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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Mike asks for help in finding Iris, and later takes mattersinto his own hands. A move by Robert and his team puts Mike'slarger plan in jeopardy. Kyle has a request for Kingstown PD.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Loud rock music is paying at the Château and it's givingJudith a headache. Jeremy's old rock ‘n' roll friend Dura isrecording his comeback album in the Millhouse. Jeremy locks himin and leaves him to work alone - but not before insisting ontaking a selfie. Outside, in the sound van Dura's wifeMandarina, and Marco, his sound engineer, have just startedto record Dura's latest track when they hear him scream.Forcing their way into the Milhouse, the trio find Dura lyingdead with a head injury. A strange symbol is drawn on his face.How could he have died in the locked room alone? Caron calls inJean to try to make sense of it all. At La Couronne, Trevor ismeeting Cooper for the first time when Jean receives Caron'scall. Dom and Trevor are both huge Dura fans and are horrifiedto hear that he's been murdered. When Jean and Dom go intoDura's studio, Dom is overwhelmed to see Dura's originalspeaker and can't help but touch it. Could that be a tear inhis eye? Chloe made the lucrative deal with Mandarina forDura's album. She arrives in Sainte Victoire for the first timeto tell Mandarina that the record company are demanding theirmoney back. Mandarina and Marco are outraged and Judith throwsChloe out. That evening Dom is at Jean's house trying toimpress her with his collection of original Dura albums. Jeanis intrigued and starts to investigate this strange murder. CanJean and Dom find out what really happened and discover whowould want this rock legend dead?
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    Velma 1x8 - A Velma In The Woods
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    Velma 1x7 - Fog Fest
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    Trapped in the First Street House, Rowan and Sip must confrontits many mysteries in order to escape; Rowan grapples with aninconceivable offer; Sip's sister Odette makes a horrifyingdiscovery.
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    Poker Face 1x5 - Time of the Monkey
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    Rossi will go to any lengths to prove that Elias Voit isSicarius. But Voit turns Rossi into his own worst enemy,putting his future at the BAU in jeopardy.
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    After suffering a disaster, the remaining crew of spaceshipArk One must band together to survive.
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    10,000 engineers, technicians and workers race to build a newrailroad under London.
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    In tonight's word game, LINGO skills are tested whenMidwestern brothers face off with Southern sisters, then amother-daughter duo flexes their wordplay skills against anentertaining in-law team from New York.
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    The conversation around Heather's enigmatic black eyecontinues; the husbands take a seat on the couch to sharetheir perspectives on the ladies' drama; the women open upabout Jen's guilty plea and the status of their friendships.
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    As an Italian American, Geno was raised with lots of love,family and food; now, he's still living with his mom andeating himself to death, and it's time to make a change;Geno's cousin, Nico, joins the cause; they pledge to loseweight together.
  14. until
    Josh feels the heat when a Brazilian moonshiner pressures himto attempt an illegal bootleg run far from home. Lawenforcement ambushes Mark Ramsey in his own garage. In MaggieValley, Mike
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    Sandi goes trundling along with Tom Allen, Cariad Lloyd,Jamie MacDonald and Alan Davies.
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    Coming Soon...
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    After getting captured by Billie, all hope of saving thetreasure seems lost for Jess. Tasha, Oren, Ethan, and Liamtry to track Jess down using Tasha's tech skills. Meanwhile,Liam finds a hidden cypher left behind by his grandpa, whichholds the truth about Billie and the mysterious Salazar.
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    Coming Soon...
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    The jarred skull leads Lucy to Bickerstaff's home. The teamaccepts an invite to the Fittes ball, hoping to snag a rarebook from the company library.
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    Ark One, a spaceship on a journey to find a new hospitableplanet for humanity, suffers an unexpected disaster thatcauses massive loss of life. Short on supplies and its leadersdead, the remaining crew must band together if they want anychance of survival or a successful mission.
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    Sam weasels her way into an undercover play as a koiaficionado. Kelly forges a crucial new gang connection.
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    The Phams help the adult child of a beloved neighbor deal withher passing. Barb intrudes on Ramesh and Leo's fun.
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    Casino 1x14 - Episode 14
  24. until
    The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder 2x1 - Episode 1
  25. until
    Casino 1x13 - Episode 13
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