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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
  3. until
    After a father and daughter are kidnapped on Thanksgiving, theteam discovers a hostage situation involving police deputies.When the gunmen offer an exchange for the hostages, Simone issent undercover by Garza, and Lopez arrives to help rescueWesley. Meanwhile, Laura and Brendon search for a nanny camthat could reveal the identity of the kidnapper.
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    Reynolds finds himself caught between a chance for love and anopportunity to spend precious time with his father. Realizingthe consequences of her actions, Bloom makes an unexpectedmove forward with her sister. Max helps an ICU internstruggling with the loss of a patient. Dr. Wilder receives anoffer that forces her to choose between her community and hercareer.
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    The Harrises return to 10,000 B.C., determined to upload avirus that will stop all sinkholes, despite knowing that thiswill mean they will never get home again. An unlikely leaderrallies the clearing to face an oncoming prehistoric threat.
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    Jason blames his parents for his secrets, but realizes they'realso the reason he's in grave danger.
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    Reynolds gets creative to help a prospective mother in need.Max takes a chance with Wilder and learns a hard truth. Bloomtreats a young brother and sister in dire straits. Iggy reachesa decision about Martin.
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    With Christmas fast approaching, Elder Kettle sends the boyson an important errand: to pick out the perfect tree.
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    Maura has terrible flashbacks and makes a shocking move. Asound leads some passengers to jump overboard. Maura makes adiscovery about her father.
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    Several crew members and passengers search the ship for the boyafter locking up the captain, Olek, Jérome and Ramiro.Krester's secret is revealed.
  11. until
    A girl and other passengers suffer a terrible fate. Olek freesLing Yi from a box. The captain makes a discovery thatchallenges his trust in Maura.
  12. until
    The captain experiences unexplainable flashbacks. A strange manfollows Maura to her cabin where a boy is hiding. A bug leadsto a tragedy on deck.
  13. until
    Sandi Toksvig takes a look at animals that begin with theletter 'T' with Hannah Waddingham, Desiree Burch, JasonManford, and Alan Davies.
  14. until
    Maura helps a pregnant woman. The captain makes a bravedecision after receiving a message from a lost ship - anddiscovers something mind-bending.
  15. until
    Toby tries to navigate the childcare crisis that Rachel leftfor him and learns of a new opportunity at work.
  16. until
    Avi solves Elisabeth's disappearance: Paul plans to leave NewYork; Hanney has a moment of honesty.
  17. until
    Toby won't let Rachel's inconsiderate (and early) drop-off stophim from keeping a date with a woman he's met online.
  18. until
    Alba and her ex-husband's girlfriend Batty prepare for guestswhen criminals storm into the house after a botched heist;unable to cancel plans, they must sit through an awkwardevening.
  19. until
    The team grapples with Anna's fate: Avi questions whetherElisabeth is missing or dead.
  20. until
    Avi pursues possible suspects of the bomb threat: ElisabethSerra's backstory is revealed.
  21. until
    While searching for a missing scientist in the Angeles NationalForest, Simone and Carter uncover an eco-terrorist's plans todetonate dirty bombs across the city. Meanwhile, Brendon tapsinto his own profiling tactics to find the perfect birthdaygift for Laura.
  22. until
    Avi investigates a bomb threat at a local daycare: Paul's wifeis reported missing.
  23. until
    The secrets of Vincent's case rise to the surface: Zack'swriting is further investigated.
  24. until
    Avi searches Vincent's building and the people within it:Dania's intentions are questioned.
  25. until
    Avi questions Vincent's friends and family to learn more aboutthe tormented and lonely boy.
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