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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Lamb and Katinsky go head-to-head. Ho finds himself trapped ona train with a Russian assassin.
  2. until
    For the first time ever, Jess finds herself in apuzzle-solving slump when she can't crack the clue found in thelast episode. Her personal life isn't any less confusing as shetries to figure out if she and Liam have romantic feelings foreach other. At the wake for Liam's grandpa, Jess and herfriends meet famous treasure hunter Riley Poole (from theNational Treasure movies) and enlist his help. Jess'spuzzle-solving skills are put to the test when she and Rileyget caught in a deadly trap.
  3. until
    Alesha, Gus and Wanda get Stephen's safe open. Claudia rushesback home. Simon and Nina confront Oyin. With the thiefrevealed, Simon and Nina review Stephen's will, while Maureenfinds solace away from F&G.
  4. until
    Nina's trip to Zurich sheds light on Oyin and a past she'dburied. A startling piece of evidence changes the fate ofF&G, and Wanda confronts Luke. Claudia takes a break awaywhile Nina is on to the perpetrator of the missing money.
  5. until
    Andre finds an investor for Claudia. Meanwhile, Nina andClaudia vie for shareholders' votes. A damning article leavesNina exposed. An uncomfortable truth surfaces for Wanda, whileNina continues her search for the missing money.
  6. until
    As the Richards gear up for the biggest event of the year,news of the embezzlement comes as a blow. Gus receives someawaited information. Andre uncovers a fact that will have bigramifications for Nina.
  7. until
    Parker's crew tears through Klondike ground and takes on a newrunway project. Fred faces off with his son when the excavatorbreaks, again. Tony loses his two biggest dozers in a matterof minutes when he expands the Blue Cut.
  8. until
    Tensions continue to brew. Claudia furiously works to regainFlair and Glory for her family. Meanwhile, as Nina acquaintsherself with the business, a social media complaint againstthe company spirals, and she makes a shocking discovery.
  9. until
    After Jess discovers her late mother's involvement in thetreasure hunt, Jess becomes even more determined to unravelthe secrets her mother never told her about their past. Sheenlists the help of her friends and Liam. This newly formedteam of treasure hunters bonds as they decipher a clue handeddown by the Masons and embark on a risky mission that sendsthem to a mansion once owned by and American icon.
  10. until
    Parker is joined by a ragtag group of miners recruited fromsocial media to tackle his first Alaskan claim. Tony faces anengineering problem while Fred's rock truck issues force him tochange his approach.
  11. until
    Amber loses her grip on reality and faces execution. Out ofoptions, Prince and Bambi arm up and recruit mercenaries for ahistoric raid.
  12. until
    Allie and Margot forge different paths to secure their family'sfuture. Dina lays low at a luxury resort and considers a pathof her own.
  13. until
    Season finale. Lamb and Katinsky go head-to-head. Ho findshimself trapped on a train with a Russian assassin.
  14. until
    Chicago Party Aunt 2x1 - Episode 1
  15. until
    America's Test Kitchen: The Next Generation 1x4 - Episode 4
  16. until
    The L Word: Generation Q 3x7 - Little Boxes
  17. until
    David's motion-capture session with Joe Manganiello getshijacked. Dana helps Poppy prepare her PlayPen VC pitch.
  18. until
    The First 48 Presents Critical Minutes 2x7 - Deadly Plans
  19. until
    On the premiere, Robert travels to Ash Fork, Arizona to helpexhausted and overworked Ranch House owner keep her businessafloat. With a mountain of debt and overwhelming guilt oversacrificing time with her children, the owner needs Robert tohelp save her restaurant and family. He has two days tomakeover the owner's attitude and business, or the restaurantwill have to close its doors for good.
  20. until
    iMPACT Wrestling 19x52 - Episode 52
  21. until
    With categories including astrology, presidents and countrymusic, contestants lean on celebrity experts Chrissy Metz,Sanya Richards Ross, Russell Dickerson, Loni Love, BrieBella and Clay Aiken.
  22. until
    Pastry chef Chrissie Larkton's mill has been in her family forcenturies; she restored it and turned it into a thrivingonline business, but the popularity has overshadowed LowerBlissingham, and many of the villagers are not happy about it.
  23. until
    Watch What Happens Live 19x205 - RuPaul, Jim Parsons
  24. until
    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo put out everything but fires with their MULTI PURPOSEEXTINGUISHERS, get grossed out by the gyms LEAKY LIFTS, andrealize cart wheels aren't for people with OLD WHEELS.
  25. until
    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness, Rob, Chanel, andSteelo get some knowledge with LATE LEARNERS, fill up theirvehicles in JUNK IN THE TRUNK, and rough stay at some HORRIBLEHOTELS.
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