blake, Luna andHarlan are drawn together by an unknown force; Kristen locksinto the group as suspects as Garrett tries to survive thewildfire.
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    While bonding with the other nannies, Elena learns that theWards' previous nanny vanished without warning. Elena continuesher search of The Greybourne and discovers a shocking truth.
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    A young woman is thrust into the world of old money and deadlysecrets after accepting a nanny job from a handsome widower.
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    Rachel wonders if she can date without breaking the Order'srules, and makes a pious new friend whom she suspects knows alot more about the outside world than she lets on. Davidstruggles to get Fiona to pay attention to him, and decides tosit in on the church's teenage sex education class to get someromantic inspiration.
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    With election day around the corner and Lamine on the run,Stéphane tries to salvage his marriage and his campaign. Willhe succeed?
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