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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Brenda finds love at the home of a clock collector but has shefallen for a killer?
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    Father Brown discovers there's more drama offstage than on inthe latest production by the Kembleford Players.
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    The visit of Princess Margaret to Kembleford is jeopardisedwhen a school janitor is found murdered. Can Father Brown savethe royal visit from being cancelled?
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    Chief Inspector Sullivan pays Father Brown a visit to warn himthat Hercule Flambeau is on the run and wanted for a series ofbrutal murders.
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    Father Brown's past collides with the present when heinvestigates a missing person, a murder and a mythical wildcat.
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    A celebrity florist brings glamour and murder to Kembleford.
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    Lady Felicia's impromptu visit coincides with Father Brownhelping out a friend at an exclusive gentlemen's club.
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    Judges Simon Cowell, Heidi Klum, Howie Mandel and host TerryCrews are back. Winners, finalists, fan favorites and viralsensations from "America's Got Talent" and "Got Talent"franchises around the world audition for the chance to win theultimate title of All-Star. One act is given a Golden Buzzerand earns a spot in the finals, then the "AGT" Superfans voteon one additional act to move onto the finals.
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    The Lyell team are thrown into the dark side of social media,where nothing is as it seems, and the perfect profiles of theinfluencers they are investigating raise disturbing questions.As a heavily pregnant DI asks the team for their expertise,are they running out of time to solve this case?
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    Coming Soon...
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    The travelers make a deadly miscalculation on the way toConstantinople. Olaf sets off after Harald, and Emma'sparanoia pushes her over the edge.
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    Spencer and Alexandra begin their long journey back to Montana.Banner and Whitfield plot their next move to control thevalley. Teonna goes to great lengths to secure her freedom andsafety.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    Alice's past mistakes blow up in her face, forcing Sophie andDani to pick up the pieces. Shane drops a bombshell at Angie'sclass reading. Meanwhile, Finley helps Carrie seduce Misty,but can Carrie check her baggage and get the girl?
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    To repay a drug debt owed to the Italians after the Harlemriots, Bumpy Johnson robs from his own community.
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    Picking up in the aftermath of a terrible accident, a grievingMichael Desiato is beyond hope. After fleeing the scene,Eugene is aided by unlikely benefactors, including new MayorCharlie Figaro, Big Mo and the police. Jimmy Baxter looks toexpand his criminal empire, while Gina Baxter channels heranger over her dead son. The arrival in town of Assistant U.S.Attorney Olivia Delmont will upend Michael's life in ways hecan't begin to imagine.
  19. until
    Wracked with grief over Ellie's death, Rowan is out of controland unfit to perform surgeries; her paranoia that someone isfollowing her is proven true; in New Orleans, Deirdre and hermysterious companion Lasher work together to draw Rowan home.
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    After a global pandemic destroys civilization, a hardenedsurvivor takes charge of a 14-year-old girl who may behumanity's last hope.
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    When Sam's friend Tom Olsen finds himself being hunted down byenemies from his past, the NCIS team must find out who isafter him.
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    Kat and teen daughter Alice move in with estranged grandmaDel; escaping the tension, Alice explores the farm and findsherself on a surprising journey.
  23. until
    When a dancer is found on the New York City subway tracks,Killian and Morales' investigation into her mysterious deathchallenges their tried-and-true detective work. Also, thegrand opening of Goody's is put in jeopardy and Quinlan andBentley's relationship hits a speedbump.
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    A surprise visitor causes Amy to see Finn differently. Aweekend trip to the cabin has Jack struggling with his pastwhile Katie finally opens up. Lou and Peter's dinner partydoesn't go as planned.
  25. until
    Tulsa King 1x10 - TBA
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