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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, KeyshawnJohnson, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
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    To repay a drug debt owed to the Italians after the Harlemriots, Bumpy Johnson robs from his own community. Omar seeksto return to Elise and Malcolm's good graces. Someone close toStella orders a hit on her life.
  3. until
    When Sam's friend Tom Olsen finds himself being hunted down byenemies from his past, the NCIS team must find out who isafter him.
  4. until
    Kat and teen daughter Alice move in with estranged grandmaDel; escaping the tension, Alice explores the farm and findsherself on a surprising journey.
  5. until
    Boot camp is transformed into ancient Greece, and the teamsface off in a head-to-head relay race to make a Mediterraneanmezze platter. After they've channeled their inner culinarygods and goddesses, the recruits learn how to make a classicGreek dish, lamb souvlaki, for the Skill Drill challenge.Later in the Main Dish cook, Anne and Darnell aren't"squidding" around when they task their teams with makinggrilled octopus dishes. Some recruits conquer the Herculeantask, but the least successful recruit must sail off into thesunset.
  6. until
    Home Town 7x6 - From Windy City To City Beautiful
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    Heartland 16x12 - Memory
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    Cree confronts Briana over fiery sneak disses on social media:Sakoya suspects her mom is not being honest and discovers atroubling secret; Tyran offers Sam support as he deals withthe aftermath of meeting Treach; Twist finds himself a newcrush.
  9. until
    Tracy's latest listing yields an interesting new development:Josh Altman and Heather clash after having different reactionsto an unexpected offer that comes knocking on their door; JoshFlagg reveals a new mystery man in his life.
  10. until
    The Lyell team work together to find out why the lorry wasfound with bodies inside and a dead driver at the wheel, andare truly shocked to discover where it leads them. Gabrielbecomes emotionally invested and is presented with an ethicaldilemma, and Jack gets a surprise visit.
  11. until
    An abandoned lorry is found at a quarry with several dead anddying people in the back. Initially, it appears to be aclassic sex trafficking story that Nikki and the police are alltoo familiar with, but it soon becomes clear that all is notas it seems. With the survivors refusing to speak, Nikki andthe team must use their pathological and forensic skills toidentify the deceased and piece together what happened.
  12. until
    AEW Dark: Elevation 3x3 - AEW Dark: Elevation 98
  13. until
    Young parents Gary and Tasha Bentley are living the good life.They've got high-paying jobs, a nice house, and regularvacations to the tropics -- but just five years into theirmarriage, someone's plotting an exit strategy that ends with abullet.
  14. until
    When a dancer is found on the New York City subway tracks,Killian and Morales' investigation into her mysterious deathchallenges their tried-and-true detective work. Also, thegrand opening of Goody's is put in jeopardy and Quinlan andBentley's relationship hits a speedbump.
  15. until
    Mike Rowe attends a dusty baghouse party to clean thefiltration system at a North Carolina asphalt plant. InColorado, Mike solves global warming as he gets his dirtiestyet, pyrolyzing waste lumber into the planet's most efficientfertilizer: biochar.
  16. until
    Host Maria Taylor, Hall of Fame head coach Tony Dungy, formerNFL head coach Jason Garrett, former NFL quarterback ChrisSimms and NFL insider Mike Florio recap the day's NFLhighlights. Jac Collinsworth and Rodney Harrison contributeon-site.
  17. until
    Ten videos are nominated for the top prize of 0,000: dogsand cats cope with disastrous situations.
  18. until
    Molly Yeh believes the farmers harvesting the beets neednourishment to get through the long days, so she's feeding thehungry crew with a hearty meal! Molly packs them Pulled PorkSandwiches with Charred Broccoli Slaw and a side of Beet Chipswith French Onion Yogurt. For a sweet treat, she adds some ofher Thick Frosted Speculoos Cookie Bars and S'mores PuppyChow.
  19. until
    Boku no Hero Academia 6x15 - Tartarus
  20. until
    It's week two of the world championship season and the fightcard is full of veteran favorites, hotshot rookies andcarnage; among the highlights is End Game versus Blip.
  21. until
    For week two, the candidates are summoned to Hutong at TheShard in Central London. Lord Sugar reveals that they will bemanufacturing savoury bao buns to punt to the public and abespoke sweet bun to sell to a corporate client, with the teamwho secures the biggest overall profit winning.One team bitesoff more than they can chew with a Jurassic-themed bun,leading to explosions in the kitchen, while the other team areleft in short supply after a maths meltdown. In the boardroom,one member of the losing team is sent packing.
  22. until
    Auditions continue as winners, finalists, favorites and viralsensations audition for the chance to win the title of AGTAll-Star; one act is given a Golden Buzzer and earns a spot inthe finals; superfans vote on one act to move to the finals.
  23. until
    There is one small section of time between harvest and plantingwhen Nick is available for date night, and tonight's thenight! Molly Yeh packs a picnic dinner complete withMeat-Stuffed Pitas with Yogurt Tahini Sauce, Couscous Saladwith Pistachios and Dates and Cold Curried Cauliflower. Then,they'll enjoy the best view in town as they snack on Fizzy RockPotato Chips.
  24. until
    Sullivan's dream of leaving Kembleford is scuppered when he isarrested for receiving stolen goods.
  25. until
    Rock 'n' roll reaches Kembleford when a group of bikers causeoutrage and excitement in equal measure.
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