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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The Problem with Jon Stewart 2x1 - Episode 1
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    Central Park 3x7 - Slumber-Dog-Molly-An-Aire
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    The Lord of the Rings 1x7 - Episode 7
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    American Gigolo 1x5 - The Escape Wheel
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    VICE News Tonight 7x56 - October 6, 2022
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    After a fall from grace, fiercely talented and award-winninginvestigative journalist Eileen Fitzgerald leaves herhigh-profile New York life behind to join a daily metronewspaper in Anchorage. Her journey to find both personal andprofessional redemption begins.
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    Laura and Chrissy's disagreement over a dirty dish spirals intoall out mother-daughter war.
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    Stabler, Bell and the task force scramble to track down amurderer before he takes desperate action; Jamie blameshimself when a mistake leads to further tragedy; Jet makes acrucial discovery that could save a child's life.
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    One time I was gonna be an extra on this TV show but then theystarted asking me about Social Security numbers and taxes andbeing up there at 5am. I know y'all ain't doing that withTaraji.
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    As Halloween descends on Sin City, the CSIs investigate when acreepy mannequin prop inside a popular haunted house turns outto be a real dead body. Also, Catherine enlists the help ofFolsom to search for her friend who disappeared.
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    It's time for Sheila to renew her driver's license, but sherefuses to go take the test and Kat tries to figure out why.Meanwhile, Phil urges the group to try his mama's moonshinedespite their skepticism, and Max finally sells a song to beused in a national commercial, but it ends up becoming a bigjoke online.
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    In the late 1800s, Abby Walker, an affluent and tough-mindedBostonian, embarks on a journey out west with her husbandLiam, when her husband is murdered before her eyes. Aftercrossing paths with Calian, a curious Apache tracker, Abbyarrives in the town of Independence, Texas, where sheencounters diverse and eclectic residents running from theirpasts, chasing their dreams, and keeping their own secrets,including Kate Carver, an idiosyncratic burlesque dancer withperhaps too keen an interest in Abby's origins, and Kai, asoulful Chinese immigrant who runs a local restaurant/laundryand offers Abby friendship without agenda. Abby also literallyruns into Hoyt Rawlins, a slippery rogue, thief and conartist with a dented heart of gold who quickly eyes Abby as amark, until she turns the tables on him. In seeking justicefor her husband, Abby encounters Independence's noble deputysheriff, Augustus, and his new boss, Sheriff Tom Davidson,who she has reason to believe is a very bad man indeed. Abbyand Hoyt soon find themselves precariously aligned, bothseeking to uncover the truth about the identity of Abby'shusband's killer, and vow to save Independence – a frontierboomtown where nothing is what it seems.
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    Benson tries to help a pop star in a volatile relationship:Rollins struggles with taking the stress of work home withher; Fin teaches a rookie a lesson in respecting fellowofficers.
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    After a long six months, Grey Sloan Memorial has reinstatedits residency program. A group of talented and striving younginterns has been recruited as the attending surgeons work torebuild the program to its former glory. Meredith, stillfunctioning as the interim chief, sees Nick for the first timesince she rejected his offer to move to Minnesota. Meanwhile,Bailey tells Richard she is not ready to return to work; Leviworks up the courage to break disappointing news to Jo, andthings turn awkward when Link realizes he has met one of theinterns already. With Amelia and Maggie's help, the newdoctors are thrown into their first day on the job dealing withinjuries from a recent tornado.
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    60 Days In 7x8 - Who Runs the Pod?
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    Margaret and Todd work two seemingly unrelated cases, only todiscover a key piece of information in the details of Todd'shumorously boring civil case could help Margaret's high-profileclient.
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    Sam decides to host a podcast exploring the mystery surroundingAlberta's death. Also, Hetty develops an unusual relationshipwith a broken washing machine.
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    When a fashion designer is killed on the night of his boutiqueopening, Cosgrove and Shaw must track down a suspect with verylittle evidence and no witnesses; Maroun is shocked to findher own name on the defense's witness list.
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    Picking up where we left off in season 2, it's graduation dayand the Walker family is turning a corner into a seeminglyhopeful future that is until Cordell goes missing, and hismysterious captors are trying to break him down physically andmentally. Meanwhile, Captain James, Cassie and the rest ofthe Rangers have all hands on deck to bring Cordell home safelybut Stella has ideas of her own on how she can help.
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    Sheldon and Missy try to help the family's finances. Also,Mary struggles to find her footing without the church.
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    Both teams are put to the test as each contestant is challengedto make their best chicken wings. Then, the teams take ontheir first dinner service of the season.
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    The Station 19 crew jumps into action as a violent tornado ripsthrough Seattle. Amidst the chaos, the team makes a shockingdiscovery buried under a tree, and Travis' first responderinstincts kick into high gear at a political event.  .
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    With one match left to play in the regular season, Wrexham hasa chance to win the league and promotion.
  24. until
    Married at First Sight 15x14 - No Hug For You
  25. until
    Never Mind the Buzzcocks 2x4 - Rosie Jones, Shaggy, Example
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