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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    After the shocking discovery of a new-half sibling, Tom,Sarah and Connor are tasked with breaking the unexpected newsto their parents. Meanwhile, Marina and Denise team up toconfront Denise's stubborn landlord.
  2. until
    One of the world's greatest ancient enigmas, the Nazca linesare a dense network of crisscrossing lines, geometric shapes,and animal figures etched across 200 square miles of Peruviandesert. Who created them and why? Ever since they wererediscovered in the 1920s, scholars and enthusiasts haveraised countless theories about their purpose. Now,archaeologists have discovered hundreds of long-hidden linesand figures as well as evidence of ancient rituals, offeringnew clues to the origins and motivations behind the giantdesert symbols.
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    Nicky (Olivia Liang) is forced to put things with Bo (gueststar Ben Levin) on the back burner while she figures out how tohelp Pei-Ling (Vanessa Kai.) Sebastian (JB Tadena) voices hisconcern to Mei-Li (Kheng Hua Tan) about corporate's growingoversight on the restaurant. Althea (Shannon Dang) and Evan(Gavin Stenhouse) help Jin (Tzi Ma) after a local politician isrobbed of some valuable research. Finally, Zhilan (YvonneChapman) makes her move.
  4. until
    Guy's Ultimate Game Night 1x10 - Chefs, Shakes n' Charades
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    In New York City, mysterious deaths and disappearances rampup; a doctor makes a frightening discovery, and a localreporter becomes tomorrow's headline.
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    The teachers are appalled after seeing a commercial in supportof charter schools criticizing Abbott Elementary. When studentsbegin to transfer schools, Jacob, Ava and Melissa invite theleader of the charter school organization to Abbott and ask himto take down the ad. Elsewhere, Janine and Gregory talk aboutJanine's relationship with Tariq.
  7. until
    Chucky 2x5 - Doll On Doll
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    The country music craze has made its way to Jenkintown, andeveryone is line dancing! In fear of becoming an oldgrandmother, Beverly takes to a country western bar to reclaimher youth. Meanwhile, Adam scores a new job, but his lack oftime to spend with Pop-Pop results in some comically disastrousoutcomes.  .
  9. until
    A terrifying challenge is a must-win for a Ride or Die pairafter their public betrayal paints a massive target on theirbacks. At-risk players plot an elaborate plan with the winningpair to keep themselves safe.
  10. until
    Diggstown 4x4 - Trudy Willis
  11. until
    Darlene receives a promotion at her company, but she quicklylearns the fancy title is not all it's cracked up to be.Meanwhile, when Louise loses her job at Casita Bonita, anopportunity arises to work with Jackie at the Lunch Box.
  12. until
    After a recent experience renews Courtney's confidence, shesets out to make amends with those around her. Jakeem puts hisfoot down after Mike shares his latest plan. Finally, Bethmakes a major discovery that leads to a terrifying battle noone saw coming.
  13. until
    Today, an unusual necklace telling the story of love and lossis brought back to life in time for a wedding. And a cameradating back to the 1940s is given a new lease of life for ayoung lady with a close connection to her grandad.First intothe barn is Sue with a costume jewellery necklace from SouthAsia for the attention of Richard Talman. The piece was boughtby Sue's dad Victor for her mum Patricia whilst he was awaywith the Royal Navy during the 1950s – he would always returnfrom his many months at seas with various gifts and trinkets.It holds great sentimental value, as this necklace would beone of the last things Victor ever bought his young wife. Hecontracted polio in India on his final tour of duty and diedthe day after his 23rd birthday. His body was unable to bereturned to the UK, but this pendant was among his personaleffects. It's a tough task for Richard as the jewellery is notmade from the materials he usually works with. However, he'sdetermined to make it sparkle once more, as Sue's daughterplans to wear it on her wedding day.Next, student Nalini hasbrought a 1940s camera in for expert Pierro Pozella. Originallybelonging to her grandfather Bernard, the camera documentedhis many travels as a young man. She found it in the bottom ofhis wardrobe whilst looking for a backpack to take travellingand was fascinated, as Nalini had always known her grandfatheras a photographer, and here was his first camera. Sticky,gritty and unable to close the film door, the camera is indesperate need of attention so that Nalini can take it with herwhen she goes travelling in honour of her grandad.The finalvisitors are mother and son Jill and Bradley with a paintspattered cap for Jayesh Vaghela. The cap belonged to husbandand father Brian, who used it for all his DIY projects,including building furniture and painting. After Brian hadpassed away in 2018, Bradley found it, and Jill said when heput it on he looked just like his father. If Jayesh can make itstable once more, Bradley dreams of wearing it at his work asa landscape gardener so he can always keep part of his dad withhim. It is a task harder than expected as Jill and Bradley wantto preserve the finger dents and creases left by Brian.
  14. until
    Beyond Oak Island 3x6 - Return To Poverty Island
  15. until
    Mandy captains a new boat decked out with technology to helpClark get to on the crab. Sig and Jake steam to the north tofill their tanks with Russian Kings.
  16. until
    The all-new three-way Knockouts continue as the coaches groupthree of their artists to perform individually against eachother, then select a winner to move on to the Live Playoffs.The pressure is on as each coach will only have one steal inthe Knockouts.
