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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Tug of Words 2x48 - Cruisin the Sea
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    This special episode is inspired by Pastor TIM TIMBERLAKE andhis book, "The Power of 1440: Making the Most of Every Minutein a Day." He will share how to shift your mindset from mundaneto miraculous!
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    It's Retro Week, and Siobhán McSweeney takes the remainingpotters back in time as they make a trio of flying birds andtackle an old-fashioned hot water bottle surprise challenge.
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    Host Maria Taylor, Hall of Fame head coach Tony Dungy, formerNFL head coach Jason Garrett, former NFL quarterback ChrisSimms and NFL insider Mike Florio recap the day's NFLhighlights. Jac Collinsworth and Rodney Harrison contributeon-site.
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    Mayor of Kingstown 2x2 - TBA
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    Transplant 3x11 - A Sort of Homecoming
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    Monique &amp: Derek are followed on a wild car chase: Chrisdiscovers Gabby's secret.
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    Academy Award winner Octavia Spencer promotes the drama series"Truth Be Told."
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    The iconic Kristin Chenoweth sits down with Sherri to discussher new book "But I Got Thoughts." Then, the R&B singerJacquees performs his new single "When You Bad Like That."
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    Kelly and Ryan count down the most exciting moments from thepast year on "Live," decided by viewers at home.
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    Tug of Words 2x47 - Gimme a Reason to Celebrate
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    Drew is joined by "Black-ish" and "Grown-ish" star YaraShahidi. Plus, it's an all-new Drew's News with Drew and RossMathews hitting the headlines.Drew and Ross Mathews are servingtoday's news sunny-side up. Danny Seo is sharing three underbathroom essentials and tips for how to clean your toiletbetter.
  13. until
    Kellyoke: "You Should Probably Leave": Jay Leno: Storm Reid:jilted British bride; Lucius performs.
  14. until
    Ernie Johnson, Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith and ShaquilleO'Neal discuss and give analysis of tonight's games, includinghighlights and interviews.
  15. until
    Watch What Happens Live 20x13 - Harry Hamlin, Aisha Tyler
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    Actor Debi Mazar gives MTV a never-before-seen tour of herpicturesque, 15th century Tuscan villa in Italy, then chefand author Eddie Huang serves up his favorite meal at his chillLos Angeles crib.
  17. until
    Jean and Dom assist Caron in solving a murder in a beautifulbut remote country mansion. Robert Coste lives in the housewith his devoted housekeeper and his troublesome son. He hasrecently sold the house to Jeremy and Judith and is moving toParis. As Jeremy and Judith arrive to start refurbishing theirnew investment, a gunshot rings out. Judith races into thehouse and is horrified to find Robert shot at his kitchentable, clasping a unique key. Did someone not want him toleave? And why did he ask his neighbour to sign his new willonly the night before? When Caron calls Jean to help, shefinds herself in a house full of the most beautiful antiquesand can't wait to discover what the key could unlock. But firstsomeone needs to persuade Jeremy and Judith to leave! As Caronand Gendarme Richard set up an incident room in the mansion,Jean explores the house, trying the key in every lock shesees. It's a huge task and the eventual truth is unexpected —even for Jean. Caron is convinced that the killer will returnand when he suggests to Jean that they set up a stakeout thatnight, Dom is eager to join in. Will the murderer walk intoCaron and Jean's trap? And with Jeremy and Judith anxious thatan inconvenient murder doesn't derail their refurbishment, whydoes Dom really want to help Jean out? Meanwhile, love rollsinto town for Gloria when a mystery man brings his car to thegarage, but her newfound happiness has an unexpected effect onher friends. Will she have to choose between friendship andlove? An isolated murder, a midnight stakeout and love in theair… all the elements of a classic murder mystery in SainteVictoire!
  18. until
    The longest-running Black male TV host, Judge Mathis, visitsthe studio.Chase Rice performs his latest song, "Way DownYonder."
  19. until
    Sherri gives her hilarious take on the headlines! Then, AishaTyler chats with Sherri about "Criminal Minds: Evolution" onParamount+. Plus, chef Jernard Wells whips up some deliciousmeals with Sherri!
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    Emma Roberts (movie "Maybe I Do"): simple strategies to boostnutrition.
  21. until
    Tug of Words 2x46 - Bump, Set, Spike
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    Award-winning author SONYA RENEE TAYLOR shares her insight inher new book, "The Body Is Not an Apology: The Power ofRadical Self-Love." Actress JULIE BOWEN drops by to chat aboutthe launch of her new skincare line, which was inspired bybeing a mom of three boys. JB Skrub was created for boys andthose who identify with boyhood. Author and Breast cancersurvivor ANNA SULLIVAN REISER will share her health journeywith the Tam Fam.
  23. until
    Kellyoke: "Reunited": Bryan Cranston: Rita Wilson: LibertyKitchen; Chinese New Year cooking with Katie Chin; potholeartist.
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    "Fleishman Is In Trouble" star Jesse Eisenberg shares histhoughts on dating apps, Giphys, relationships and more!Plus, the stars of Jesse's directorial debut "When you FinishSaving the World" Finn Wolfhard and Alisha Boe stop by play TheFinal Five revealing onscreen crushes and more! Drew and RossMathews are hitting the headlines in an all-new Drew'sNews.Chef Sophia Roe is joining Drew in the kitchen to whip upsomething delicious. Drew and Ross Mathews are hitting theheadlines in a new Drew's News and sharing their best weekendsuggestions.
  25. until
    Watch What Happens Live 20x12 - Capt. Kerry Titheradge, BradGoreski
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