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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Amanda confronts Ene about Jackie's voicemail. But as truthsare revealed and simmering rivalries come to a head, Shalewafinds herself in grave danger.
  2. until
    Femi asks Shalewa on a date. As the case grows more dangerous,an undercover team attempts to trace Shanty Town's missingwomen. But Scar sniffs a rat.
  3. until
    After the email scandal, Stéphane and Corinne face off in atelevised debate - but pointed questions and "surpriseguests" dominate the evening.
  4. until
    After selling her portrait, Sophie recruits Jesse to help herimpress the buyers. Val and Ellen go on a double date. Charlieforces a reluctant Sid and Hannah into a double date inreaction to Val.
  5. until
    Sgt. Kerry Schmidt coordinates heavy tows and Sonny Subra mustclear a ramp littered with semis; Herb's Towing takes on aB-train that slid right off the highway; Eric Goddard brings abrand-new heavy wrecker to recover a heavy trailer.
  6. until
    Shaun invites Aaron to stay with him while he has exterminatorsat his house and Lea realizes both men have a lot more incommon than she realized. Meanwhile, Dr. Morgan Reznickwrestles with a big decision about her career and her personallife.
  7. until
    Elena snoops around Tory's apartment while helping Darcy andBennet, which leads to an unexpected discovery in the secretroom. Elena is rattled by a surprise call from her past.
  8. until
    Capt. Sandy becomes increasingly annoyed and enlists chefRachel to help; Ross begs his way out of the doghouse onceagain; sparks fly as Tony reveals a hidden talent thatcaptures the attention of newly divorced charter guests.
  9. until
    With Simone and Thea both ready to reclaim their spot on thecourt, their coach and teammates force them to deal with thelingering tension in unique ways. Damon helps JR celebrate amajor milestone, but a surprise guest gives them both adifferent view on the family dynamic. Trying to get back on thegood side of her dance class puts Keisha at odds with twopeople she cares about. Meanwhile, Coach Marcus is put in adifficult position when his boss and Amara want differentthings.
  10. until
    In preparation for a role, a world-renowned actress shadowsthe NCIS team as they investigate a decapitation case.
  11. until
    Jason and Mike search the Allegheny Mountains to find a missingcouple. Meanwhile, Keith joins a trauma therapy group andbonds with another patient.
  12. until
    As Bob gears up for delivery day at the new sock factory, hestruggles to put his foot down with his opinionated family.Also, Abishola gets a taste of Kemi's new personality when hersuccessful lawyer son comes to visit.
  13. until
    WWE Monday Night RAW 30x6 - #1550 - Amway Center in Orlando,FL
  14. until
    Oliver's fantasy is to surprise his boyfriend Emilio with theperfect proposal, but when Emilio says no, Oliver findshimself reliving that day over and over again. Meanwhile,Roarke, also caught in the time loop, must confront her fearsabout her relationship with Javier.
  15. until
    While Billy preps his team for the combine, Spencer hears somenews that leaves him rattled; Asher steps up to help Jaymeefollowing her hospital visit; Coop helps Preach prepare forhis custody trial.
  16. until
    During a crucial week, Zach takes two lucky women onjaw-dropping one-on-one dates featuring prehistoric creaturesand a romantic musical performance.
  17. until
    Green Bay Packers salesman's sample championship rings: Barbiedolls and wardrobe circa 1960; a 1977 Keith Haring Bean Saladlithograph.
  18. until
    A bombshell about Marty's future plans leaves Calvin and Tinareeling, and Dave unleashes his wild side at Marty's bachelorparty.
  19. until
    Following a close call at a meth lab explosion, the NCIS teamlearns Kai is being targeted by his old friend-turned-criminaland must take him down. Meanwhile, Lucy gets her first bigcase aboard her aircraft carrier.
  20. until
    With Simone and Thea both ready to reclaim their spot on thecourt, their coach and teammates force them to deal with thelingering tension in unique ways. Damon helps JR celebrate amajor milestone, but a surprise guest gives them both adifferent view on the family dynamic. Trying to get back on thegood side of her dance class puts Keisha at odds with twopeople she cares about. Meanwhile, Coach Marcus is put in adifficult position when his boss and Amara want differentthings.
  21. until
    In preparation for a role, a world-renowned actress shadowsthe NCIS team as they investigate a decapitation case.
  22. until
    Jason and Mike search the Allegheny Mountains to find a missingcouple. Meanwhile, Keith joins a trauma therapy group andbonds with another patient.
  23. until
    As Bob gears up for delivery day at the new sock factory, hestruggles to put his foot down with his opinionated family.Also, Abishola gets a taste of Kemi's new personality when hersuccessful lawyer son comes to visit.
  24. until
    Race night against J-Rod wraps up in a hard-fought battle, butnot without some disappointing performances; when Lutz inviteshis old Pennsylvania crew to town, the 405 must throweverything they have into their cars to win.
  25. until
    Murdoch is asked by a former logging camp friend to exoneratehim in a decades old murder.
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