  17. until
    It's Pastry Week and the bakers tackle vol-au-vents, adelicious savoury snack and a 3D pie-scape depicting theirfavourite childhood story. Who will pie-oneer into the semis?
  18. until
    There is a chance for woodwork expert Will Kirk to showcase hisimpressive carving skills when Wilma from Bristol arrives withher late mother's occasional table. Wilma's mother, Eunice,emigrated to the UK from Jamaica as a young woman in the early1960s with very little to her name. She worked hard her entirelife and raised three daughters as a single mother, instillingin them the importance of education and kindness. The table ismade of dark walnut wood with a veneered top and was Eunice'spride and joy. Wilma remembers it in her childhood home alwayscovered with cloth to protect it but time eventually took itstoll - several pieces of the veneer have lifted off and asection of the decorative moulding around the top has brokenoff. Will carefully carves a replacement piece and comes upwith an ingenious plan to find the perfect colour match for themissing veneered patches.Next to arrive at the barn are fatherand son Stephen and Ollie with a challenge for vintageelectronics expert Mark Stuckey. The 1950s lime green Bakeliteradio originally belonged to Stephen's grandfather and has beenpassed from father to son down the generations. Stephen'sclearest memories of it were when his father Rodney used it inhis workshop. Rodney was an accomplished carpenter and wasforever embarking on ambitious house renovations, includingdigging out a cellar single handedly, with this trusty radiokeeping him company. Ollie, Stephen's son, also remembers theradio in situ in the workshop and would love to use it - that'sif Mark can resuscitate it. Fortunately, Rodney wasn't just atalented joiner but an organised fellow too and he kept theradio's original instructions and service manual which provesextremely helpful in its repair.Finally it's a task for cobblerDean Westmoreland, when he works wonders on a pair of verytired suede shoes full of happy memories. Bev from Nottinghaminherited them from her lovely grandmother, Betsy. Young Bevloved these shoes and every time she'd visit her gran she'd popthem on and march about in them, enjoying the loud clompingsound the heels made. Betsy clearly remembered hergranddaughter's love of them, as they were left specificallyto her when she passed away. They could really do with someTLC, which Dean is only too happy to administer, and Bev isover the moon.
  19. until
    Bring Back My Girls 1x3 - Episode 3
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    Honest Trailers 255x44 - Episode 44
  21. until
    James Luke and the Reliable team contend with two detouredwrecks on the same punishing corner of a narrow route; MSA'sKirpal and sons must stretch a long line to reach a machinestuck on a farm.
  22. until
    In the first three-way Knockout in "Voice" history, thecoaches group three of their artists to perform individuallyagainst each other, then select a winner to move on to theLive Playoffs. The pressure is on as each coach will only haveone steal in the Knockouts. In lieu of enlisting a megamentor, coaches will work with their artists directly toprepare them as best as possible for this new challenge.
  23. until
    Jay Blades and his talented team work wonders on three familyheirlooms.Justine is hoping that goldsmith Richard Talman canrescue her engagement ring in the nick of time. The damageddiamond ring is hugely important to her as it was originallyher mother's, who sadly passed away just months afterJustine's wedding day. The platinum trilogy ring has had alifetime of wear on her mother's hand and not only is the bandnow misshapen and worn, one of the diamonds is loose. Justinehas been unable to wear it for fear of losing the preciousstones. Richard sets to work creating a more substantial shankand addresses the claws that hold the diamonds safely inplace, so that Justine can wear the ring with confidence andremember not only her special day but the special lady whowanted her to have it.Next, bookbinder Chris Shaw is excitedto receive a 250-year-old medical anatomy book. Each pagedisplays a detailed illustration of a dissected human body withhandwritten annotations in pencil. Ramesh and his daughterRavita are both doctors and are both very attached this rareartefact. Ramesh inherited it from his godmother Margo, whoshowed him great kindness. Ramesh moved to the UK to study fromUganda as a young man, leaving his family behind. It was noteasy for him but he was warmly welcomed by his new friendRoger's family and in particular Roger's mother Margo. Shealways championed him, encouraging him to become a doctor.Knowing that Ramesh admired the book Margo left it to him inher will. However, the book is now very frail – the spinehas disintegrated, the gold title faded and the pages are tornand frayed. Chris relishes every moment of this repair andfeels privileged to work on such an important item.Lastly,Harriet from Scarborough has an appointment with master hatterJayesh Vaghela. She's brought her grandfather's railway capthat looks like it's run out of steam. Her grandfather, Eric,dedicated his entire career to the railways, starting as anapprentice and latterly as a station master. In retirement hevolunteered on the steam engine trains on the North YorkshireMoors Railway. She and her sister would visit him there aschildren and if they were good, they were allowed to blow thesignal whistle! This cap epitomises Eric and she'd love to haveit preserved, along with his memory.
  24. until
    Tonight's results show opens with a routine from our Strictlyprofessionals that tells the cautionary tale of Icarus, andthere's a music performance by the outstanding Rina Sawayama.The two couples with the lowest combined judges score andviewer vote will have to face each other in the dance-off. Onlyone couple will return to dance again. Who will the judgestrick and treat this Halloween?
  25. until
    It's the Strictly Come Dancing Halloween special! Our remainingcouples perform fierce and fun routines for all the family toenjoy. Our leaderboard has been hauntingly different everyweek, and no-one is safe in the competition. Who will make thetop spot tonight?
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