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Everything posted by Midnight

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    Coming Soon...
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    When Vampires make their way into Lawrence, Carlos corrals thegang to find out why. Latika's weeks of sorting through the Menof Letters clubhouse provides vital information when John getsa scary glimpse into the future and enlists Millie's help withhis plan. Meanwhile, Mary struggles with the tedious balancebetween feelings and action when it comes to John.
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    After receiving negative feedback, the Sexify founders seek toimprove the user experience. Ma... gorzata and Monika havedifferent visions for the company.
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    The Sexify team plots to take back their prototypes and theircompany. Maks reveals the truth behind Ma... gorzata's plan andthe speedy app launch.
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    While Sexify closes its doors, Natalia, Monika and Paulinatake time apart to focus on themselves and recharge. Rafa?receives an offer from Ma... gorzata.
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    Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, KeyshawnJohnson, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
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    In Survivor it's the mind game that will get you ahead, andour castaways will stop at nothing to make it through anothernight. Who will be sent to Tribal Council, and who will beplotting revenge?
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    As she waits for the gallery to call, Sophie lands a gig shelied to get and enlists Val to help. Jesse forces Sid andMeredith to work out their differences.
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    While bonding with the other nannies, Elena learns that theWards' previous nanny vanished without warning. Elena continuesher search of The Greybourne and discovers a shocking truth.
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    Sgt. Kerry Schmidt fights to get stuck commuters moving:Austin Hutchinson is forced to battle a nasty wreck all on hisown; Abrams' John Allen tackles a snowplow blocking a vitalramp.
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    On the way to their babymoon, Lea and Shaun get a quick lessonin parenting when they rush to aid an injured dog. Meanwhile,Dr. Danica Powell secretly performs an operation on a friendthat could jeopardize her career.
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    Following a close call at a meth lab explosion, the NCIS teamlearns Kai is being targeted by his old friend-turned-criminaland must take him down. Meanwhile, Lucy gets her first bigcase aboard her aircraft carrier.
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    Sid and Freya try to improve their sex life with couple'stherapy; Morris attends his high school reunion.
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    Bake It 'Til You Make It 1x6 - Somebody Should Have Warned Me!
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    Elena Santos works as a live-in nanny for an affluent family inNew York City; she quickly learns that everyone in thebuilding has deadly secrets and ulterior motives; what theydon't know is that Elena has some shocking secrets of her own.
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    Below Deck 10x10 - Caribbean Gigolo
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    A foster care worker is reported as missing, but after he endshis own life, the MPU starts to investigate a pregnant womanhe was seen with who has been missing for two years.Meanwhile, Sidney follows Keith and fears he may be dangerous.
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    Simone struggles with trying to balance her new "duties" andher loyalty to Nate, leaving her to question if she made theright decision. Marcus sees that Thea is struggling on thecourt and offers her help in an unexpected way. Damon tries tokeep the baseball team focused as they inch closer to a bigachievement. Meanwhile, Cam isn't sure if pledging is forhim, leaving JR to reevaluate the fraternity's strategy.
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    Zach continues to carve his own path and decides to give eachof the 20 women a chance to take the next step on theirjourneys to potential love; Zach takes off on a helicopterride to his hometown for his first one-on-one date.
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    The 405 face a fast OKC crew racing all-imports.
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    Auditions continue as winners, finalists, favorites and viralsensations audition for the chance to win the title of "AGT"All-Star. One act is given a Golden Buzzer and earns a spot inthe finals. Superfans vote on one act to move to the finals.
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    WWE Monday Night RAW 30x5 - #1549 - BOK Center in Tulsa, OK
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    After an urn comes off the plane, three siblings must workthrough their past resentments in order to spread their mom'sashes and fulfill her last fantasy. As the kids wrestle withtheir past, Roarke remembers their mom, her very first guestas the host of Fantasy Island. Meanwhile, Ruby is surprised todiscover how little she knows about Isla.
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    When the Santa Ana winds blow into town, they seem to confirmBilly's theory that they are a bad omen after he faces multiplesetbacks. Spencer convinces a reluctant ally to speak theirtruth, but it doesn't come without consequences. Jordan findshimself juggling too many secrets and accidentally lets oneslip. Olivia throws herself into moving on and comes to anunexpected realization. Meanwhile, Skye offers to helpPatience with her social media, leaving Coop's and Skye'srelationship dynamic to change.
  25. until
    Graveyard Carz 15x21 - Is That a Freckle?
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