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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Murdoch investigates the stabbing death of a doomsayer on theeve of Halley's Comet.
  2. until
    There's a place in the next round on offer, and all the teamshave to do is answer questions like this: Obel Tower / TheTower, Meridian Quay / Glasgow Tower / The Shard. What's theconnection?
  3. until
    Kevin encounters some tall birds.
  4. until
    Vera is called out to the grim scene of a body found in theback of a burned out car. When identified as a popular localGP, we enter the world of intrigue, betrayal, and lust.
  5. until
    Sister Veronica is shaken when a mother reveals a terribletruth about her marriage, whilst Shelagh cares for a baby witha life-threatening condition and Nancy harbours a secret.
  6. until
    Alison and Liam play handball. Vicky goes to a party.
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    Kevin brings Liam his jacket.
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    Dapto works together on an exciting project.
  9. until
    Coming Soon...
  10. until
    The Bravehearts in Blue crack down on criminality all acrossCaledonia.
  11. until
    Coming Soon...
  12. until
    Liam makes a new American friend.
  13. until
    Scores are settled and mysteries revealed as Coake is pushed toexplain Pictor's plan and the true reason for his missiononboard, Rose and Fulmer work out the horrifying extent ofwhat the coded messages they have discovered really mean, andMagnus must put his personal demons to rest and lead the crewin one final bid for their survival.
  14. until
    The new arrivals on board from the Kinloch Charlie immediatelymake their presence felt, as Pictor head Coake enlists a groupto undermine a weakened Magnus and force their way to the pumpcontrol. But when Coake's motives are investigated and the crewrealise he isn't giving them the full truth, they findthemselves locked in an urgent race for answers with lives atstake.
  15. until
    Vicky bans soft drinks at school.
  16. until
    Kate struggles to market a game-changing yet controversialpill, as Sloane's strategy puts her at odds with an author.While Jenny meets a dead end, Anne meets a new friend in AngerManagement.
  17. until
    The team returns to the swamp and immediately uncovers moreevidence of a sunken ship; in the money pit, the discovery ofa collapsed structure could mean they have finally located theoff-set chamber.
  18. until
    Jason goes into survivor mode and finds solace in an unlikelyally while on the run.
  19. until
    Baz and Garrow get closer to understanding their mission whenthey explore the pump control room, and realise they needFulmer to help them - leading to painful consequences forFulmer as he struggles to keep a grip on his sanity. When thecrew's anxieties rise as a glimmer of potential hope turnssour, Magnus finds himself losing his grip as tensions amongstthe group reach fever pitch.
  20. until
    On a trip to Milan to visit Roberto, Giovanna wrestles withwanting to be seen as the scholar's equal or something else.
  21. until
    The Lyell team return to the crime scene as another victim isin peril. Family ties are tested to their limits as they revealthe dark secrets that led to the tunnel collapse, and Jack isput in a difficult position when a blast from the past comes tovisit.
  22. until
    Ozzie's efforts to set up Kitty's new computer put Leia in anawkward position. An ad for a free jacuzzi lands Nate and Jayin hot water.
  23. until
    Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, KeyshawnJohnson, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
  24. until
    Under the Vines 2x2 - Episode 2
  25. until
    Under the Vines 2x1 - Episode 1
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