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Everything posted by Midnight

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    A buried secret comes to light. Joe and Georgia reminisce. Analready heartbroken Ginny overhears upsetting news.
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    Violeta strikes back to save her country. The men must considerwhat happens if you rescue someone who doesn't want saving.Season finale.
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    Freydis finds a new home. Harald formulates a daring new planto take back Norway, but Leif's not on board. A new threatappears in London.
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    The SWAT team races to locate a young boy abducted from ahomeless shelter. Also, Street allows his personal history tocloud his judgement on the kidnapping case, and Hondo andNichelle find themselves at odds over their spiritual beliefs.
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    Jamie and his new intel team officer infiltrate a high-tech carsmuggling ring. Also, Frank faces off against the city'stransit chief over a new mayoral solo police patrol programthat is causing officer injuries on the job; Eddie asks Dannyto help her bust a cop impersonator; and Erin hires an imageconsultant to help with her D.A. campaign.
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    A box truck crashes into the station, causing a power outageand triggering a dangerous fire. Sharon and Bode'sex-girlfriend, Cara, face multiple medical emergencies.
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    Miami, 1998: Dwayne hits new heights as The Rock, butencounters some challenges on the road to SummerSlam. In 2033,Dwayne finds the prime minister has a political crisis of herown.
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    In this heavenly acting challenge, the queens must createinfomercials for a ***** afterlife. Country singer Maren Morrisand LGBT activist Ts Madison guest judge.
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    When Mayan becomes the brand ambassador for a human-grade dogfood, George struggles to say he's proud of her for eating it.When Chance stops using his dad's last name at school, Quintenworries he's embarrassed of him.
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    Meech focuses on expanding BMF into Cleveland while Terryexperiences growing pains as he launches his car-ride businesswith Charles. Terry learns Meech could be in danger.
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    Rob Brydon and team captains Lee Mack and David Mitchell arejoined by guests Chizzy Akudolu, Simon Gregson, MichelleVisage and Henning Wehn. They all reveal extraordinary storiesabout themselves, but are they telling the truth or making itall up?
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    The team investigate a preppers commune when one of theirmembers is poisoned inside a locked bunker. Meanwhile, Nevillehas a series of adventurous dates with Sophie.
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    Sandi Toksvig comes over all theatrical with Ed Bryne, CallyBeaton, Jack Dee and Alan Davies.
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    Lady Felicia's impromptu visit coincides with Father Brownhelping out a friend at an exclusive gentlemen's club.
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    Olaf lands in a terrible position after Forkbeard invadesKattegat. In hiding, Freydis and Harald must decide whether tofight for the throne or flee.
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    After a sudden behavior change raises concern among hisfriends, Marcus has a tearful meeting with Ginny. Austinwitnesses a terrifying scene.
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    When a young, non-verbal boy is found hiding in a stranger'sgarage, the CSI team searches for his missing mother. Also,Max receives a strange letter with symbols in silver ink thatFolsom and Allie recognize from prior crime scenes.
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