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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    AEW: Rampage 2x53 - #74 - 1st Bank Center in Broomfield, CO
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    Guy Fieri's having smokin' Southern meats and more. First inMobile, Ala., a family-run barbecue joint is putting out abomb Boss Burger with a side of rib candy and a stellar smokedbrisket sandwich. Then in Atlanta, Chef G. Garvin'sSouthern-American steakhouse is serving up a next-level lobstermac and cheese and a decadent donut bread pudding.
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    WWE SmackDown Live 23x52 - #1217 - Amalie Arena in Tampa, FL
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    Contestants get insight from celebrity guests ChristinaRicci, Chris Kattan, Kym Whitley, Tony Hawk, JackieTohn and Curtis Stone on a variety of categories thatinclude "Saturday Night Live," pregnancy and meat.
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    After multiple losses, one team realizes that they must cometogether to win; after losing his Ride or Die in the lastelimination, one player feels vulnerable to danger whileanother player must count on their Ride or Die.
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    Drain the Oceans 5x5 - The Alamo
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    Life Below Zero: Next Generation 5x5 - The Pursuit
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    Life Below Zero° 20x7 - Last Taste of Summer
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    Clarke Peters ("I Wanna Dance With Somebody"): Rachaelprepares a stunning holiday slow roast for dinner; a special,holiday-themed Q and Ray and J.
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    Musician Gavin Rossdale prepares eggs three ways: hostingholiday parties; Rachael cooks crispy caper pork chops.
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    TV host JIMMY FALLON stops by, plus Kelly and Ryan talk withactress NIECY NASH BETTS about her role in the ABC series "TheRookie: Feds."
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    Dr. Phil helps viewers settle a family disagreement: Rachaelmakes a simple pasta dish from northern Spain; Amos Leeperforms.
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    Jacques Pépin makes arroz con pollo: Rachael prepares pastawith chicken; Will Guidara, a restaurateur who wrote a bookon hospitality.
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    "Live" brings the holidays to life with the "Live with Kellyand Ryan: Home for the Holidays" special episode. Award-winningmusicians DAVID FOSTER AND KATHARINE McPHEE will perform"Jingle Bell Rock" and the internationally beloved RADIO CITYROCKETTES will dance their way onto the "Live" stage to perform"The Dance of the Frostberries." Friend of "Live" StevePatterson will delight fans with a Christmas tour of NYC withhis family, and the acclaimed choir SING HARLEM will perform"Joy to the World." Plus, the "Live" family will gather for aHoliday Feast to inspire everyone in their own kitchens athome.
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    Drew goes to Washington D.C. and sits down with President JoeBiden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden in their first jointinterview together on daytime TV as President and First Lady.POTUS and FLOTUS discuss their long-lasting relationship andreveal the one Christmas gift the President gives the FirstLady every year. Plus, in The Final Five, POTUS and FLOTUSare revealing everything from favorite naughty snacks to habitsthey wish the other would change. Plus, FLOTUS gives Drew atour of the We the People themed White House ChristmasDecorations and shares their family traditions.
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    Catherine Zeta-Jones: Kate Winslet: Zoe Saldaña: SamWorthington; James Cameron; Guillermo del Toro; LisetteOlivera.
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    Graham is joined by Olivia Colman, Hugh Laurie, RomeshRanganathan and Leah Williamson for his annual Hogmanay chat.With music from the stars of the West End revival of Cabaret.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Amber loses her grip on reality and faces execution. Out ofoptions, Prince and Bambi arm up and recruit mercenaries for ahistoric raid.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    More shocking secrets come to light as an unlikely team worksto expose the truth, with lives and the very future ofgovernment hanging in the balance.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Allie and Margot forge different paths to secure their family'sfuture. Dina lays low at a luxury resort and considers a pathof her own.
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    Gabriel's grandmother helps with the reopening of hisrestaurant; Emily finds an unexpected ally in Luc; a majorbomb is dropped during a trip to Champagne.
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