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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Junior realizes he's not earning enough money, so he focusesall his efforts on a new stock market side hustle. Aaron'sstudents accuse him of being a sellout. Lauryn stops singing tofocus on a "real job.".
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    In tonight's word game, a new couple goes head-to-head withfriends that like to bare it all, followed by a memorableLINGO Showdown with a married couple taking on brothers thatgoes down to the wire.
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    Guy Fieri invites three cheese-lovin' chefs to the FlavortownMarket for a night of ooey-gooey goodness. In round one, thechefs must create their tastiest cheese dinner after gettingserved up a crazy cheese duo. The chef that proves they're"grate" wins an automatic ,000 before going head-to-headwith the all-star judge of their choice for the cheesechampionship. Whichever one makes the highest-scoring friedcheesy guilty pleasure wins the second ,000 prize of thenight.
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    Tom Allen is joined by a panel of experts and celebrity fanswho analyse the week's task and meet the latest candidate to befired.
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    Week three and the candidates are summoned to London's RegentStreet Cinema for an exclusive screening. Lord Sugar revealsthey must create a new preschool cartoon aimed attwo-to-four-year-olds to pitch to industry experts. One teamshowcases incomplete characters, whilst the other presents asketchy storyline.
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    Scarlett and Kirsty have to deal with a computer engineer,while Daniel and Zara put their plans for the future to Bear.Al has to deal with a patient who seems to focus on everythingexcept herself.
  7. until
    Scarlett and Kirsty rub each other up the wrong way. Daniel andZara keep it a secret that they are set on giving up theirpartnerships. Luca has a crush on Jamie. Bear encourages twomembers of the digital literacy group to work together.
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    Zara suggests giving up her partnership, leaving Danielshocked. Scarlett and Brian go to a food bank. Emma gets theright help for a mother who finds out her daughter has beencutting herself.
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    Ollie is sent to the army. Kirsty breaks up with Rich, but heis still hopeful. Scarlett asks Zara for an advance, and Ruhmahelps a mother understand the perspective of her daughter beinga surrogate.
  10. until
    Stephen wants to turn the school play into a showcase for histalents to impress an agent, but Hoburn has more sinisterplans to use it as a way of closing the school down.
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    Stephen is desperate to get rid of Mitchell who has moved inafter his girlfriend threw him out. So Class K and Stephen giveMitchell a glow up in the hope she'll take him back.
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    After Class K make Stephen feel old and irrelevant on hisbirthday, he goes to ridiculous lengths to prove he is still atrailblazer.
  13. until
    Hoburn tries a prison experience programme at the school toteach the kids discipline. Class K end up incarcerated withStephen, who's prepping an audition as a hardened criminal.
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    Daniel and Zara struggle to find cover at The Mill, whileOllie has changed his mind about the army. Jimmi counsels amother who has to come to terms with her son being a murderer.
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    An extra-special finale to the series sees Scotland's favouritecops stepping up and moving on.
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    Coming Soon...
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    It's a matter of life and death when Jess and her friendsembark on their most impossible caper yet. Meanwhile, Liamteams up with his grandpa's home care nurse, Myles, in adesperate attempt to bring down Billie and her secretorganization before they harm Jess.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Trying to prove to Red he can be responsible, Jay agrees torun an errand that doesn't quite go as planned. Nikki's tutormakes Nate jealous.
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    Under Arun's influence, Cihan becomes a threat to ?ahsu. Maranundergoes an excruciating phase. A night drive takes a sinisterturn.
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    Upon hearing Jung-pal's request, Cha Moo-sik kidnaps Deok-bae.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    Kelly is put on the purple rain case with Nathan, leaving Samin a vulnerable situation when she has to go undercover withNaz's girlfriend at a nudist colony.
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