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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Shadow Detective 1x6 - Episode 6
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    Shadow Detective 1x5 - Episode 5
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    It's silversmith Brenton West's time to shine as he is calledupon to give a worn and bent brass key ring a new lease oflife. The treasured trinket was made for Neil when he was a ladby his charismatic father, Bill. Sadly, Neil lost his fatherrecently, and this hand engraved key ring has come torepresent everything he loved about him. Bill engraved hisson's name on one side and the motto ‘no fear' on the other,which was the mantra he lived his life by. However, theengraved words have almost worn away. Neil now has a son of hisown, Bill's namesake Billy, and hopes to display the key ringas a reminder of the father he loved so much and of thegrandfather Billy junior will never know. Brenton goes to greatlengths to emboss each of the tiny dents that spell the wordswhich mean so much to Neil.Sisters Lynne and Gayle come to meetclockwork king Steve Fletcher with a small box housing thefavourite childhood toy of their late mother, Helen. Thewind-up turkey used to strut about shaking its tail feathersand amusing little Helen and her sisters, but came to agrinding halt decades ago. Lynne and Gayle grew up listening tostories of their mum's childhood on a farm and her love of thislittle turkey toy. It was only recently that the family foundthe toy in a box with some old photos and, although Helen wasreunited with it before she passed away, it had seized up andthe wind-up key was long gone. The sisters would love to seethe toy in action for themselves and show it to their ownchildren, but the old bird is reluctant to perform and provesto be quite tricky for Steve!Goldsmith Richard Talman greetsChristine from Derbyshire, who has brought the pieces of herlate father's gold signet ring. The ring, engraved with hisinitials, was an engagement present in 1949 from her mother,Ethel, to her fiancé, Phillip. He wore the ring with pride,but after an accident at work, the ring had to be cut from hisfinger and was then stowed away. It was then forgotten aboutuntil Christine came across it when clearing her parents' houseafter they passed away. The ring represents the couple's longand happy marriage, and Christine would like her eldestbrother, who has the same initials, to have it. That's ifRichard can piece it back together.
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    First into the barn is Marion with a diablo dating back to the1890s for the attention of woodwork expert Will Kirk.Originally gifted to Marion's grandfather, Thomas, when hewas a child, he became adept at tricks with the simple toy.Marion remembers it from when she was just a toddler, buttrying to replicate her grandfather's moves has left it badlychipped and damaged. Despite its disheveled appearance it is apowerful connection to the grandfather she loved. Will istasked with returning it to a usable state so Marion'sgrandson, who would be the fifth generation to have it, cantake it to university.Next, sisters Fiona and Janice arrivewith a pair of sparkly stage shoes worn by their mum, Betty,who loved the dance halls of the 1940s and 50s. Betty gave upballroom dancing when her children came along, but in laterlife returned to performing once more. As children, Fiona andJanice would dress up in the shoes which are now a link totheir much-missed mother. But for cobbler Dean Westmoreland,the characteristic silver threading that makes them perfect forthe stage is far more complicated to repair than he firstthought.The final visitor to the barn is Katie, who hopesoptics expert Richard Biggs can bring her childhood telescopeback to working order. Currently in pieces, the telescope wasbought for her by her dad, Charlie, when she was 16 as a wayto connect with the interests held by his young daughter. Theybonded over many hours of stargazing and spotting the planets,but after Charlie passed away when Katie was 19, the telescopefell into disrepair. Now she wants it mended as her young sonis desperate to take up stargazing and wants to use thetelescope that was originally bought by the grandfather henever met.
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    Heartland 16x6 - Into the Wild
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    This week's results show opens with a magnificent Bollywoodroutine from our Strictly professionals, and there are somespecial guests and a music performance by Luke Evans. The twocouples with the lowest combined judges score and viewer voteface each other in the dance-off, with one unlucky coupleleaving the competition.
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    Which Blockheads will win The Block and 0,000.00? Watch theauction action.
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    Amy Schumer will host "SNL" for the third time on Nov. 5. Thefifth season of the Emmy and Peabody Award-winning "Inside AmySchumer" is currently streaming on Paramount+.Steve Lacy willmake his "SNL" musical guest debut. The Grammy nominee's latestalbum, "Gemini Rights," features the Billboard chart-toppingsingle "Bad Habit."
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    We are halfway through the series, and the competition is asunpredictable as ever. The couples are back with their brandnew routines, hoping to impress the judges and the viewers athome. Our return to Blackpool is on the horizon, so the stakesare high.
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    Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 255x23 - Dough-Lightful Dishes
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    Musician John Oates: author Ali Wentworth: Buddy Valastroshows a caramel apple cake; Rachael cooks a simple soup forsupper.
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    Celebrity power couple KIRK and TAMMY FRANKLIN stop by to chatabout their new competition dating show, "The One," and sharetheir magic to maintain a healthy relationship. Then, KELSEAOLIVIA on her mission to create beauty with one-of-a-kindflorals through her company "East Olivia."
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    Watch What Happens Live 19x177 - Kyle Cooke, Luke Gulbranson
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    MTV Cribs 18x4 - Michael Strahan / Adrienne Baillon & IsraelHoughton
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    MTV Cribs 18x3 - Kristin Cavallari / Leslie Jordan / Ray J
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    Ego Nwodim ("Saturday Night Live"): Dr. Will Li shares "fastfoods" that slow down aging; one-skillet pasta.
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    Partners in Rhyme 2x4 - Game, Set, Match
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    Don't miss "Road Trip with Tamron to Los Angeles" and a daytimeexclusive interview with Queens of Hip-Hop SALT-N-PEPA. Tamronhosts a special hour-long candid conversation on the 50thanniversary of hip-hop and their legendary, trailblazingcareers, including the struggles and triumphs that paved theway for future female artists. They also share details of theirupcoming tour. Plus, an all-new Shop Tam Fam!
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    Hot Ones 19x6 - Episode 6
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    Tooning Out the News 3x5 - Episode 5
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    Watch What Happens Live 19x176 - Arden Myrin, Meredith Marks
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    The Real Love Boat 1x5 - TBA
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    Married at First Sight 15x18 - San Diego Reunion, Part 1
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    Dale Earnhardt Jr. (children's book "Buster's Trip to VictoryLane"); Rachael cooks a simple sticky chicken tray bake; chefMillie Peartree has a stuffed cake that is easy to make withstore-bought ingredients.
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    Shadow Detective 1x4 - Episode 4
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