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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    New-mother Mandy returns to Sig's wheelhouse but as heavy icebuilds on the Northwestern, she reckons with the risks thefamily is taking. Jake unveils a new super pot to stake hisclaim in the unforgiving cod derby as winter weather blindsidesthe fleet.
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    Coming Soon...
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    The team pitches their concept to Quimera's record label.Lázaro's TV debut ruffles some feathers.
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    Season finale. Josh attempts to make his first dance magicaland meaningful. At home, his parents revisit a video of theirfirst dance.
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    Héctor makes a proposal to Lázaro, who decides to try out anew lifestyle. Salva's girlfriend Mia has doubts about theirplan.
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    During a day of play, Josh has a hard time compromising withclassmates when they realize he could offer them a competitiveedge.
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    Lázaro starts making the most of his resemblance to Quimeraand crashes a party at the beach.
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    The Twelve 1x8 - Episode 8
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    New Japan Pro Wrestling 255x75 - G1 Climax 34 Day 16
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    A blackout throws the city into chaos. As the trio races tosave a loved one from the killer, other Arconia residentsbegin to explore unexpected connections in the midst ofdarkness -- all enhanced by Gut Milk and a yodel or two.
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    Below Deck Mediterranean 7x6 - Episode 6
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    Time to start the mower and whack those weeds as Modern Marvelscuts into the 100 billion dollar a year yard tech industry.From the latest mowers to a sprinkler system that checks theweather for you, we'll check out hi-tech gadgets and gizmospromising to keep your patch of grass beautiful and green.
  13. until
    Think you have seen some crazy inventions? Think again! Fromaerobatic boats to battle-ready robots to homemade firetornados, join us as Modern Marvels travels the country touncover the most mind-blowing creations ever developed.
  14. until
    Better Call Saul 6x12 - Waterworks
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    Running Wild with Bear Grylls 7x3 - Ashton Kutcher in theCoastal Jungles of Costa Rica
  16. until
    Michael Symon makes his way to the Garden State to see morethan 40 teams compete over two days at the New Jersey Knoq-Outin Blairstown. A rookie competes against her mentors, and theteams find out if double the days leads to double the trophies.
  17. until
    Murphy and Max have a long overdue conversation. Darnell'sparanoia turns into fear when everything starts crumbling.
  18. until
    Get ready for a royal flush as Modern Marvels looks at thelatest and greatest in bathroom technology. From the ultimatecomputerized shower experience to toilets that cleanthemselves, getting dirty has never been so much fun. It'severything you ever wanted to know about how the bathroomevolved into one of the most beloved, and expensive, rooms inthe house.
  19. until
    After being exposed to her own "alien-power mist," Liz findsherself trapped in a fever dream and a battle to save not justher own life but Max's life as well. Meanwhile, Michaelstumbles on a secret Rosa is keeping involving a surprisingformer adversary.
  20. until
    The Bachelorette 19x5 - Episode 5
  21. until
    WWE Monday Night RAW 29x32 - #1524 - Rocket Mortgage Fieldhousein Cleveland, OH
  22. until
    New Japan Pro Wrestling 255x74 - G1 Climax 34 Day 15
  23. until
    Mike and Jersey visit a flea market junkie in Louisiana whileRobbie and Danielle scour a jam-packed Arizona property wherenearly everything is for sale.
  24. until
    New Japan Pro Wrestling 255x73 - G1 Climax 34 Day 14
  25. until
    New Japan Pro Wrestling 255x72 - G1 Climax 34 Day 13
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