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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    America's Test Kitchen 23x2 - Porchetta-Style Turkey and Fennel
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    The team investigate the murder of an estate agent during theprivate sale of a picturesque beach. Meanwhile, Marlon leads acounterfeit goods case to impress the Commissioner.
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    Rob Brydon and team captains Lee Mack and David Mitchell arejoined by guests Shirley Ballas, Steven Bartlett, JosieGibson and Chris McCausland. They all reveal extraordinarystories about themselves, but are they telling the truth ormaking it all up?
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    Coming Soon...
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    Leif says a painful goodbye. Harald's new love is not what sheseems. A key battle comes to an end, but the war to rule overNorway is just beginning.
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    With Crystal Cove High's hottest girls under attack, Velmaquestions her feminist values, while Fred analyzes his ownviews on women. After seeking Daphne's help, Norville findshimself embroiled in a new mystery.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Max, Audrey, and Aki navigate the growing complications ofbeing a triad. Kate enters an uneasy alliance with a formerfoe. Julien weathers her quest to destroy Gossip Girl alone -until a shocking implication hits too close to home.
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    When Principal Rogers enrolls all the female students in aself-defense class, Velma and Daphne must work out theircomplicated relationship on the mat. Meanwhile, Norville vowsto get answers from Fred... by any means necessary.
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    As a dust storm descends upon Independence, Abby and Tom findthemselves desperate for shelter. Gus has a lead that canpotentially help Calian. Kate, Hoyt and Lucia work together,but things do not go according to plan. Kate stumbles uponsomething very unexpected and leaves her questioningeverything.
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    Ronnie faces a challenge in his own territory. Joey and Zak usepig heads to lure in giants. Leron and Porkchop battle apoacher stealing their catch. Troy places a big bet onSpearhead Lake. Jacob welcomes a new deckhand.
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    After a teenager is killed, Cosgrove and Shaw discover whatlengths kids will go to these days to become Internet famous.Price and Maroun take a risk to go after who they believe isthe real criminal in the case, but wind up back where theystarted.
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    Cordell and Cassie intervene in a hostage situation at a serverfarm, but something Trey finds indicates something moresinister is at play. Meanwhile, August tries to smooth thingsover with his grandparents, Liam attempts to step up hisresponsibility within the family business, and a luncheonawkwardly reunites Cordell with someone from the past.
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    Harald makes a risky move and falls into the hands of thePechenegs. Olaf sets out to find Jombsborg and stumbles upon anunlikely source of help.
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    Jess sacrifices everything to confront her dad's killer to findthe last piece of the map. But that meeting rocks her world asshe learns that nothing is what's expected on a treasure hunt,propelling her to make a dangerous decision that could land herin prison for life.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Two Koreans are found murdered in a sugar cane field.
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    With Denise and Emily's lives on the line, Jenny and Beau aredetermined to bring the Bleeding Heart Killer to justice, nomatter what it takes. Meanwhile, Cassie uses her connectionsto pin down their possible location; and Sunny makes a fierydecision that will change her family forever, but will it allbe enough to save the ones they love?
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    Barbara organizes a candy-selling fundraiser to raise money fora school field trip to the science museum. When sales don't goas planned, Ava steps in to teach the students new,unconventional selling tactics. Elsewhere, Mr. Johnson andJacob butt heads about how to take care of a cat found in thejanitor's closet.
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