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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The relationship-based reality show continues with the singlepeople living like celebrities in the villa, all under thewatchful gaze of viewers. Maya Jama presents.
  2. until
    The Bachelor Australia 10x7 - Episode 7
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    The relationship-based reality show continues as the singlessettle into life in the villa and a daily routine of dating,flirting and dumping. Presented by Maya Jama.
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    The Bachelor Australia 10x6 - Episode 6
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    The Bachelor Australia 10x5 - Episode 5
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    Star Power – Scott Pelley goes inside Lawrence LivermoreLaboratory's National Ignition Facility, home of the world'slargest laser, which recently reported a breakthrough infusion research. It's a step towards realizing a new source ofclean energy. Hide and Seek – The tiny island nation ofCyprus in the eastern Mediterranean has long been a financialhub of choice for wealthy Russians to move their rublesoffshore. But, this practice is now under intense scrutiny byU.S. and EU investigators looking for the hidden overseaswealth of sanctioned Russian oligarchs. Sharyn Alfonsi reportsfrom Cyprus to follow the money and speak with Cypruspoliticians and U.S. prosecutors untangling this intricateinternational flow of funds. The Guru – Anderson Cooperprofiles prolific music producer Rick Rubin, a tastemaker whoguides his artists to tap into their creativity with the mostunorthodox approach – using practices like meditation toshape the work rather than marketing to the masses.
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    The Bachelor Australia 10x4 - Episode 4
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    The vets tackle a flock of ducks and a pack of rats.
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    GrandPat travels through time to get home.
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    Mr. Krabs installs a cursed payphone in the Krusty Krab.
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    In an alternate reality, Bikini Bottom is inhabited entirelyby robots.
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    The plan to get back their things works but Mila and Julianabecome momentarily trapped and discover that Veronica has beenkidnapped. Mila finally manages to talk to Elis, who tells herthat she is in danger in this universe and must return homeimmediately.
  13. until
    The future of the Kings is at risk with Simon missing and along-lost sister returning. A new detective is in charge ofinvestigating the family.
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    ?ahsu chooses to trust Maran and surrenders to love. As thelast omen occurs, Maran is forced to show his true self. Andfor ?ahsu, there's no turning back.
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    Upon arriving at the location of the next Vestige ofDivergence, Vox Machina must face the challenges of themysterious sphinx, Kamaljiori - the mate of Osysa. But even ifthey can succeed, a new, unexpected threat lies waiting forthem.
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    Jimmy, a therapist mourning his wife, takes a more proactiveapproach with his patients in the hopes that helping them willhelp himself.
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    After an abrupt end to her ghost-hunting training, LucyCarlyle flees to London - where she meets two teens who run aparanormal investigative agency.
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    Wounded and on the run, Charlie is forced to make a pit stopin desolate New Mexico, where she tries to clear the name of atrucker framed for the murder of a local.
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    Five-year-old Amaya disappears during a Christmas parade inMálaga and the case catches the attention of Miren, an internat the local newspaper. When a little girl goes missing duringa parade in Málaga, a young newspaper journalist becomesfiercely determined to help Amaya's parents find her.
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    With the clock ticking on her summer in Point Place, Leiafeels torn about who to spend her time with. Kitty considersstarting a new job.
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    While traveling to find the next Vestige of Divergence, VoxMachina passes by Pyrah, home to the Fire Ashari people.Discovering that the village is in distress, Vox Machina musthelp them, battling fire creatures that are spilling out intothe world through a portal to another dimension. As they try toclose the portal, Keyleth learns more about the power thatlies within her.
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    In a desperate bid to save a team member's life, Vax strikes afateful deal with the Matron of Ravens, offering his life inexchange. As Vox Machina battles their way out of the sunkentemple, Vax wonders what he's just signed up for.
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    The SWAT team races to stop a gunman targeting rehab centersand those he considers responsible for his brother's death.Also, Deacon is caught off guard when his wife, Annie, makesa parenting decision that has unexpected consequences for theirdaughter.
  24. until
    Bode and his fellow prison inmate firefighters band togetherwith the civilian station 42 crew to battle a monstrous firethat erupts after a plane crash. Meanwhile, the crews welcomea new member to the family.
  25. until
    Magicians Dustin Dean, Alan Hudson, Dr. Kruti Parekh, andKyle Purnell try to fool the veteran duo with their illusions.
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