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Everything posted by Midnight
Guy's Grocery Games S31E07 - Beat the Judges: Sandwiches
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilThree sandwich fanatics show Guy Fieri their stacked skills inFlavortown Market to earn some bread. First, the chefs have tomake a decadent sandwich with the cheese and bread picks theyselect in a Fantasy Food Draft. The winner gains an automatic,000 and faces off against the all-star judge of theirchoice in a final sandwich showdown to see who can make thebest mile-high sandwich using one ingredient per aisle. Whoevermakes the highest-scoring sandwich wins a second ,000prize. -
Pretty Hard Cases S03E03 - Red Velvet Durag
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilA surge in gun violence in a community undergoinggentrification brings Sam and Kelly to a Caribana mas camp.Tensions rise when a shooting leaves them searching for thoseresponsible. -
Home Economics S03E13 - Emergency Preparedness Kit, 9.99
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilA natural disaster strikes, trapping the family under one roofand without power. As their electronic battery lives aredepleted, the Hayworths are left with nothing to do butexamine their own lives. -
untilAndrew and Camille differ on how to help Khia get over abreakup. Sam teaches Ramesh to play golf to impress Barb.
untilComing Soon...
untilLove blossoms on the ship as the crew makes a fatefuldecision, with Olaf hot on Harald's heels. Jormundr standstrial. Canute makes Godwin an offer.
untilComing Soon...
untilAs the unit investigates a murder victim whose body has beendrained of blood, the gruesome case catches the attention of atrue crime show, and Brendon shares his "VampireCop" expertise to help solve the case.
New Amsterdam (2018) S05E13 - How Can I Help?
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilEveryone's story reaches a surprising yet inevitableconclusion. -
Will Trent S01E03 - Don't Let It Happen Again
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilWill and Faith's investigation into a small-town murder haslarge implications when a connection is drawn to adecadeslong, covered-up cold case. Meanwhile, the death of asecurity guard perplexes Angie while she contemplates anunexpected dinner invitation from Ormewood, which may rehashsome memories from their past. -
New Amsterdam (2018) S05E12 - Right Place
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilMax and Wilder face a dilemma over approvals for arevolutionary cancer drug as Max learns a secret about his ownbout with cancer. Reynolds goes the extra mile to correct adire medical situation. Iggy tries desperately to help a womanin need. -
9-1-1: Lone Star S04E01 - The New Hotness
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilCaptains Strand and Vega along with the members of the 126 arecalled into action to a county fair when a"Derecho", a series of fast-moving group of severethunderstorms hit Austin, causing hurricanic andtornadic-force winds, heavy rains, flash floods and a widepath of destruction. Owen's newfound passion for motorcyclingputs him on a potentially dangerous path. Tommy has thepotential for a romance when she meets an attractive singlefather. And as T.K. and Carlos prepare for their wedding, asecret from Carlos' past may stand in their way to happiness. -
untilAbby pushes Dan Fielding to embrace his new role as publicdefender; Neil gets on board with Abby's quest to improve thecourtroom and quickly realizes why trying is for the birds.
untilThe Gold Ship's crew strikes out on their own while Vernon isaway. Shawn faces an unexpected malfunction on the Myrtle justas boss Dave Young comes to inspect it. Zeke and Emily hopethat new divers will bring huge paystreaks. Kris returns to theReaper while the Mistress is out of commission.
Hudson & Rex S05E11 - Working for the Weekend
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilWhen Rex finds a body with signs of foul play during Charlieand Sarah's romantic weekend getaway, they discover theidyllic community they're staying in may be more hostile thanit looks. -
untilJudge Abby Stone follows in the footsteps of her late fatherJudge Harry Stone as she takes over the night shift of aManhattan arraignment court. When the court finds itself inneed of a public defender, Abby sees potential in an unlikelycandidate from her father's past: former night court prosecutorDan Fielding.
untilHost Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, KeyshawnJohnson, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
untilVelma 1x4 - Velma Makes a List
untilCriminal Minds 16x7 - Pieces of Me
Gossip Girl 2x9 - I know What You Did Last Summit
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilGossip Girl 2x9 - I know What You Did Last Summit -
untilVelma 1x3 - Velma Kai
Tooning Out the News 3x11 - January 18, 2023
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilTooning Out the News 3x11 - January 18, 2023 -
untilZoey and Aaron have an unexpected run-in at the San Franciscoairport, leading them to unpack the highs and lows of theirlong-distance relationship.
untilSean O'Neal surprises Upton with a call from prison, revealingsensitive information; while Upton grapples with how to keepO'Neal at a distance, the team quickly mobilizes to stop acrime in progress before it's too late.
untilWith Denise and Emily's lives on the line, Jenny and Beau aredetermined to bring the Bleeding Heart Killer to justice, nomatter what it takes. Meanwhile, Cassie uses her connectionsto pin down their possible location; and Sunny makes a fierydecision that will change her family forever, but will it allbe enough to save the ones they love?